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 | Hello Frank,
because I The dll only for reaches using had I there another couple ideas for the new Version.
1. DeleteTags strain:
Original: Q : Long - Zeiger on a Speicherbereich (or String) with the Quelldaten A : Long - amount Bytes, The in Q machine go should Z : Long - Zeiger on a Speicherbereich (or String), into The Zieldaten written go C1: Long - ANSI-code the Startbytes C2: Long - ANSI-code the Endbytes F : Long - ? Happen?
Erweitert: Q : Long - Zeiger on a memory-area/String ODER of/ one File A : Long - How supra, but with 0 because whole area Z : Long - Zeiger on a memory-area/String ODER of/ one File, into The Zieldaten written go C1: Long - StartString >>> is certainly Flexibeler as only one byte C2: Long - EndString C3: Long - Gültiger String d.h. MUSS include his. C4: Long - Ungültiger String d.h. must NOT include his. F : Long - ? Happen?
example (Have addr() time omitted) :
DeleteTags(a#, 0, C:ext.txt, <, >, .de, ftp:, 1) would to that example any [...] Tags into Test.txt write but no Tags with ftp:
2. Findbytes weitersuchen let (How CountStrings) and the Fundstellen in a area transfer, the erspart one The creep and one bypassing the Manko The dll number of times aufzurufen >>> Verzögerungszeit.
3. there really each dll the Manko has a gewisse Latenzzeit to have and one ex of/ one designed amount of Call not any more in because enjoyment of Assembler-Speed comes. thought I me, You could parallel to dll too a Compilerte lib for Profan2CPP offer. an lib becomes still complete in because C++-code with eingebettet. Voteil: no Latenzzeit More How with a dll- means filled Assemblerpower 
example: If I a kompletten area search would like and to each hits moreover Search let then becomes Profan2CPPs - Mempos with 500 Call faster as Findbytes, differently CountStrings, there comes no C++ code with and CountStrings has certainly because same code How Findbytes only in a Loop would still vergleichbar or...... ? 
means, I have me the so pictured: eachone C++ Compiler has still too a Inline-Assembler, there packts thou ProSpeed-code into and compilierts from it a Profan2CPP lib. How the very expires white I do not (can no C++), but the Sebastian could you there certainly help on and you too communicating how much work about there behind stick.
now Please not Hauen, if I too much from the new ProSpeed desires have and things thereby are (How point 3) The Perhaps not practicable are. were only one couple ideas, The me so through because head went.
Freu me already on The Answer  means, in this senses...
Greeting Ingo |
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 Frank Abbing | Hi Ingo,
then I will your ideas time miesmachen 
> 1. DeleteTags strain: > > Original: > Q : Long - Zeiger on a Speicherbereich (or String) with the Quelldaten > A : Long - amount Bytes, The in Q machine go should > Z : Long - Zeiger on a Speicherbereich (or String), into The Zieldaten written go > C1: Long - ANSI-code the Startbytes > C2: Long - ANSI-code the Endbytes > F : Long - ? Happen? > > Erweitert: > Q : Long - Zeiger on a memory-area/String ODER of/ one File
here rate I you, ReadFileFast() To using. is still only a row More hoisted and has some advantages.
> A : Long - How supra, but with 0 because whole area
trouble: The Dll can't sure the end one Bereichs to determine. reaches must not coercive with a Nullbyte terminate. and the function is so flexibly, that too The zero as characters vorkommen must.
> Z : Long - Zeiger on a memory-area/String ODER of/ one File, into The Zieldaten written go
... a row, WriteFileFast()...
> C1: Long - StartString >>> is certainly Flexibeler as only one byte > C2: Long - EndString > C3: Long - Gültiger String d.h. MUSS include his. > C4: Long - Ungültiger String d.h. must NOT include his.
The four take I time as Why stay.
> F : Long - ? Happen? > > example (Have addr() time omitted) : > > DeleteTags(a#, 0, C:ext.txt, <, >, .de, ftp:, 1) > would to that example any [...] Tags into Test.txt write but no Tags with ftp:
Nö, wouldn't... not forget Strings in Addr() To pack 
> > 2. Findbytes weitersuchen let (How CountStrings) and the Fundstellen in a area transfer, the erspart one The > creep and one bypassing the Manko The dll number of times aufzurufen >>> Verzögerungszeit.
good idea.
> 3. there really each dll the Manko has a gewisse Latenzzeit to have and one ex of/ one designed amount of Call > not any more in because enjoyment of Assembler-Speed comes. thought I me, You could parallel to dll too a Compilerte lib > for Profan2CPP offer. an lib becomes still complete in because C++-code with eingebettet. > Voteil: no Latenzzeit More How with a dll- means filled Assemblerpower
my Libraries give I only ungern moreover. and therefore say I you neither, that it Tools gives, circa from Dlls Libs To Generate. even static Libs... Ne, say I you not!
> example: If I a kompletten area search would like and to each hits moreover Search let then becomes Profan2CPPs > - Mempos with 500 Call faster as Findbytes, differently CountStrings, there comes no C++ code with and CountStrings has > certainly because same code How Findbytes only in a Loop would still vergleichbar or...... ?
> means, I have me the so pictured: > eachone C++ Compiler has still too a Inline-Assembler, there packts thou ProSpeed-code into and compilierts from it a > Profan2CPP lib. > How the very expires white I do not (can no C++), but the Sebastian could you there certainly help on and you too > communicating how much work about there behind stick.
at that left falls anyhow a Lib ex. only give I The not further. what about me say you neither, that... - had we already.
> now Please not Hauen, if I too much from the new ProSpeed desires have and things thereby are (How point 3) The Perhaps > not practicable are. > were only one couple ideas, The me so through because head went.
thanks. suggestions are always gladly Welcome! Hauen do I do not ... |
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 | Vonwegen cut do You Nich 
but komm only You schufft - komm only 
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 | Hi,
>>> then I will your ideas time miesmachen Have I me already virtual... 
>>> Nö, wouldn't... not forget Strings in Addr() To pack would be still, look something I obendrüber written have  >>>Beispiel (Have addr() time omitted) <<< only because of the overview
>>>Meine Libraries give I only ungern moreover. Sorry, is well wrong arrived... i haven't been expects that you your code hergibst,I thought only The libs wären already Compiliert, so as Units from Profan then would it indeed no Completed: the Urheberrecht ...Have hold not so The Idea of ASM & C++.
>>>Und therefore say >>>ich you neither, that it Tools gives, >>>um from Dlls Libs To >>>generieren. even static Libs... >>>Ne, say I you not! SuperTools, Real........ and the say You one not C++ Coder? ... super hint  |
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 Frank Abbing | Hi,
> would be still, look something I obendrüber written have > >>>Beispiel (Have addr() time omitted) <<< only because of the > Overview
Argh! can I not any more reading have have dus as an afterthought edited...  in the serious, habs well überlesen.
> SuperTools, Real........ and the say You one not C++ > Coder? ... super hint
be Yes yourself none . and only exceptionally... |
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