
Ole Strings



have The honour The first question here to put To can

I work in the moment the data base-system Cheetah
[...]  and the whole
working too terrific. The Dll supported whom Funktionsaufruf through
OLE Strings but too with standard zero-terminierten Strings.
so far so well...

now would like I The Memofelder benefit circa there binäre data (Images)
To Save. there in the suitable function no Memory-Variable
separate only the String transfer becomes is the maximum length Yes on
32767 characters terminable - the langt but not there

If I the right understood have are OLE-Strings roughly said
dynamic Strings The no defined length and have each arbitrary
characters include can (correct me Please) and not of
Profan supported go. -means bad luck had...

really have I me The question so already self answers,
or I have there what overlooking???

unfortunately is the data base no Freeware , but Perhaps
has Yes jmd. interest The whole functions for Profan
umzusetzen - have already a Include written The whom Use

now likes itself of/ one ask Why I The Dll at all using:

1. Very small, stood alone
2. Very quick
3. Extensive Suchfunktionen
4. wants me not SQL keep busy

here again short The Spezifikationen:

Max number of records: 2,147,483,647
Max number of fields: 1000
Max character field size: 256
Max numeric field size: 20
Max memo size: Limited by disk space
Max record size: 4000 bytes

Max open indexes by database: 100
Max fields for compound indexes: 6
utterly allowable open indexes: 1000

Max number of conditions: 50
Max sort expressions: 6

Max number of concurrent users: 255

Normann Strübli


[quote:a2dedb3643]now would like I The Memofelder benefit circa there binäre data (Images)
To Save. there in the suitable function no Memory-Variable
separate only the String transfer becomes is the maximum length Yes on
32767 characters terminable - the langt but not there

If I the right understood have are OLE-Strings roughly said
dynamic Strings The no defined length and have each arbitrary
characters include can (correct me Please) and not of
Profan supported go. -means bad luck had...
the sound still everything to reaches. Why can you there no Memory-Variable transfer ? ought to still always functions...


somehow works the everything not so How I me the think
therefore Have I time a new short (Real not long ) Source written and my Include and Headerdatei gezippt drangehängt.
The Helpfile of Cheetah is likewise thereby How Examples under Power
and VisualBasic.

are unfortunately concise over 300kB become :|
The registration Have I naturally removes therefore can it possible
his the when calling the Error #99999 appears
(because testversion run down). Perhaps need one The DLL indeed
not and sees same where I there groben Mist built have.

As I said have apparently Problems the whole for XProfan
umzusetzen - naja The einfachen things weg Yes...


Hmmm, is heavy there durchzusehen, or quite the whole durchzusehen. Perhaps wants The DLL not The Memory-Variable, separate only The address the Memory-Variable, means instead of area# simply addr(area#).

Perhaps hilfts you Yes.

, iF


if You whom area dimensioniert, add time 4 moreover and lösche whom area with CLEAR, before You it using.
probably missing The zero end, if You whom area as String of/ one API uses.

Seufz :|

thanks, but has both unfortunately not helped. as last attempt Have I again The to put the Doku rausgesucht The, so mean I of interest are.
below then the Source for Visual-Basic, How one data in Memofelder writes.

sees still so damn simply from, wieso war I not there?

OK, the first what well differently his becomes is the story with the Strings.

here one small neckline from the Help:

Cheetah can be interfaced with various different programming langauages. By default, Cheetah supports the Visual Basic and PowerBasic, however other programming languages can be interfaced with relative ease.

The key to interfacing to the Cheetah DLL is to understood how strings are handled by your particular programming language. In general, there are two different types of strings that most languages support: OLE Strings, and Nul Terminated Strings. Some languages support both types while others only support one or the other.

OLE Strings (or BSTR strings) are generally used in programminbg languages that allow for dynamic strings. on example is Visual Basic and PowerBasic.

Nul Terminated Strings, or ASCIIZ strings, are a pre-declared aray of characters with a terminating nul (CHR$(0)) character at the end of the string. The programming language uses this nul character to marrow the end of the string.

In order to support both types of strings, Cheetah has implemented each function in two forms. The regular Version of the function supports OLE Strings while the second Version supports Nul Terminated Strings. The functions that support zero Terminated Strings have a trailing _Z appended to their names. For example, the following is the two forms of the xdbCreate function.

OLE Version: Call xdbCreate(DBFname)NUL Version: Call xdbCreate_Z(DBFname)
Basically, if your programming language only supports zero Terminated Strings then you should always use the _Z Version of the Cheetah functions.

OK, Profan supported only zero-Terminierte Strings the ought to the whole but not plenty komplizierter make.
Verwende I hold The function xdbAssignField_Z instead of xdbAssignField for a area To describe. with the subesquent example in VB becomes Yes but one String transfer? or still not?

there be I again at Topic OLE-Strings

on the other hand if I the following in Profan Try works it:
Declare a$,b$
a$ = "PICTURE"   Das Memofeld heißt so
b$ = "bla bla bla..."

in this drop standing in the Memo-File objectively somewhere bla bla bla
If I but through b$ = @String$(Pdata#, 0)
(in Pdata# is the JPG-File read) try The Binären
data the File in that Memo To write works it again not

The Bildatei is 35240 Bytes big with which I well too the trouble have, the The length the Profan-Strings not ausreicht...

best jmd knows itself with VB from and can me say How following
Source for Profan umzusetzten is
Add a picture to the memo file depending on which record number
is currently being used.

