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![Meiko Kutscher: 08/08/05](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Meiko Kutscher | Hi , I bräuchte time something Help of you ..... and of course would like I with (x)Profan under winxppro on one Joypad to usb grab , accurate said The Rumble functions on , goes so what and if so How ?
Vielen Thanks Meiko coachman meiko.coachman@gmx.de |
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![iF: 08/08/05](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | now - the xprofaneigenen Joystick(Pad)-function ( joy ) is it in the Grunde alike whether it itself hierbei circa a USB,- or MIDI-Joystick deals - if it therefore goes The Achswerte auszulesen.
but about Vibra see I so correctly. neither through.
helps the? [...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif)
salvo. |
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![Meiko Kutscher: 08/08/05](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Meiko Kutscher | tja with the the inquire is already integrally ok , only Search I after a possibility The Vibration auszulösen circa in a game The effects bring into action to .....
Mfg Meiko |
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![iF: 08/08/05](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | there must others ran - hierbei can I not help - warscheinlich ists NEN DirectX feature - or NEN DirectGame feature - or who can tell what it there yet everything gives. I mean there's too such a thing How DXInput - or so similar. ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498574.gif)
Mist - I würd you really gladly help...
Warscheinlich helps you the DirectX - SDK of M$.
salvo. ![](.././../../i/s/confused.gif) |
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![iF: 08/08/05](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | |
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![Jörg Sellmeyer: 08/08/05](.././../../i/a/8132362004294faafc5e8c.jpg) Jörg Sellmeyer | |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... ![](https://www.wuestensand.info/images/CoverFataMorganaklein.jpg) | 08/08/05 ▲ |
![Frank Abbing: 08/08/05](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | Hi,
my ProSpeed.dll bid some Joystick-functions:
FindJoystick CountJoystickButtons JoystickX JoystickY JoystickZ JoystickR JoystickU JoystickV JoystickButton
I had never The Possibility, any 6 Achsen one Joysticks auszuprobieren or The any 32 (!) button. Perhaps activate something of it the Rumble. must You test times, somewhere is in the ProSpeed-pkg too one Joystick-Testcode thereby. |
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![Meiko Kutscher: 08/10/05](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Meiko Kutscher | Tja inquire can I with the prospeed.dll everything of joystick only with the rumble works nothing . Vielen Thanks on The aide
Irgendwer yet ne idea ?
Mfg Meiko |
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![Frank Abbing: 08/10/05](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | Hi,
sorry, was Yes a attempt worth. I can through the API no Solution discern. sees so from, as müßtest You DirectX using... |
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![Michael Wodrich: 08/11/05](.././../../i/a/8.gif) Michael Wodrich | others driver install and then this Tipp ??? [...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif)
they say incidentally on several to put Internet: If tappt im dunkeln The Rumble-function benefit want, then must tappt im dunkeln The beiliegende software install.
means a good Rumble-Joypad sought, The driver from the Herstellerseite loaded and obigen ploy benefit... ...everything without Gewähr
Best wishes Michael Wodrich
Such still simply time to Rumble Programming or Rumble proggen. I can not present, that there not already in ever one Forum drüber discusses watts... |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 08/11/05 ▲ |
![Meiko Kutscher: 08/11/05](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Meiko Kutscher | tja with direct x could weg only where wars I a dll The directinput of direct x can , to long googeln be I only on a homepage of Marcel Pursche bumped , the has a almost-x and a fastinput.dll geschreiben , conductor can from the homepage The datein not wander and the angegebene e-mail address is neither More validly .......
mfg meiko |
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![Frank Abbing: 08/11/05](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | Hi,
The Dll is on your disk, if You DX installs have. the 3D-Dll-Project of Marcel Pursche (ehemaliger Profaner) is of my know never complete been. it has time a Trial given, there funktionierte but almost yet nothing. and DirectInput watts there also not supported. |
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