
ProSpeed.dll, new version: 2.7

Hello together,

The ProSpeed.dll goes now in round 2.7 !!!
some is hinzugekommen, z.B. reasonable Sprite-Layer.
Images can now too as JPG stored go. and too otherwise yet some new:

[quote:f4744c60e1]SaveExtImage (H,s,F,P)
save one Image (HDC).

Fog (F,X,Y,B1,B2,M)
One Nebeleffekt. Hierbei go by a Maskenbitmap The Passagen inside the Bildes certainly, The of the Nebeleffekt concerned are.

Smooth (F,X,Y,B,M)
Verwischt The graphic, vergleichbar with Blur().
the Verwischen is yet something softer and by a Maskenbitmap can The Passagen inside the Bildes certainly go, The of the effect concerned are.

DSoundGetStatus (B)
determined whom game-Status Sounds.

AttachSpriteAnim (H,ZH)
The expansion To AttachSprite(). Sprite H attempts automatically just as auszusehen How Sprite ZH.

SetCollideUnknownSprite (H1,H2,H3,H4)
an specification To CollideUnknown(). If there a great many Kollisionen expects go must, can The amount through SetCollideUnknownSprite (on one To four betroffende Sprites) eingegrenzt go.

SetSpriteLayer (H,L)
setting for a Sprite a new Darstellungs-plain (Layer).

BringSpriteToTop (H)
setting one Sprite in the Darstellungs-plain (Layer) integrally to supra.

BringSpriteToBottom (H)
setting one Sprite in the Darstellungs-plain (Layer) integrally down.

SlowDownSprite (H,X,Y)
slow The movement one Sprite. necessary for very slow Sprites, stufenlos regelbar until stood still.

VisualTableFix (B,A,L,O,R,u)
an Automatisierung the Zeichenmodus (Fixmode). The Sprites outside one einstellbaren screen-Bereichs (z.B. the visible Bildschirms) go not any more constantly new drawn. VisualTableFix saving, straight with gigant Leveln, Unmengen on System-Time !

DeleteTags (Q,A,Z,C1,C2,F)
removes, or. collecting Text- or Speicherpassagen, which within two day-characters find.
herewith can z.B. Html-Tags deleted go, The in pointed clinging (< and >) stand, or comments from Quelltexten deleted go ( and ANSI-code 10), etc... sure find itself yet plenty More individuelle Anwendungsgebiete...

Examine (Z)
determined, whether a String a number contains or Text.

The new Dll is now to find on of my Page: [...] 

Ausserdem there now the first AddOn to ProSpeed.dll, The PSA.dll
These amendment-Dll bid some News in things Grafikeffekte, utterly sehenswert !
The Link on Davids Page is: [...] 

plenty Fun with the News !

Frank Abbing

thanks Frank for a further crazy Version your genialen DLL!

Cooles Forum, but bisschen gammy, How?
alike, to write reichts.
Frank, I werd you Texts preparing.
here in meanwhile 45 minutes write, is To little Time.
but Improvements and short-term ask schreib I you so.

What the Layer concerns, want I you today ask, whether You something like release can. now missing only yet one, not was?
Hintergründe on Layern.
yet went NES-Games correct umzusetzen, but with transparenten Hintergründen on Layern can too most Games of Snes umsetzen. and something modernere PC-Games à la Worms.


no code idea, you mean but sure a Darstellungsmaske. I werd above cogitate, whether the umzusetzen is.

Greeting, Frank

super Frank !

have your hint with Blur in the SizeExtBmp() same umgesetzt i'm bound to say the Result is genial How everything in the Prospeed. had to hold first a vain vergößerung produce and SizeExt.. hineinkopieren before I Blur using but the Ergenis is super.
now be I yet on the new Save.. function. unclear is me of course yet How I the Text into Images get but attempt power kluch heist it Yes.
anyway many Thanks for new functions !

Greeting all



thanks for the praise !
Text in a Bitmaps To write isn't so heavy. The ProSpeed-Source code FA_Textscroller and FA_Zeichnen make the z.B. look you the there at times.

Greeting, Frank

Hello Frank.

time again class, what You us there available position. I wish I had More Time me so To keep busy. but: How promised I will me now finally for commercial license regestrieren.

with friendly greet,

John Schroeter


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Torben Nissen05/17/18


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