
my procedure bremst my Diashow from


Hello xProfan-fans,

my Diashow runs so far. have my small Problemchen resolved. a couple delicacies make me but yet To create.

The under attached Proc bremst my complete Program from. How can I because my Images background loading without on The Abarbeitung this Proc Waiting To must? in the principle could I Yes so life, still it go about 1000 Images, apiece 100 in 10 Folders to thematischer Abarbeitung loaded and the Wartezeiten are really irritating. have me consider a second Timer To benefit still it'll in xProfan only of/ one offered.
alternatively could I Yes apiece two Images of volume loading still gefällt me my first Ansatz rather.

How can the elegant solve?
Proc directory

    Parameters Folder$'The Parameter Passing the current Verzeichnisses
    Var counter% = 0 : Var i% = 0'Zählvariablen to that reading the Images
    Declare File$, bild&'File and Bildnummer
    Declare way$, Images$'way the current Verzeichnisses and Bilddaten in Vaiable Save
    'Bildverzeichnis Initialisieren
    way$ = $PROGDIR + "Bilder\" + Folder$ + "\"
    ChDir way$
    way$ = way$ + "*.jpg"
    Images$ = FindFirst$(way$)
    AddFiles Images$
    'seek to Images and points These the Variable Images$ To

    WhileNot %IOResult

        addfiles Images$
        inc counter%


    'orders The loaded Images whom TexturArray To

    whilenot number% = counter%

        FILE$ = ListBoxItem$(number%)
        bild& = Create("hsizedPic",-1,  File$,1280,1024,1)
        casenot bild& : continue
        texture%[i% + 1] = oGL("getTextureBMP",bild&,1)
        deleteObject bild&
        inc i%
        inc number%





Reicht not, if you The each next (say we 6) beforehand ladest?
XProfan 11
Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'...

the have I strain time probiert. lead then but with whom others grafischen effects to a Ruckler of ca 2sec - unschön


Perhaps can You beforehand a list all your Images produce. so quick changes itself the Yes not. Since I yet from DOS-times stamme, would I the CMD-Interpreter Starting and with DIR /s /b *.png > Images.txt Search and into File Images.txt redirecting, further Formate with DIR /s /b *.jpg >> Images.txt append. benefit: The right way is then already thereby, presupposed The thing is thematisch gegliedert. for new Images then even new directories. not elegant, works but *LOL*

then only The each lateral Images ahead loading. with More as 80 Images sleep The spectator üblicherweise ohnehin one...
Computer: Gerät, daß es in Mikrosekunden erlaubt, 50.000 Fehler zu machen, zB 'daß' statt 'das'...

p.woodpecker (08.03.2017)
Perhaps can You beforehand a list all your Images produce. so quick changes itself the Yes not. Since I yet from DOS-times stamme, would I the CMD-Interpreter Starting and with DIR /s /b *.png > Images.txt Search and into File Images.txt redirecting, further Formate with DIR /s /b *.jpg >> Images.txt append. benefit: The right way is then already thereby, presupposed The thing is thematisch gegliedert. for new Images then even new directories. not elegant, works but *LOL*

Yes, the would too one Ansatz. means could I The Images preparing, with DOS whom whole directory-Kram into File redirecting and the then use.
Okay, i think is functions if I the loading the Images quasi as Wartezyklus between whom new Images use.
the corresponds to now not my imaginations but it resolve the trouble the Wartezeit elegant.
is then but for future projects yet always one ungelöstes trouble.

p.woodpecker (08.03.2017)
then only The each lateral Images ahead loading. with More as 80 Images sleep The spectator üblicherweise ohnehin one...

have right, The would with Tausen Images objectively fall asleep
Stell you the whole Please not as standard Diashow to. sooner as demonstration from whom 80'er of Amiga. with guter music, Laufbalken, Sprites Lissajous-figures, Lauftexte with Greetings to, blalblabla.... (naturally not everything at a single blow). means everything what OpenGL, or. I so can (yet not plenty).

the whole on four Beamer (Firmengelände of my Freundes) during party to that birthday of my Holden in the autumn. The party should what integrally besonderes go. is one Runder birthday with of/ one "5" means really large party.

(Ausserdem go some of my ehem. Schulkumpels me integrally sure ask questions with welchem "konventionellen" Program I the well prepares have - and then correctly. to shine can, verstehst'e )


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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