Forum | | | | Cyberangle | Hi,
I have with the List view.DLL Kassenverwaltung realized. the functions right well. I have only one kl. Problem;
In of/ one Groupbox have I 3 Radiobutton abstracted, lay in now one other arbitrary Progammfenster over the Kassenfenster so has to the Schliesung the beliebigen Progammfensters The Hintergundfarbe (only in the Goupbox ) on The Backgroundcolor the before opened belieben Progammfensters changed.. the happens but only, if I on the Progammanfang to the öffen the Listrviews InitMessages(hwnd%) aufrufe. If I The row auskommentiere exit the Error not.
can me the someone explain??? |
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| | Frank Abbing | moreover müsstest You already one small lauffähiges example show. so from the remoteness can itself otherwise nothing say. |
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| | Cyberangle | Sorry,
there had so did i self on it come must. enclosed one Piece the Hauptschleife: CompileMarkSeparationDeclare bereich#,listview&,lv2&,lvdll&,text$,bytes&,speicher&,y&,z&
Declare schleife%,nrdll&,nred1&,nred2&,nred3&,nred4&,delline& Var Listview, Ndll u. Schleife
Declare datu&,kont&,numm&,vorg&,einz&,ausz&,grupp&,usttext2&,usttext3&,usttext4&Var. für edits
Declare radi1&,radi2&,radi3&,zugang!,abgang!,zeile&,butt1&,butt2&
Declare ust0!,ust1!,ust2!,lastfocus&,Datum$,konto%,nummer%,vorgang$,ab$,eb$
Declare ust!,ustcheck!,ende%, zug2&,abg2&,ustges&,ab2&,eb2&,gesamt!
Declare t$,n$,anz% Var für messagebox
Def GetSysColor(1) !USER32,GetSysColor
Def @GetKeyState(1) !User32,GetAsyncKeyState
Def NumbMessages(2) !NEdit.dll,InitMessages Nummerisches Zahlenfeld
SetTrueColor 1
Decimals 2
Windowstyle 26+512
Windowtitle Kassenverwaltung Programm
Window 0,0-%maxX,%maxY
Cls GetSysColor(15)
alle Listviews öffenen und die Vorgangsdaten ins 2. LV übernehmen
IColumn(lv2&,Vorgang wählen,100,0)
listview&=CreateListView(%hwnd,%hinstance,Rgb(0,0,0),Rgb(255,255,255),-1,$31) Leeres Listview
IColumn(listview&,Datum,100,2) Spalten erstellen
AutoSortListview listview&,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0
Menue erstellen
PopUp &Datei
Appendmenu 201,Datei &öffnen
Appendmenu 202,Datei &schließen
AppendMenu 203,&Neuer Monat
AppendMenu 204,&Beenden
PopUp &Tools
AppendMenu 401,&Anfangsbestand eingeben
Appendmenu 402,&Monatsabschluß
PopUp &Hilfe
Appendmenu 601,&info
Appendmenu 602,&Optionen
ust0!=0 UST mit 0 Prozent
Create(Text,%hwnd,Spaltensummen :,210,562,120,24)
Create(Text,%hwnd,Endbestand :,210,592,120,29)
zug2&=Create(edit,%hwnd,xxxx,370,562,62,24) Summenreihe unter dem LV
datu& = Create(DateEdit,%hwnd,,10,125,80,24) edits erzeugen
ControlEdit sind Zahlenfelder rechtsbündig
usttext2& = Create(Text,%hwnd, +Str$(ust0!),515,30,32,36) Text in ust-Box
usttext3& = Create(Text,%hwnd, +Str$(ust1!),515,66,32,36)
usttext4& = Create(Text,%hwnd,Str$(ust2!),515,116,32,36)
radi1& =Create(RadioButton,%hwnd,%,580,40,32,35)
radi2& =Create(RadioButton,%hwnd,%,580,78,32,35)
radi3& =Create(RadioButton,%hwnd,%,580,110,32,35)
grupp&= Create(GroupBox,%hwnd,UST.,500,15,150,139) Ust Box erzeugen
Clear ende%
While ende% < 1
If MenuItem (204) Menueaufruf >Datei - beenden<
inc ende%
inc schleife%
If MenuItem (201) Menueaufruf >Datei - Datei Öfnnen<
EnableMenu 401,1 menu Anfagsbestand deaktivieren
If MenuItem (401) Menueaufruf >Tools - Anfangbestand eingeben<
datum$ = date$(1)
ab$ = Input$(Bitte geben Sie den Anfangsbestand ein: ,Bestands-Eingabe,ab$)
datum$ = Input$(Bitte geben Sie das Datum ein: ,Datums-Eingabe,date$(0))
EnableMenu 401,1 menu Anfagsbestand deaktivieren
@ShowWindow(butt1&,1) Buttons sichtbar
DestroyWindow(nred1&) nummerisches Feld zerstören
EraseListview(listview&) Listviewstrukturen entfernen
DestroyWindow(listview&) Profan Befehl, um Fensterobjekte zu zerstören
CloseMessages(%hwnd) Subclassing des Parentfensters Remove
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| | Frank Abbing | Hello Michael,
I can this Farbwechsel by me not confirm. under XP-Home shining me everything normal To his. which Betriebssystem using thou?
