
ProSpeed DLL Version 2.0 !!!

Hello Programmer!

The ProSpeed.dll is now in Version 2.0 available.
18 New Features are hinzugekommen, altogether stand now 103 functions available.

What is new?
some graphic-Manipulationen are hinzugekommen. ColorMove() can one Image one other overlay, to can the eingeblendete Image each arbitrary shape having. Water() can whom screen in that waters eintauchen. then yet New Features to that spiegeln and turn.
Sprites having now Layer get, d.h. The Darstellungs-plain one Sprites is now wählbar. and a function is hinzugekommen, The one Sprite automatically in a rechteckigen Begrenzung festhält. Also another Pausenfunktion for all Sprites and the Hintergrunds-Scrolling.
then are yet diverse Joystick-functions hinzugekommen, two Joysticks can now at the same time gesteuert go, and with the 6 Achsen and 32 Button apiece Joystick !!!
and new are too two functions to Sperrung one Profanprogrammes. so is it unmöglich, into Taskmanager To gelangen. Also is another systemweite Tastenabfrage hinzugekommen.
many new Sourcecodes get yet added, and a Spritekurs with 5 übersichtlichen Sources....
(To be continued)

The Price has too not yet changed: Freeware for private application and 29 DM / 15 Euro for shareware-selling / not private application / Firmennutzung (Price per computer) / etc.

(C) 2001 Frank Abbing, frankabbing@12move.de

here a small Description the new functions:

ColorMove (F,X,Y,B1,B2,s)
mix two different Images to a, differently as with SemiTrans go but not two Images transparent vermischt, separate it
go The colours beider Images approach. is integral faster as SemiTrans.

Water (F,X,Y,B)
One toller waters-effect! The Graphic of the Bildschirms becomes under light Wellenbewegungen hither and thither geschaukelt.

Rotate180 (F,X,Y,B)
turn a graphic circa 180 strain.

FlipX (F,X,Y,B)
Spiegelt a graphic in the X-axis.

FlipY (F,X,Y,B)
Spiegelt a graphic in the Y-axis.

SpriteMovingRect (H,X1,Y1,X2,Y2)
Errichtet a rechteckige Begrenzung for the Sprite with the lever H, inside the itself the Sprite automatically moving. Stößt it on a
boundary, then changes it selbstständig its Bewegungs-direction.

GetSpriteLayer (H)
determined whom Layer (Darstellungs-plain) one Sprite.

SwapSpriteLayers (H1,H2)
Vertauscht The Darstellungs-plains (Layer) two Sprites.

StopAllSprites (s)
Stoppt any Sprites and the scrollenden background. an Pausefunktion even.

FindJoystick (n)
review, whether a Joystick (1 or 2) present is.

JoystickZ (n)
determined The Z axis one associated Joysticks.

JoystickR (n)
determined The R axis one associated Joysticks (helms and Pedalen).

JoystickU (n)
determined The u axis one associated Joysticks (fifth axis).

JoystickV (n)
determined The V axis one associated Joysticks (sixth axis).

JoystickButton (n)
determined, which of up to 32 Button one Joysticks straight pressed becomes.

BreakOff ()
These function ab The Tastenkombination [Strg]+[old]+[Enf], sodaß the User not any more into task-manager gelangen can.

BreakOn ()
These function resolve The block the Tastenkombination [Strg]+[old]+[Enf] again.

GetSystemKey ()
determined The Button, The straight pressed watts. These function functions systemweit and not only in the Profan-Window.

Greeting, Frank


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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