i want gladly designed undokumentierten Sachverhalten within windows on the reason weg and need, I no XProfan own, the following small Testprogramm: One Profanprogramm should about 5 minutes walk, to this Laufzeit should one zweiter Thread prepares go. what this Thread then does, is alike - it must mere weiterlaufen, To to the Program exits. If It's all right ought to this Thread, the lastly created watts against to 5 minutes a Thread produce, the too until End of program weiterlaufen must - the wars. can someone such a thing building?
in my opinion no trouble the one with XProfan solve can. I have to kuzem time a little bit with Profan2CPP played and at least teilerfolge score. have time quick one short PRG prepares. initial started any Program The with Profan2CPP prepares get with 2 threads. to 5 mins or. tastenklick becomes one new thread prepares.
the PRG is minimalistisch, one typischer 20 zeiler ...