I know neither, Why The Radiobuttons and the Groupbox what with the Listviews concern could, komische thing. time see, which Experience The others made having... |
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| | Cyberangle | I have Windows XP with all Servicepacks. If I the cash registers-Program aufrufe have so did i one integrally normales graues Program-Window with the both Listviews and the Groupbox. Minimiere I now the Program-Window with the minimize Button so that The Fensterbezeichnung only still in the Taskbar Windows lying what about me only yet the Profellowfenster see, from the ichdas Kassenprog. and kicke then in the Taskleisteauf whom Kassenprg-Button around the Program-Window again to open, dan is correct the Hintergund inside the Groupbox not any more. Kommentiere I now The row CompileMarkSeparation from and wiederhole The minimierung the Program-Window so exit the Error not any more on. |
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| | Jörg Sellmeyer | by me is ditto everything normal. No wrong dargestellte Groupbox. I had ähnliches too time but only Context with Prfellow. unfortunately white I do not More, whether I it somehow solve could. exit the because too, if you the program the Explorer out aufrufst. Perhaps Done itself Yes so already the whole. building still time one RePaint one, if the program again maximiert becomes. PrFellow created some Controls on Own Nature and there it (unfortunately, unfortunately) already since years not any more weiterentwickelt becomes, holds it naturally weder with the Profan- yet with the Windoesentwicklung step. I Have me too schweren Herzens separated but the new XProfEd is really well with the Opportunities, The The Codefaltungen afford. and for create the Fensters there Yes ROC, the in the meantime already from whom Kinderschuhen out is. Greeting Jörg |
| | | Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 03/18/07 ▲ |
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| | Cyberangle | Hello Jörg,
I have whom Programmtest now nacheinander into Profan-Pad and whom RGH ProfanED loaded and F7 carryed out. with both exit the same Error on. once I the program minimiere and again vergrößere ( See JPG-Image moreover supra). The new XPrfED runs still not under XPorfan 8. Ausserden exit the Error indeed on, if I einbeliebiges fremdes Progamm (z.B. Freecell) over my Progamm lay and then again schließe |
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| | Jörg Sellmeyer | What is because, if you InitMessages to the create of Listviews aufrufst? |
| | | Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 03/18/07 ▲ |
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| | Frank Abbing | InitMessages() launch the Subclassing the Parentfensters, means the Fensters, in the The Listviews angesiedelt go. thereby is it alike, when it called becomes, only the Parentfenster (meisstens well %HWND) must present his. Listviews can thoroughly too later prepares go. Have in the Subclassing-Source again nachgesehen. Nirgendwo use I API, which Einfluss tape The graphic of %HDC or %HWND. GDI32 becomes none uses. I suspect whom Error somewhere as Fehlfunktion your Systems, Perhaps too one fremdes Program. Starte your code time, after You any active programs exits have. |
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| | | Evtl. a problem the Grafikkartentreibers? Since there it some strange things... |
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| | Michael Wodrich | Yes, suspect so did i.
a) The Farbauflösung isn't 32 separate 16-bit. this is a Possibility for small Grafikfehler.
b) The Grafiktreiber ought to on the latest stood brought go.
I had such Problems too, are with a new driver any disappeared.
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| | | Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 03/18/07 ▲ |
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