Select Case x&

    Case 1
    f& = FreeFile
    Open "binoc.ico" For Binary As #f&
    PictureSt$ = Space$(LOF(f&))
    Get #f&, , PictureSt$
    Close #f&
    Case 2
    f& = FreeFile
    Open "rabbit.wmf" For Binary As #f&
    PictureSt$ = Space$(LOF(f&))
    Get #f&, , PictureSt$
    Close #f&
    means net curtain on AVI clip in the memo file
    f& = FreeFile
    Open "FileCopy.avi" For Binary As #f&
    AVIst$ = Space$(LOF(f&))
    Get #f&, , AVIst$
    Close #f&
    Case 3
    f& = FreeFile
    Open "tennis.wmf" For Binary As #f&
    PictureSt$ = Space$(LOF(f&))
    Get #f&, , PictureSt$
    Close #f&
    End Select

    If PictureSt$ > "" Then

        Call xdbAssignField(cust.dbHandle, "", PictureField&, PictureSt$)
        PictureSt$ = ""
        End If

        If AVIst$ > "" Then

            Call xdbAssignField(cust.dbHandle, "", AVIField&, AVIst$)
            AVIst$ = ""
            End If

so there be I again with my middle-aged and new trouble,

I know now where the Error lying! -this is well
unfortunately Have I now one new Problem! this is badly!

wants me time kurzfassen:

The function the Dll I Call would like expects as last Parameter
The address the Strings! the The data contains.
so counts (I befürchtet have) the The data not discretionary long his
can (max 32767 characters) and not arbitrary characters include can.

from the Profan Help:

(ACHTUNG: Strings, The one Nullbyte include, go with Übergabe on DLLs and API only up to this transfer. This is too for over The API realized functions How GETTEXT$ or SETTEXT. for DELPHIaner: it deals itself with whom Profan-Strings around the Ansi-Strings of Delphi.)
cool, gaaanz cool!
How should I means The binären data of/ one z.B. jpg-File on The Dll übermitteln if already to the Header the File one Nullbyte follows???

as small example again:

The appeal:

with Text files and so works Yes super-duper, nützt me but nothing!

knows someone a witcheries-API The I do not know and me weiterhilft? Assembler? (kenn I *yet* not well with from -Frank)
Have me on it already so festgebissen that I nothing other More geschafft have



this xdbAssignField_Z uses, How the Z already andeutet, nullterminierte Strings. gives it there because no function, where one The address the Datenbereiches and which length indicate must?

then ließe itself the over a Memory-Variable solve. The indicated the Memory-Variables in the function supply The address on the area. but without a expliziete Längenangabe can The externe function Yes not at all know, where Schluß is...

time see, whether I a little bit Time find. then read I there time through...

Michael Wodrich

what becomes really everything needed, circa this Monkeys of Tarzans Gnaden on the own computer to get started?
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

now, You could your Binärdaten too in a Hexdatenkette transfiguring, circa these via string To transfer.

The disadvantage is only, the The data very twice so big go.

To denne, iF

this xdbAssignField_Z uses, How the Z already andeutet, nullterminierte Strings. gives it there because no function, where one The address the Datenbereiches and which length indicate must?
No even not! or i'm To stupid.

what becomes really everything needed, circa this Monkeys of Tarzans Gnaden on the own computer to get started?
really will need you you only The Demoversion runterladen:
(are too only ca. 230kb)
what about me Have there once more The of me (not integrally complete) umgeschriebene Inlude or. Headerdatei appended.

Have Yes heard it should again gaaanz schlechtes weather come and
there white one Yes always not so correctly. what make should...

with others Worten: would nice if you The Time find would.


wants but not!


Tarzan has its Monkeys to one Leoparden (or Geparden?) benannt?


out of in the Lobhudelei the DLL becomes the Memo nirgendwo really with too only one only word or one example gewürdigt.

therefore my Tipp: go there in that Forum and question time integrally scheinheilig to one funktionsfähigen example for the loading one Bildes into Memo.

I fürchte namely, that one the Support of Memofeldern for a later Version aufgehoben has.

Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

Yes, right have You in the Help standing above gravely little.
but with the whom Memofeldern functions DEFINITIV!
otherwise had I not to that Monkeys made and the part bought

On The idea with the Forum be I naturally already come, Have even
ne Mail directly on whom Support skillful and the verweisen on
The Examples in VB etc.
in the Unterverzeichnis VisualBasicBlobsamplefrmMainForm.frm is z.B. so
an example (there does it even mehren Memofeldern per Datensatz!)

what about me can indeed what into Memofeldern Save only unfortunately hold even Text.
Thorsten [...]  has indeed time a Dll gebastelt EasyDB.dll also really not so bad is, only unfortunately with with pictures in the Größenordnung of 12000 Piece something too slow.

means Have I my money well nevertheless unfortunately into sand staid, because
very the I on the dringensten need with XProfan so not To
release shining. but Perhaps can You you the example Yes yet
time angucken have it Yes eh with runtergeladen



Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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