
ProSpeed competition...

Hello together,

so the demonstration-Ordner from the ProSpeed-pkg something voller becomes, write I herewith a demonstration-competition from.
Derjenige, the the best demonstration (or game, or other Program) prepares, and so The skills of ProSpeed best demonstrating, sustain a For free-registration for ProSpeed and Riskful V1.7 (risk-Klon).
Prf-File and other Files should hierbei together not more than 100 KB occupy, Thanks Jpg and Gif ought to the Yes now possible his. any external Files (Graphics, Sound etc.), The The Prf-File to that Compilieren needed, should itself in a Ordner Namens ExDat find.
The competition runs until 15. june.
hopefully there a rege holding !!!

then strengt you at times !
Greeting, Frank


on wish some User watts the deadline for Demoabgabe on the 15 september 2002 laid.
valid are ex now Files, The not larger as 1 MB are, 1 MB is the absolute Limit, the it einzuhalten counts.
an Exe-File mitzuschicken, isn't necessary, it reicht the prf-code and the required amendment-data for the demonstration, everything together in a zipper- or rarely File gepackt.
plenty Happiness !

Greeting, Frank


because of of my Accident shift itself the submitted-deadline for eure Demos on the 30. september 2002, thereafter begin I with the Auswertung...
I hope, this is too in eurem senses.

Greeting, Frank

Hello zusammmen.

The ProSpeed-Programmier-competition is exits.
The congestion wasn't straight umwerfend, probably is the Winterzeit still rather for such think about.
nevertheless found two very very hochwertige Source code whom lane To me.

The first Source is a complete game Thomas Ungerböck, Gustav in the Stress
Lagerarbeiter Gustav has first closing-time, if any boxes again on their Space stand...
yet are two Level present, The To creak but no light task is !

Source 2 is a Adventure of Rolf Koch, Legend of Soular.
The soul of Himmelsturm is disappeared and You must tappt im dunkeln find! One very atmosphärisches game, momentarily are ditto two Level playable, who pleasure has, must the game but strain.

now must I decide, which Source gesiegt has, sure no light task.
Gustav in the Stress is a vollwertiges game, integrally particularly well gefällt me the solid the Infoboxen and the complicated Level.
Legend of Soular own a crazy mood (class music!) and diverse nice Animationen.

whom profit earn having both and therefore I will both, Rolf and Thomas, for ProSpeed Register.
cordial Glückwunsch! i'll the two into next Meet yet hither over Email kontakten.

both Source code (plus Exe) can now loaded go under:

Gustav in the Stress
Legend of Soular

plenty Fun and many Thanks over again,
Frank Abbing

the freut me seeeeehhhhhhrrrr.
Well, Perhaps find I times the Time one bisserl weiterzumachen. is hold bisserl tight to Time with the Time )))

Well then say I time thanks, pity that we go ahead second were.
Greeting Thomas

cordial Glückwunsch you both.
I heard yes to them, The to that a a extra time the Wettbewerbs, to that others a Regeländerung bewirkt had. Umso More bedaure I do not The Time found to have, circa my demonstration fertigzustellen. Perhaps write I tappt im dunkeln but yet ready around the demonstration-Ordner To enhance and so The ProSpeed-Community To support.

and here another couple Einfälle for next ProSpeed-versions:

1. it would beautiful if one whom Spritelayer spare define could, instead of two Sprites To swap.

2. The Pixeleffekt could one yet strain. to that example simply of supra down fallende Pixel circa rain with one JumpnRun darzustellen. too would it class if is a Start- and a Endfarbe take on could, circa to that example Funken To simulate. Optimal would it, if the Pixel still How Sprites verhielten, means about on others Sprites or Pixel rebound would.

with friendly greet,

John Schroeter

Hello John,

1. it would beautiful if one whom Spritelayer spare define could, instead of two Sprites To swap.

A: Hmm, straight The Sprite Layer are a quite rotes cloth for me. the lying on the manner, How ProSpeed its Sprites manages, any Sprites are namely together verkettet and call itself yourself at copy on the screen the row to on. has whom benefit, the The amount Sprites termless is, the disadvantage is, the The Order only badly changed go can. i'm already glad, the at least two Sprite Layer vertauscht go can. time see, Perhaps falls me Yes still a better Solution one...

2. The Pixeleffekt could one yet strain. to that example simply of supra down fallende Pixel circa rain with one JumpnRun darzustellen. too would it class if is a Start- and a Endfarbe take on could, circa to that example Funken To simulate. Optimal would it, if the Pixel still How Sprites verhielten, means about on others Sprites or Pixel rebound would.

A: The Pixeleffekte are so yet erweiterbar, I can anytime new ? Happen? moreover program. your ideas listen not badly on, time see, what The future yet bring.
though is and remaining it one PIXEL-EFFEKT and no PARTIKEL-EFFEKT, these müßten quite different works and require well a complete new function... )

Greeting, Frank

P.s.: Yes, Please finish your demonstration still, I Search always new Sourcecodes...


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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