


Hello XProfan-fans
i'm new here and I me at times a small Test ventured. my Programmierkenntnisse are yet from whom 80'ern. and a little Basic.NET. but no herausragenden Kenntnisse.

to thing:
wished a Marquee program. so far works it too. still if I with...

oGL("Locate", -5.95 + 0.4 * cos(cnt1!) + cnt3! , 3.25 + 0.05 * cos(cnt2!) )

... whom Counter cnt3! herunterzähle and it with zero ankommt, erlischt The Marquee on the left Bildschirmrand. around the Text To behind whom left Bildschirmrand go through To let, bräuchte one well negatives values. the works somehow not.

has someone a idea, How I the Lauftext complete go through let can without the it on the Bildrand ausblendet??

would be for Help very grateful.

greeting from Castrop

tango (12.02.2017)
Hello XProfan-fans
i'm new here and I me at times a small Test ventured. my Programmierkenntnisse are yet from whom 80'ern. and a little Basic.NET. but no herausragenden Kenntnisse.

to thing:
wished a Marquee program. so far works it too. still if I with...

oGL("Locate", -5.95 + 0.4 * cos(cnt1!) + cnt3! , 3.25 + 0.05 * cos(cnt2!) )

... whom Counter cnt3! herunterzähle and it with zero ankommt, erlischt The Marquee on the left Bildschirmrand. around the Text To behind whom left Bildschirmrand go through To let, bräuchte one well negatives values. the works somehow not.

has someone a idea, How I the Lauftext complete go through let can without the it on the Bildrand ausblendet??

would be for Help very grateful.

greeting from Castrop

How now ?!? none NEN plan or none buck nem beginner To help???

Please lauffähiges example, from only of/ one row becomes well none so correctly. schlau
XProfan X3
Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...

E.T. (13.02.2017)
Please lauffähiges example, from only of/ one row becomes well none so correctly. schlau

Yes, the see I one, sorry.

what i want: a Lauftext the from the rechten Bildschirmrand comes and in the left disappears and itself naturally after a conscience Time repeatedly. of it two. once supra, The others under, only slower. How The C64/Amiga Demos from whom 80'er ebend ;)
(Between a Diashow with apiece two Images each ansprechend animiert as Kollage displayed.) but I create Yes not yet once dien LText

and the whole anhand the Lesson13 and/or Lesson14 from course 4.

More really not. therefore The single row supra, slight adjusted for L.13.

because so How I it made have disappears the LText once it on the left Bildrand ankommt.

tango (14.02.2017)
E.T. (13.02.2017)
Please lauffähiges example, from only of/ one row becomes well none so correctly. schlau

and the whole anhand the Lesson13 and/or Lesson14 from course 4.

More really not. therefore The single row supra, slight adjusted for L.13.

because so How I it made have

one can't expect, that the potential aide first once yourself investigate must what it really goes. I have only XProfan 11, but if I there into Help look, find I under courses too OGL. there then too a Lesson13 or. 14, The sure meant is - Please such a thing always same exakt with indicate, not everyone is straight with OGL.

but then moreover even too whom kompletten/auszugsweisen View source, moreover there at Verfassen the Beitrags supra right next to whom Smilies at Dreieck/arrow The Quelltextbox. otherwise can no Error search/find! sometimes is it only one unscheinbarer Error whom one self übersieht - goes me constantly so - normal!

Okay, have understood. means then here the View source:

The Changes have I with 'Neu eingefügt' documents. If one it now launch sees one, I my.

And so apropos have I with mp3 engage, what too very well functions. though would like I The mp3 loading and Play without Choose-Dialog. means without LoadFile$. Can the too differently make - means directly loading and then Play let? be first on WAV ausgewichen. But not so beautiful, because simply very big so a WAV.

with the occupancy this Information come I already circa some moreover and can much try.
' Program: lesson13
' for XProfan 9
declare font&, \' Base display List For The Font Set
cnt1!, \' 1st Counter Used To Move Text & For Coloring
cnt2!, \' 2nd Counter Used To Move Text & For Coloring
cnt3!' New eingefügt
cnt3! = -7
declare time&, frames%

proc DrawGLScene

    oGL("Origin", 0, 0, -2)' Move Into The Screen
    oGL("Color", cos(cnt1!), sin(cnt2!), 1 - 0.5 * cos(cnt1! + cnt2!), 1)
    cnt1! = cnt1! + 0.051' Increase The First Counter
    cnt2! = cnt2! + 0.005
    cnt3! = cnt3! + 0.007' New eingefügt
    ' Increase The 2nd Counter
    oGL("Locate", -5.95 - cnt3!, 0.32 * sin(cnt2!))' position The Text On The Screen ************ New eingefügt
    oGL("Print", font&, "Text in OpenGL with XProfan 9")' Print GL Text To The Screen


