Hello Thomas G. - pity the You yourself not moreover entschließen konntest of my Please with the Login nachzukommen.
The Volume of MP3s To Change corresponds to the uncompress the MP3 into Wav-stature - with anschließender Lautstärkeänderung.
The Lesson divides itself accordingly in a) uncompress in Wav and b) Volume Change.
there weder the a yet the others with a couple Lines To release is - separate here very study go must as jeweiligen Formate aufgebaut are - becomes your inquire here warscheinlich unbeantwortet stay - just as How nobody one say can How the best House built becomes.
my TIP: Befasse you first of all with Wav - and there with the Wav-Header. gladly standing you the community with detailed inquire go to page. If you whom Wav-Header tidy read and Reproduzieren can - then trouble you around the Dateninhalte the Wav which whom actual Sound in the Frequenzformat include. thereafter become You these decode - and new to charge must - circa a new Wav To write.
means rather Piece for Piece, then can you too rather helped go.
The Community has too about Wav very little material - particularly ifs something accurate go should. it would cool if you us with your Erkenntnissen reaches would.