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helpself | Hi,
I otherwise in VB write bräuchte I now Your Support.
1. i want gladly one current Program with of/ one to determine Uhrzeit terminate. has evt. someone already so what written?
2. How can I one Error in the Prog. pass over? In VB there Yes whom commands On Error.
Vielen best Thanks |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | Hi,
The function time$() supply you The actually Time. you mußt means only in regelmaßigen intervals your tuned Time with the actually Time vergleichen.
there's two types of Fehlermeldungen in Profan. once tatsächliche Error, z,B. Division through zero or root a negativen number. The lead to that terminate the program, there in the Interpreter yourself this Error appears, b.z.w. processing go must. then there Warnungen, The permit, that the Program weiterläuft. The strength depends then of further code ex, whether your Program so bypass can.
The Fehlermeldungen can You suppress, because You with Set("Errorlevel",n) The spending affected. the can then but to that unkontrollierten crash with entsprechender Windowsreaktion lead.
there's yet The Possibility with Using "ErrorProc" a Own Fehlerbehandlung To write, The in the entrapment one Fehlers carryed out becomes. the clutching but z.B. not whom supra erwähnten Make. otherwise recommend I ausgiebiges testing and Bugtracking to the extradition |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 12/02/11 ▲ |
E.T. | having to Ewigkeiten time one Progg written (which by me yet always without Problems daily runs), what vaguely such a thing power. exits of course no Program separate the whole windows, but in the principle the same. If you interest have, can I you Yes whom View source send...
But none so bad the whole, in the principle only a gespeicherte Uhrzeit with the actually Time vergleichen (I mach the any 20 sec., so is it at least minutes-very).
| Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 12/02/11 ▲ |
helpself | Hi,
for Tipps, that with the uhrzeit terminate have so did i already hinbekommen and thanks for the tender for View source.
unfortunately I get not there, whom Error pass over.
I have there folgenen code taken circa Files on one other directory To copy. The data lying on one others Server, where now and than Serverarbeiten implemented and be these then not any more available stand. it comes to a Error Message. or even if The File already opened is.
The code: ClearList directory1$ = "k\" directory2$ = "H:\" ChDir directory1$ AddFiles "*.pdf" WhileLoop 0,%getcount copy directory1$ + ListBoxItem$(& Loop) > directory2$ + ListBoxItem$(& Loop) Wend
has someone a idea?
best Thanks |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | what says The Error Message because? what happens, if you ErrorLevel on 0 setting? In this case might The ErrorProc a good Solution his, circa so a Error To process. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 12/02/11 ▲ |
helpself | it comes then: copy directory1$ + ListBoxItem$(& Loop) > directory2$ + ListBoxItem$(& Loop)
because, is not. unfortunately have I yet no experience with the ErrorLevel of XProfan.
must me another little erlesen.... |
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| there it time$() too as native function gives could it a Thread Starting and from the Thread-nProc a UserMessage Send -
accordingly would it itself the ständige Zeitprüfen by Hauptereignisschleife save.
Ooooder it takes getTickCount and go ahead Programmbeginn errechnet it The getTickCount the to a designed Time count would and exits thereafter the Prg. |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | i'd recommend, first The simple Variante To take.
stand because in your variables too The right values? otherwise can You in the Loop on %error testing and properly deal. your Description the Error Message is still not very aussagekräftig. What is the detailed Wortlaut? Does the Program thereafter moreover? In welchem ErrorLevel (see Help) befindest You yourself.
in principle could You, the so intercepting: CompileMarkSeparation |