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 | Hello Frank (I nerve time again ) These function SetColumnWidth(listview&,0,-1) is already a good thing (in the Help but not erwähnt) - aaaaaber ! could there not too another Parameter be installed, the whom cover the Spaltenbuttons aufnimmt ??? - then would The thing perfect  greeting horst  [E-Mail] |
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 Frank Abbing | Hi,
The function is in the Help not erwähnt, because tappt im dunkeln no function the Dll is! she's a Definition in the Inc-File - a Message... So not erweiterbar. naturally could I a function make, which The Message aufruft and yet whom Spaltenbuttontext changes, only forbid the The Logig, of names since already - SetColumnWidth(). around the Text To Change, can you still SetColumnName() use... this is plenty logischer, only a row code More and rechtfertigt no Own function, How I find. or? |
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 | Hi Frank was Yes only so a idea. with 26 Split would it of my Laziness zuträglich been greeting horst [E-Mail] |
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 | Hey! If here of/ one rotten is - then Yes well I. 
salvo, iF  |
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 Jörg Sellmeyer | Hello Horst, The Header can You with 2 Lines complete rename: txt$=Nr;Artikel;Preis SetColumnsFromMem(LV&,Addr(txt$),0) SetColumnWidth(LV&,0,60)the, so The first slot not disappears
And then is it in the guide To SetColumnsFromMem: it be yet To allude, the The wide the Split itself on the wide the Splatenbutton-Texts orientiert. means, 3 Lines for 26 Billion Header  Greeting Jörg |
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