
LoadFile seems a Life of its own to develop ...



i'm again time almost on the Verzweifeln, what XProfan 10 concerns:

today during the Programmierkurses have I random fixes, that no einziger of my LoadFile$-dialogs under windows 98 More DLL-Files indicating - not only on one only PC, separate on all Rechnern! from Zeitgründen be I however not any more To further Tests come.

Komischer GEHTS Yes soon none More - I thought, me enters horse.
tmp$ = LoadFile$("Datei öffnen:","XProfan-Quellcodes|*.PRF;*.INC;*.PH|Alle Dateien|*.*")

any further Loadfile-dialogs are to the equal pattern knitted.

with this simple row can still soon quite nothing wrong make, or?

by me To dwell XP runs correctly..

the Program functions already since of/ one small eternity reliably, and on this Codeteilen have I already since years nothing more changed. The only Besonderheit: I have it since ca. RC 5 always with the latest XProfan-10-Version compiliert. still naturally have so did i not each day any the -zig Programmfunktionen to that testing durchgeklickert, so that I do not white, since which RC-Version the evtl. already so is. Fakt is only, that the with XProfan 9.1 yet everything worked having.

can this strange behaviour evtl. someone confirm, the yet a Win-98-computer To dwell stand around has? yourself have I unfortunately none More, and our second PC-cabinet with 95it, 98it and 2000it Rechnern come I first again on the friday to that testing.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

[quote:1aabc0be38=Dietmar horn]can this strange behaviour evtl. someone confirm, the yet a Win-98-computer To dwell stand around has? yourself have I unfortunately none More, and our second PC-cabinet with 95it, 98it and 2000it Rechnern come I first again on the friday to that testing.[/quote:1aabc0be38]
I habs on my Testrechner (Win 98SE, Pentium II, 266 MHz, 192 MB RAM) tested and the DLLs go likewise How any others Files correctly displayed.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

Hello Dietmar...

self on The menace there, that you you a virus eingefangen have - can you me at times The address ah_ah_ah@web.de a EXE send? mandatory ex today again works and therefore the Weiterproggen of my Treibers something move (but circa a EXE To testing, have I yet Time)



One Another thought: is on the Rechnern Perhaps inadvertently what on whom Settings changed been? one can The display of DLLs and others systemwichtigen Files Yes over The properties the Explorers switch off. I faith, to the installation is the standardmäßig likewise activate, as Nichtanzeige known Dateiendungen (To them The Endung DLL too heard).

(BTW: What is with the others from you in another Threads named Poblemen with large Programs, The sometimes not started? If the yet consist, send me simply time one by Email To, with the the trouble appears.)
Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

Hello Dietmar...

I take too at times, there0 the a Einstellungssache is. Please gib nevertheless time feedback, whether you so helped is.




on whom Settings becomes it probably not lying. even if I XP the Show systemwichtiger Files ausschalte, go DLLs with LoadFile displayed (even Extension). what there in the cabinet on the PCs tuned was, can I from the remoteness as an afterthought not any more check.

i'll probably on the coming friday evening the complete Program, what it me here always went, as MMJ-Gemeinschaftsprojekt in the Wettbewerbsbereich available to put. because the in the Minimalversion however gezippt yet always ca. 80 MB are, might the first time only for DSL-User interestingly his. to friday works the so however not, because I To dwell no DSL available have.

If the then into named Points on your Rechnern tidy runs, then should me with the whom Bugs on our 95-/98it-Kabinettsrechnern alike his, because on my häuslichen PC XP functions it Yes correctly.. Anderenfalls bastele I the even first time again on 9.1. back, because too many 10-it things are yet anyhow not yet in the program include. for the time being I will it however first time with the latest 10it-Version compiliert hochschieben.

@Andreas: it deals itself hierbei around the EXE, The I you to some Time by Mail already time to that testing skillful having. still without whom remainder from the 80 MB is the EXE anyhow not run.

possible could I The Mini-Version yet for a couple MB abspecken, but modem-Usern might the nevertheless not very good help. whether 80, 60 or 40 MB - for these users would the still To big. my schoolboy can the Komplettversion (ca. 300 MB) always in the PC-cabinet on CD burn or on Stick copy, there there the Completed: the Speicherplatz not.

who not To friday Waiting would like, the can itself now already a ältere Version of ours Vereins-HP fetch: [...] 

still these Version has yet with others Programmfunktionen a couple smaller ones Macken (The however nothing with XProfan to do having). To friday hoping we, these abgestellt to have. On any Cases is the but already The Version, The on the monday in the cabinet with LoadFile rumgezickt has.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

Hello Dietmar!

under WinXP have you got three relevante Options:
protected Systemdateien Hide
Versteckte Files Hide
contents of Systemordnern Hide

but: No this Options concerns normal dlls How z.B. Profans Empty32.dll!

differently with Win98: If you there Versteckte and Systemdateien Hide activate, are among other things too any (!) dlls concerned, and of course in LoadFile-dialog of Profan!

These attitude would So one guter candidate for your trouble.



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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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