
Laufzeitbegrenzung very simple and uncertain :)


Hello first.

OK, me was straight tedious and there's me new (?) Possibility invaded, How one for care can, the one Program not termless weitergenutzt go can.
IF @Val(@GetfDate$(@Par$(0))) < @Val(@Date$(3))-7

    Messagebox("Testzeitraum abgelaufen","Testzeitraum abgelaufen",0)


OK, means of these code runs the program a week long to the compilieren and then is schluß.
Well as long as To someone on the date the File rumpfuscht

Ich lerne, ob ich will oder nicht!
- Ubuntu 15.x
- Windows (diverse)
XProfan Version: X2

same time ne question hinterherschieben

says time How would your soetwas solve?

i'd Yes z.b. gladly into exe the date the first starts the Program reinschreiben,
have but sincere said no idea How I the can make without the program To destroy. has there someone Perhaps an example for me?

Ich lerne, ob ich will oder nicht!
- Ubuntu 15.x
- Windows (diverse)
XProfan Version: X2

1. The Exe seek insich a of you designed Hexcode

If this hexcode not exe:
1. itself self copy
2. on copy hexcode + date append (kodiert for may part)
3. exekopie AUSFÜHREN
4. Program terminate
5. exekopie acknowledging their names the tappt im dunkeln copy is and copies itself over The originalexe
6. exekopie launch originalexe
7. exekopie exits itself

if hexcode in exe:
1. if exekopie present exekopie delete
2. date from itself self read and Verify
3. weiterbummeln

The principle functions correct if one too hereon aufpasst the:

a) The here named Löschoperationen neither failure because the itself same beendende Exe vlt. yet short runs.
b) schreibrecht on the Datenträge exists

code: not lieferbar there jedesmal To individually ,ca. 50 Lines (would time as Unit interestingly around the eigendlichen Programmcode not To verunschönern)

PS: If you already ne Datumsüberprüfung make, nimm not the System-Date separate nimm one date from the internet. Hierfür can You you a small PHP write which z.B. something like outputs: [...] 


the functions but only same month..... (T.Rümkers Variante)

[quote:1c24e7675f=iF]PS: If you already ne Datumsüberprüfung make, nimm not the System-Date separate nimm one date from the internet. Hierfür can You you a small PHP write which z.B. something like outputs: [...]  salvo.[/quote:1c24e7675f]
code idea: in the first are not any users always Online and the most programs should Yes uch in the Offline-pursued functions. and secondly is it utterly unschön, if einm Program itself without demand at ANwender with the internet joins. Ruckzuck standing it in the review then on of/ one level with Spionageprogrammen and dangerous viruses. One Program what quasi behind my Back items on or with my PC power, disappears ruck-zuck in the Tonne!

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

Hm i think here's a little bit review necessary.

Weder hinterm Back yet ungefragt, my Posting relating itself on a sicherere Laufzeitbeschränkung as over Date$ .

the each Variante your detriments mitsich bring means but not same the it itself circa a code idea deals, as long as the object efficient erfüllt becomes.

[quote:469c20436b]most programs should Yes uch in the Offline-pursued functions[/quote:469c20436b]
The purchased and paid Full Version sure - but on a Trial with Datumsbeschränkung meets this nowadys not any more To! there's ultimately not umsonst very erfolgreiche software which of course local installs, but only Online carryed out go can. particularly too The Spielebranche bedient itself since meheren years this engineering which objectively moreover lead the More customers numbers - But less nichtzahlende player gives. i think here z.B. on OGL-Games which Levels dank Multiplayer first Live loading.

[quote:469c20436b]Ruckzuck standing it in the review then on of/ one level with Spionageprogrammen and dangerous viruses.[/quote:469c20436b]
i want here something dämpfen, because objectively is the not any more so. before someone objectively (z.B. a journal or one publisher) such a statement aufstellt becomes very very hingesehen - one would like itself ultimately not ridiculous make and a Spionagewarnung publish if solely The Time abgerufen becomes. such items go - if at all - then very very under The Lupe taken!