' Hauptprogramm
' -------------
declare end%, hfont&
oGL("Init", %hWnd, 0, 0, 0, 1)
hfont& = create("Font", "Arial", 32, 0, 0, 0, 0)
font& = oGL("BitmapFont", hfont&)
deleteobject hfont&
Ende% = 0
time&   = &GetTickCount
setTimer 10' max. 100 Frames /sek.

WhileNot end%


    If IsKey(27)

        end% = 1


    inc frames%

    if &GetTickCount - time& >= 1000' 1 second is 'rum

        setText %hWnd, st$(frames%) + " Frames / sek"
        time&   = &GetTickCount
        frames% = 0




i think, the in the 2D the Locate not so far in the negativen area positionieren can.
hereon has but sure Roland The detailed response.

have on The speedy but time Lekt. 14 something modifiziert, with 3D-Texten Gibts there no Problems, Move shift well until 800elfzigsten Monitor

I hope, the helps first something moreover, habs only at closing-time - zusammengetüdelt
' Program: lesson14
' for XProfan 10
declare font&, ruddy!, pos!
declare time&, frames%

proc DrawGLScene

    pos! = pos! - 0.05
    oGL("Origin", 0, 0, -12)
    '  oGL("Rotate", ruddy!, ruddy! * 0.1, ruddy! * 0.09)
    oGL("Color", cos(ruddy!/20), sin(ruddy!/25), 1 - 0.5*cos(ruddy!/17), 1)
    oGL("Move", pos!, 0, 0)
    oGL("Print", font&, "OpenGL with XProfan 9")
    ruddy! = ruddy! + 0.5
    locate 0,0
    print st$(pos!)


' Hauptprogramm
' -------------
declare end%, hfont&
oGL("Init", %hWnd, 0, 0, 0, 1)
hfont& = create("Font", "Courier New", 48, 0, 1, 0, 1)
font& = oGL("OutlineFont", hfont&, 0.3)
deleteobject hfont&
Ende% = 0
time&   = &GetTickCount
setTimer 25' max. 100 Frames /sek.

WhileNot end%


    If IsKey(27)

        end% = 1


    Case pos! < -18 : pos! = 7'Text again to right
    inc frames%

    if &GetTickCount - time& >= 1000' 1 second is 'rum

        setText %hWnd, st$(frames%) + " Frames / sek"
        time&   = &GetTickCount
        frames% = 0



Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...

... to the mp3-story :
(For this Please next time one separates Topic open, wegens the UnÜbersichtlichkeit ) 

Have here time one Bsp. from the XProfan-Help (15.5 - MP3- and MPG-Files) "verunstaltet", so the one a mp3-File simply on The .exe wander can and it'll "geplayert", or with Error or Prog-Start without File even the selection-dialog opened.

with whom Start-Parameters Help (cue "Parameter") mind, in the my Bsp. working the only with .exe .

should Yes but too only a Hilfestellung his, as weg can
Declare A$,B$
Window Title "Testprogramm MP3 / MPG"

If %ParCount

    A$ = Par$(1)
    print "Abspielen: \n" + A$


    print "Keine mp3-File transfer >>> File auswählen"
    A$=LoadFile $("MP3/MPG-DATEI","*.MP*")


While A$ <> ""

    A$ = "\q" + A$ + "\q"
    B$=$ MCISend(A $)
    Case %MCIError : Print "Error: ";B$
    B$=$ MCISend("PLAY MP")
    B$=$ MCISend("CLOSE MP")
    A$=LoadFile $("MP3/MPG-DATEI","*.MP*")


XProfan X3
Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...


Erstmal cordial Thanks for valuable Tipps.

have now time a little bit experimentiert and I "meinen Anfang" found

i'll me on the WE dran make and the first testing and a little with the Parameters play.

yet shining everything right very promising.

naturally I will, once something Vorzeigbares thereby out comes, whom code time post. be on Your opinion tensely and naturally too for Tipps and Verbesserungsvorschläge.

in this senses over again thanks on on you.


