
möglicherweise Errors in some functions

have me The last days gequält in a of my projects with several listviews with the functions GetItemText() and SearchText() klarzukommen. with the first function exit regularly a windowsschutzverletzung on (write on address 00000000001). with the second fkt. becomes nothing found (Result -1).
set I for the reading the items The function one The You me time gemailt have (with sendmessage(...,$102D,...)) works everything. any endeavours whom Error to find hit[ed] yet fehl. small testprogramme The I written have walk tadellos, only in the large proposition klapps not. have you got ähnlichs already time of another Page vernommen?


a thing is evtl. yet interestingly.
The address with the The schutzverletzung comes, is the dritte parameter the GetItemText() function (means The slot).
if I means try what from slot 4 To reading have I The schutzverletzung at write on address 00000004.
evtl. hiflt the Yes moreover.



These Mail have I Ragnar soeben skillful:


...whom Error in SearchText() could I latest week already eliminating.
it trod on, if with the Search one complete leeres Item investigating watts, because it this irrtümlicherweise for
last Spalteneintrag held has. therefore finds it in this drop too nothing more, what behind it lying...

with GetItemText() Have I well forget, WinXP?, with the I work, before To delete (quasi: Clear area#).
can his, the still old values therein schlummern, The To Fehlern lead. by me though yet never...
though would the really not To your Error Message fit, Perhaps stick the Error still in your code ?

this is the disadvantage, if one under WinXP develops, XP can simply To many items go through, The on older
Systemen To Fehlern lead...
in the attachment find You the new Dll. Teste tappt im dunkeln Please, whether everything functions.

Greeting, Frank


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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