
Process Lock



have already everywhere geschaut however with nothing a success had, Have strain several
projects on the walk under others one AntiCheat Tool Games, everything works, Ports
go blocked etc only is the trouble, man kan the program mim Taskmanager
terminate and that is Nich so cool.

habs yet with
Set_process_ace_in_dacl GuardSheep,system,-,PROCESS_TERMINATE

under others Benutzernamen GEHTS neither unfortunately.

how can to the release ?! would like only NEN Tipp ... use Profan 7.

sunny Regards from Österreich
AMD Athlon 64 4500+ / 1500 MB Ram / Windows Server 2003 Enterprise / Profan 7.0

Hmmm, Perhaps ne Tarnung?

Benenne your Proggi in services.exe circa, then through Franks DatenGenerator into Starterprogramm settle this (created at Erststart &) started your services.exe The then of these Filenames in the Tastkmanager displayed becomes.

though becomes tappt im dunkeln there under Profilnamen and not alls Systemprozess displayed, Perhaps white Andreas Hötker How to the Proggi then as Systemdienst or so started.

whom ursprünglichen Filenames sustain then the Starterprogramm.
Salu Michael...

Hab zwar krumme Fieß awer dofir e' ecklich Gsicht! 

naja really ne good idea.

only for a Program as system to start, needed one Yes the
jeweilige Password and that is always differently. (cmd - runas)

I versteh Nich I with whom oberen commands wrong made have hmm.

working not under all windows versions ?! under Win2003 32/64bit working
not, XP Have I Nich.

mfg ToM
AMD Athlon 64 4500+ / 1500 MB Ram / Windows Server 2003 Enterprise / Profan 7.0

Wozu Gibts The DACL_SET.INC?

naja the thread is old but alike,

DACL_SET.INC not working by me, no idea wieso, viell liegts on the windows server 2003, but I bräuchte
Yes ne Solution for winxp and 2003 because 2003 already very common is.

lg tom
AMD Athlon 64 4500+ / 1500 MB Ram / Windows Server 2003 Enterprise / Profan 7.0

Why reserves on 2003 and XP not weg? what have you got with the INC very for Problems?

Ah, I sehs strain. You must the right for Account eachone verbiten znd for Account Administratoren. Schreib you same time View source - To same...

Andreas our Tokemon

Def @SetProcessShutdownParameters(2) !"Kernel32","SetProcessShutdownParameters"


    REWRITE #1
    Close #1


Declare KILL&,ENDE%,ProgrammPfad$,Übergabe$,AT&,TIME&,TIME$
Windowtitle "Kleiner Abschalttest"
Windowstyle 31+512
Window 0,0-640,440
USERMESSAGES $10,$44  $0044=WM_COMMNOTIFY = obsolete in Win32
Case @Left$($WINVER,1)="5" : @SetProcessShutdownParameters($100,0)
GET_Group_Name "Jeder",1,Log_Einträge& Aufruf der DACL_SET.INC zum Ermitteln des Gruppennamens des "Jeder" SIDs.
Set_Process_ACE_IN_DACL "",@$(0),"-UCN","PROCESS_TERMINATE _DELETE",1,Log_Einträge& Die Rechte zum Fremdbeenden eines Processes werden entzogen.
GET_Group_Name "Administratoren",1,Log_Einträge& Aufruf der DACL_SET.INC zum Ermitteln des Gruppennamens des "Jeder" SIDs.
Set_Process_ACE_IN_DACL "",@$(0),"-UCN","PROCESS_TERMINATE _DELETE",1,Log_Einträge& Die Rechte zum Fremdbeenden eines Processes werden entzogen.

Whilenot %MENUITEM=-2



with [...]  can you to check on, what there happens...


100 time thanks for your endeavour, to you must one Real respect having, if who windows new writes,
then You ;)

but unfortunately working not. on what can the lying ?! the prozess should itself Yes at taskmanager Nich terminate
let, but I kanns terminate.

lg tom
AMD Athlon 64 4500+ / 1500 MB Ram / Windows Server 2003 Enterprise / Profan 7.0

alas Yes! windows2000 reacted there differently as the XP Taskmanager. under XP go The jeweiligen rights again reset (How one it too with TNT do can) - the goes therefore, because the Taskmanager in the Account the eingeloggten Users runs and Eigentumsrechte on the jeweiligen Process has and so The rights over ands over again Change can.

remedy: your Sicherheitsprogramm must in another Account walk as the Taskmanager, d.h. it must as service (vorzugsweise in the Systemaccount) launched go. go in this Program then The rights prohibited, has the Taskmanager none grabbed More hereon. a right service To write isn't integrally so simply (I habs not yet hinbekommen ).
Why is the difficult? the OS wait ongoing on Rückmeldungen the Services - comes sometime no More, becomes the service exits.
a ploy can but utilize: one registered one small Program over The API as service. immediate to the Start calls this program one further Program on.
the new Program becomes then with the equal Token slip, How the service. windows wait a moment - there no feedback of service comes, becomes your erstes Program exits. of second Program white windows nothing and it's running lüstig moreover.
an moreover Possibility, a service to start, would over the DOS-commands AT .

One service with a Window is always one riesengroßes Sicherheitsrisiko, means rather The fingers of it let - because XProfan (ex Version 9) created in each drop Window.

hmm wow is the tricky

I Have now means NEN service made mittls instsrv.exe, and the service launch quick ne others File, How You said have,
and becomes then under the systemaccount carryed out. now can if one The dacl uses, whom prozess nichmehr
terminate thanks vielmals!

How meant You with the whom commands AT ?!

achja, wieso the so is, that it same wieda exits and How mans solve can standing here: [...] 

only versteh ichs Nich *g* viell take off you

thanks again ;)

greets Tom
AMD Athlon 64 4500+ / 1500 MB Ram / Windows Server 2003 Enterprise / Profan 7.0


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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