[quote:469c20436b]One Program what quasi behind my Back items on or with my PC power, disappears ruck-zuck in the Tonne![/quote:469c20436b]
I dislike the always of hinterm Back talked becomes. of it was still never The speech. it's about a zeitraumbeschränkte Trial which (z.B. a PreScreen) suitable Info spend becomes - as it imho too normal is.

my Fazit about: as long as no ehrenrühriger object chasing becomes, can The available engineering and the so connected Opportunities ausgeschöpft go! and only because it Spytools and viruses gives means this not the one the Medium internet not for z.B. o.g. tack benefit ought to - particularly if it itself integrally inspired for anbietet.

by me reports itself since the Firewall, where I then with shareware of unidentified Authors same Blocke and lösche, Test is for me uninteressant become. i think, so make it many others too, The then as customers not any more accessible are. mandatory one Programmautor but yourself decide, what importent for it is, for me as users is it decided

[quote:f5d54650ca=TS-Soft]by me reports itself since the Firewall, where I then with shareware of unidentified Authors same Blocke and lösche, Test is for me uninteressant become. i think, so make it many others too, The then as customers not any more accessible are. mandatory one Programmautor but yourself decide, what importent for it is, for me as users is it decided [/quote:f5d54650ca]
You count but not as the typische users Thomas - your Statement could as minimization to Anfängern gewertet go.

the Szenario is still

a) one vertrauenswürdiger suppliers (Programmer) gives to that buy its Full Version and a laufzeitbeschränktes demonstration to that Download which without make-up on it hinweist the it now The Laufzeit over the internet abprüfen becomes. for many such Demodownloads must one itself nowadys Yes even Register!

b) one typischer User with Kaufabsicht in a product what it for as valuable einstuft.


Renommierte Programmer make something like not. If someone something like power, shows this only its Programmierschwäche on (gives better Solutions). Spieleprogrammierer make something like neither, separate The Vertreiber building something like one, there tappt im dunkeln your customers so to weigh up, How You it do.

who itself on it einläßt is too yourself guilt and backing something like too yet

neither The swell manner but I think, that it many so make:

I write a Unix Timestamp somewhere into Untiefen the Registry and ziehe it at next Start of actually Timestamp ex. now have I The difference in sec, shared through 86400 are it days.
30 - tage& are then The verbleibenden days the Testzeit.
now check I, whether the worth larger 30 is means someone manipulating has or whether it small 0 is, speak The Time run down is.
The worth remaining naturally too to Deinstallation consist, would otherwise simply To bypass. at that Start must to whom Reading examined go, whether the Key present is, if not becomes it first prepares.

to that Topic zumüllen the Registry: slower becomes therefore nothing, as long as one no Menüerweiterungen or so prepares, its Yes a data base The through Size not slower becomes. In this case are it too no 20 byte.

The now() function stammt from the Wettbewerbsbeitrag 2006 of Clemens Date and Uhrzeit to charge
Def RegOpenKeyEx(5) !"ADVAPI32","RegOpenKeyExA"

PROC DaysLeft

    declare key$,handle#, datum&
    key$ = ".lol" erfundener dateityp
    dim Handle#,4

    if (RegOpenKeyEx($80000000,Addr(key$),0,1,Handle#)=0)  Registryschlüssel nicht vorhanden

        datum& = val(ReadIni$( "HKEY_0", key$,""))


        WRITEINI  "HKEY_0",key$,""= str$(now())
        datum& = now()


    dispose handle#
    return int(30-(now()-datum&)86400)


print str$(DaysLeft()) + "

so, now must so did i once more what say.
I want Yes not same Grundsatzdiskussion trigger

there writes one time one Codesnipsel, the one falls in if one Langeweile has,

means: myself use Laufzeitbegrenzungen in the usual senses none. separate beschränke simply The Possibility updates to obtain.
this is relatively simply, I no einziges Program have, that I really as ready bezeichnen would. this is of course not too sure, but since I a) fundamentally whom people credit and b) sooner Special programs for Eigenbedarf (or. for employment in of my firm) write, reicht it me but.

Ich lerne, ob ich will oder nicht!
- Ubuntu 15.x
- Windows (diverse)
XProfan Version: X2

[quote:38318b2941=TS-Soft]Renommierte Programmer make something like not. If someone something like power, shows this only its Programmierschwäche on (gives better Solutions). [/quote:38318b2941]
You redest here Perhaps of a whole Industriezweig which itself u.A. so engage How one Lizenzen vergibt. the rechtfertigt no Programmierschwäche.

One simple example from the life: I denk time eachone becomes already a WindowsKopie over internet Lizensiert having. I have not yet erlebt the one Windowskäufer itself over this take action beschwert has - integrally in the contrary - it bekundet gladly the it seins is - it hats indeed payd. naturally bear Nichtkäufer against very plenty often that this one möglicher Verstoß yours *Irgendwas* darstellt.

[quote:38318b2941]who itself on it einläßt is too yourself guilt and backing something like too yet[/quote:38318b2941]
Well the sound a little bit to Verurteilung especially since the set self universally valid is.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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