
List view.dll 1.3 Update

Hello together,

The List view.dll is now in Version 1.3 available.

The List view.dll is a Dll, around the Use with Microsofts SysListview32-Controls, the are mehrspaltige tables, To erleichern and To strain.
so can tappt im dunkeln z.B. with Leichtigkeit a automatic Sorting all Lines achieve, based on whom Values eachone individual slot. On Knopfdruck can the List view sortiert go, on- or absteigend, to numbers or to letters.
it can Icons (small Images) be installed, or not, Trennstriche are wählbar, free Farbwahl of Text and background etc.
whole Files (.csv or .dbf) can in a Slip quick into List view be read, and again export go.
Check boxes let whom users certain lines Mark. Editfields care for one anwenderfreundliches edit..
Dateiordner-Structures can blitzschnell invite and/or as Save file.
Hintergrundsbilder or verschiedenfarbige Listviews use - everything no trouble.
and ditto important: an umfangreiche Druckfunktion is too present...
Programmer, The in her Programs tables or a tabellenartige display need, find with the
List view.dll a speedy unf konfortable method, these To release.
program in Assembler, with Profan and PureBasic Examples...

this is new in Version 1.3:
- GetColumnUpdate(), reads Order, wide and Formatierung all Split from. again setzbar with SetColumnUpdate()
- SetColumnUpdate(), setting Order, wide and Formatierung all Split one Listviews, the through GetColumnUpdate() read watts
- RaiseColumns(), setting another Font- and Hintergrundsfarbe for a or several Split one Listviews. power Listviews clear.
- MixRGBs(), mix two Farbwerte to a.
- SetBackImage(), verpaßt one List view a Hintergrunds-graphic.
- PrintListview(), yielding List view aufs paper, optional too with Grids, Icons and Check boxes !
- AreCheckboxenPresent(), determined, whether a List view with check boxes operates.
- AreIconsPresent(), determined, whether a List view with icons operates.
- EraseListview(), removes any List view-Structures one Listviews inside the Dll.
- GetControlParas(), determined, whether and where one Click on one Item by right Mouse button or linkem Double click stattgefunden has
- GetOwnControlParas(), determined The data one Items, with them slight Own Controls on passender place in the list view created go can.
- SetStyle(), setting a List view-Style, the with the Creation nachfolgender Listviews übernommen becomes.
- small Bug in FilelistToCsv() fixed, the in Hauptordnern always a File, or. a Ordner verschluckte.
- New Flag for FilelistToCsv() installed (Flag $400 = Versteckte Files (Hidden Flag) shouldn't showing)
- bow fixed in ListviewToCsv(), the with clear Itemfeldern a Error trigger could
- a new PureBasic-Source (plus Exe) of Heinz Brill enclosed, News directory read and print

here can The List view.dll (1 MB) runtergeladen go:


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Normann Strübli04/09/20
Michael W.07/03/16


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