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 Bongbaer | Hello first time.
I have the trouble, that I one @createedit on 4 characters limit wants. Sobalt More association becomes, to the Cursor stand stay.
I using Profan 5.
Übrigens, these Forum has me often weitergebracht. there's here partly very good Programmer.  |
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 Michael Dell | |
| Salu Michael...
Hab zwar krumme Fieß awer dofir e' ecklich Gsicht! | 10/14/04 ▲ |
 Bongbaer | Vielen much obliged...without you had I yet site try must  |
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 Bongbaer | I have there another Probelem.
How can I a @createtext rechtsbündig report. Since I Provan 5.0 use Have I the commands control not yet. but the must Yes withal the weg. |
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 Michael Dell | Hello, here example with a Control-substitute:  CompileMarkSeparation**** CreateText - Ersatz ****
Def ControlEx(12) !"USER32","CreateWindowExA" Control - Ersatz (API)
Declare cArt#,cTitle#
Dim cArt#,7
Dim cTitle#,255
Proc wm_CreateText
Parameters wHndl&,Title$,x&,y&,cx&,cy&,Align%
Declare Stil&,cHndl&
String cArt#,0 = @Add$("Static",@Chr$(0))
String cTitle#,0 = @Add$(Title$,@Chr$(0))
If @Equ(Align%,2)
Let Stil& = $50020002 Rechts
ElseIf @Equ(Align%,1)
Let Stil& = $50020001 Zentriert
ElseIf @Equ(Align%,0)
Let Stil& = $50020000 Links
Return 0
Let cHndl& = ControlEx(0,cArt#,cTitle#,Stil&,x&,y&,cx&,cy&,wHndl&,0,%hinstance,0)
Return cHndl&
Declare txt01&,txt02&,txt03&
wm_CreateText %HWnd,"Textfeld_01",20,20,200,20,0 Links
Let txt01& = @&(0) hole Textfeld Handle
wm_CreateText %HWnd,"Textfeld_02",20,50,200,20,1 Zentriert
Let txt02& = @&(0) hole Textfeld Handle
wm_CreateText %HWnd,"Textfeld_03",20,80,200,20,2 Rechts
Let txt03& = @&(0) hole Textfeld Handle
Dispose cArt#
Dispose cTitle#
To because... |
| Salu Michael...
Hab zwar krumme Fieß awer dofir e' ecklich Gsicht! | 10/17/04 ▲ |