Lesson 14 resolve your Completed: the left edge! Probier time the example 14 with x-Origin = -3 !
XProfan 11
Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'...

so, I have jetz time something with my Tool gebastelt. Klappt too so far. Thanks the Tipps of you. now Gibts but again trouble I not solve can.
How do I get now one Normales JPG into 3D-world?

really even two or three Images at the same time. have there on Sprites virtual but the JPG as Textur fails on the stature, Size or dissolution. means no good idea.
the same counts too for small video Clips. The should if possible too eingeblendet go can.

with whom Images have it with "DrawPic presentment1&, 20, 20; 0" attempts. still the appear short and disappears. is too integrally clear, since the 3D-world this commands well again überdeckt.

with the Videos have I it first not at all attempts.

have my code appended.

who wisely there council?
Window Style 64 + 16'Window without welt and
Window %MaxX, %MaxY'Window on Desktopauflösung adjust
CLS 0'screen Black dye
Declare end%'Variable for Abbruchbedingung
Declare hfont&, font&'variables for Font1
Declare pos!, ruddy!'Positions- and RotationsVariablen
Ende% = 0'Startbedingung 0 - means no discontinue
pos!=12'position the Textes outside the rechten Bildschirmrandes
rot!=0'Rotation = 0
oGL("Init", %hWnd, 0, 0, 0, 0)'OpenGL Init
oGL("LoadXPGL", "Linie.xpgl")'loading Linienpunkte from File line.xpgl
oGL("UseXPGL", 1)'uses these Linienpunkte
hfont& = create("Font", "Courier New", 64, 0, 0, 10, 0)'loading Font in Variable hfont&
font& = oGL("OutlineFont", hfont&, 0.3)'points hfont& oGL To
deleteobject hfont&'destroy Objekt hfont& again, because it to Zuweisung not any more needed becomes
MIDI("Play", $PROGDIR + "irgendeinSound.mp3", 1)'game mp3 from the Programmverzeichnis ex from the this program launched watts
SetTimer 5'max. 100 Frames /sek.

WhileNot end%'If no Abbruchbedingung recognized watts, durchlauf the Timers

    WaitInput'wait on Abbruchbedingung

    If IsKey(27)'is Abbruchbedingung "Escape-Taste" erfüllt, then

        end% = 1'setting Variable end% on 1

    EndIf'and finish these request

    Case pos! < -22 : pos! = 12'If Text behind linkem Bildschirmrand disappeared then starte it again of in front
    Case ruddy! <= 90 : ruddy!=0'If Rotationswinkel 90strain access, then on 0 settle
    DrawLauftext()'draw derweil OpenGL

EndWhile'spring To WhileNot

KillTimer'finish to 5ms whom Timer or rather said: spring to 5ms again to that SetTimer

proc DrawLauftext

    pos! = pos! - 0.05
    ruddy! = ruddy! + 0.05
    oGL("Origin", 0, 0, -12)
    'oGL("Rotate", ruddy!, ruddy! * 0.1, ruddy! * 0.09)
    oGL("Color", cos(ruddy!), sin(ruddy!), 1 - 0.5*cos(ruddy!), 1)
    oGL("Move", pos!, 4.3, 0)
    oGL("Print", font&, "OpenGL with XProfan 9")
    oGL("Origin", 0, 0, -12)
    oGL("Color", cos(ruddy!), sin(ruddy!), 1 - 0.5*cos(ruddy!), 1)
    oGL("Move", pos!/0.7, -4.7, 0)
    oGL("Print", font&, "OpenGL with XProfan 9")
    oGL("Origin", 0.0, 0.0, -9.0)'setting position the XPGL-lines
    oGL("DrawXPGL", 0, 4)'draw ebend these lines
    oGL("Show")'shows Lauftext and lines


1 kB

Hello tango,

having to some Time time with OpenGL rumgespielt ,then has me IF
go to page stood.

here have You one a small demonstration The You gladly moreover use can
Maybe helps it you Yes.

mouse moving to left / right moving The Images left / right
Mouse button 2 and mouse to supra and under Zommt The Images come in and again out.

having time one Cooliris Imageviewer in planning but my hardware
was somehow überfordert, The Thread moreover Gibts here sure yet.

1.845 kB


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Axel Berse03/15/23
Michael Hettner09/02/21


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