

Hello Frank,

The new ? Happen? and command klappen very well, any respect !
an wintizge Kleinigkeit is me noticed, where it likewise on my printer lying can.
If I before festlege, that only 7 of 8 Split printed go should and Split- as well as Zeilenfarbe, becomes by me The Zeilenfarbe with whom farbigen Lines ca. 1 mm over The rights Gridbegrenzung out printed.

Perhaps can you it Yes understand,

Hello Georg,

can you me evt. a Screenshot send ?

Greeting, Frank

Hello Frank,

I could a expression einscannen and you send, say me Please moreover over again message.
i'm namely nochwas noticed.
If one with Grid pressure, with the Settings from the guide only even with farbigen Split and Lines, go Yes each umrandeten boxes coloured ausgefüllt and the stood off between whom Feldern remaining white.
If one z.B. two Split from the middle removing, becomes this Zwischenraum where The boxes eigendlich wären, too with the Füllfarbe letter.



your Mail is not yet there.
mandatory too first new slips of paper and Patronen buy and login me again, if I The Error to fix could...

Greeting, Frank

Hello Frank,
with the whom new pressure-? Happen? is ne very swell thing
but I wisely not whether the now on my system lying....
I Have time the example ausgedruckt and to the second Page
in the printer/Spooler dialog whom pressure aborted.now has me the printer yet 3 LEERE pages ausgeworfen and then another
4th Page on the the first Colum to half on it was.
is Yes not further bad....only is me the with others Applications at Druckabbruch yet never noticed.
is the with you too so ?????

Greeting & Thanks


No, is by me yet never dagewesen...
have dus another second time ausprobiert ?

Greeting, Frank

Hi Frank
what circa Gottes sake make You whom circa 4 watch early on the PC ??

habs yet parmal probiert....athwart and Hochformat.
-pressure launched
-immediate into Spooler
-pressure Cancel chosen(display 0 of 3 pages printed)
-1 Page complete printed
-6 vain pages ausgeworfen
-7 Page 1/2 Line and 3 whole Lines

Lass I the pressure go through go too only 3 pages
printed..as it his should.

have time in Your Original-Source only The Split
1,3,6 ausgedruckt...then is too by me so the z.B.
in line 11,15,16 The colour over The Grids out drawn
becomes..means The row durchgehend coloured is,the Grid becomes
though already too printed.

system : WinXP
printer: Epson photo 750
driver :WinXP there it of Epson none for XP gives

will be the whole tommorrow time in the deal under Win98 and
with a HP 790 with HP-driver try.

Greeting Klaus


the would super, thanks !

circa 4 watch in the morning ... The Jungs of my Regulars table were straight lane what about me held it for a good idea, again my Emails nachzusehen. was then but still not so well, because I The Keys only yet heavy discern could...

Greeting, Frank


Have now a integral innovation exits and will be me tomorrow again the Print-trouble keep busy:

ex V1.5 watts The Zahlensortierung vastly extended. so go now too negatives and/or dezimale numbers correctly. sortiert. whether
for dezimale numbers one point or one comma as Separator is used, is alike.
The Sorting is therefore only unmerklich slower become (I could tappt im dunkeln yet vastly enhance, only would The Dll then only
yet ex one .686 processor functions, want your the ?).
any Zahlenspalten go now as 64 bit Fließkommazahlen red, where
following characters allows are:

- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 , .

Greeting, Frank


the small Druckerproblem is fixed, I make hereafter probably another new Betaversion ready.

Greeting, Frank


Have today in the deal by me the whole time on Win98 with
HP970 and HP-driver probiert.

1.)means the pressure becomes aborted in the momentum where I on
Druckaufträge Cancel click....but the Page remaining in the printer..becomes means not ausgeworfen.
So I think time the with the the discontinue and übermässigem Seitenauswurf by me To dwell a thing the Systems is,
where me the former or with other Applications How said yet never noticed is.

2.)but what me today in the deal noticed is the of course with
one of me erstelltem List view The Icons displayed
go..however NOT with ausgedruckt.the GLEICHE Program
but with my XP-system The Icons sehrwohl ausdruckt.

only time so to Info....

Greeting Klaus


1.)means the pressure becomes aborted in the momentum where I on
Druckaufträge Cancel click....but the Page remaining in the printer..becomes means not ausgeworfen.
So I think time the with the the discontinue and übermässigem Seitenauswurf by me To dwell a thing the Systems is,
where me the former or with other Applications How said yet never noticed is.

Yes, this is alleinige Systemsache.
once on Cancel pressed watts, piloting windows The thing moreover.

2.)but what me today in the deal noticed is the of course with
one of me erstelltem List view The Icons displayed
go..however NOT with ausgedruckt.the GLEICHE Program
but with my XP-system The Icons sehrwohl ausdruckt.

moreover can I now nothing say.
as i The Druckertests made (List view 1.2 ???) get The Icons everywhere correctly. printed. only one printer druckte no Icons with. whether the now on the Windowsversion lying, or on the printer, can I not say.
sure that you Flag 2 staid have ?

Greeting, Frank


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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