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![: 04/19/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hello together,
ProSpeed 2.3 is now downloadable. this Update standing under the Motto: different Dateiformate... These functions are new:
LoadExtImage (s) invite Image whom main memory to later Benutzung. in the Contrast To LoadExtBmp() can but Grafikformate the Types BMP, JPG, GIF and WMF loaded go, for but no PSF !
LoadExtMemory (B,A) fetch one Image whom main memory to later Benutzung. any Graphics the Formate BMP, JPG, GIF and WMF go a Speicherbereich (z.B. a area) out loaded.
LoadExtResource (H,s) invite Image of/ one Resource-File in whom main memory to later Benutzung. The Formate BMP, JPG, GIF and WMF go as Grafikdateien supported. an Resource-File can a Dll his or the Own Exeprogramm, with the data together gelinkt becomes.
CountFirstBytes (V,A,n,B) testing a part one Bereiches (or whom whole) on one bestimmtes byte and reports, How often the byte initially in the area vorkommt, To one other byte found becomes. meaningfully, z.B. in order to detect, wieviele space initially in a String vorkommen, before the reguläre Text access is.
CountStrings (V,A,n,s,L) testing a part one Bereiches (or whom whole) on the Content one Strings and reports, How often the String the area vorkommt.
ReplaceTabs (Q,Z,A,L) Wandelt any Tabs (Chr$(9)) in the area Q circa in a defined amount space.
Replace (Q,A,Z,s1,L1,s2,L2) any Vorkommen the Strings s1 go in a Text or Datenbereich through s2 supplant. functions so How Profans Translate$, can but on discretionary large Strings or. reaches applied go. Replace() operates into the bargain unbelievable quick !
ProSpeed Homepage
Sincerely, Frank Abbing |
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