
ProSpeed Now Freeware - Support end accordingly



with attend the finalen ProSpeed.dll Version 2.8, The Yes Now Freeware is, end my Support. as always try I here, eure ask To answer, Proposals for Neuerungen and Bugreports I will but not any more against take, except from the registered Users, them I here on this place over again thank would like. even if tappt im dunkeln not sonderlich numerous are

Why is the Prospeed at a single blow Freeware and why willste because not weiterentwickeln? I stops tappt im dunkeln for most important Extension Profan!

alas Yes, becomes The List view.dll too tuned?

Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE)
Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP

Hello Jac,

The ProSpeed is of my Erachtens to ready develops. i want simply no gigantic Monster-Dll with unüberschaubarer Funktionsanzahl. These boundary is mittlererweile Yes access. and Bugs are I do not famous.
Freeware is tappt im dunkeln now, because it not rewards, tappt im dunkeln moreover as shareware To banish, integrally simply. and because I the head bare would like for future projects, and no Altlasten behind me herziehen wants.
How You Perhaps notice have, have I began, pieces the ProSpeed auszukoppeln. The DIB.dll has whom beginning made. probably go further follow.
The List view.dll won't tuned, anyway for the time being not. once itself one shareware-distribution but not any more rewards, ereilt tappt im dunkeln sometime the same fate. this is the law the economy. though becomes The List view.dll well never Freeware go, i'll tappt im dunkeln integrally of market take and only yet for Eigenbedarf use.
momentarily is the Download (list view.dll) on of my Page blocked. I orientiere tappt im dunkeln straight new, circa evt. Schutzmarkenverletzungen from the ways to go. can his, the tappt im dunkeln umbenannt becomes. knows one Yes yet: Raider means now Twixx .

The List view.dll won't tuned, anyway for the time being not. once itself one shareware-distribution but not any more rewards, ereilt tappt im dunkeln sometime the same fate. this is the law the economy. though becomes The List view.dll well never Freeware go, i'll tappt im dunkeln integrally of market take and only yet for Eigenbedarf use.
Ähm and the say You now, after I The List view.dll in Roc implementiere ?


Hello Frank...

would have been I enough money in the Tasche, had I me The ProSpeed already long ago bought. the know, the behind your DLLs and Programs stick seek of his equal - what about me wants hoping, that the not sometime time lost goes.

as i recently red have, that the Inline Assembler Freeware is, wished I it me now herunterladen - Perhaps learn I Yes still sometime time MASM?
unfortunately is the LInk dead - hopefully have you got the same not the Propeed to???


[quote:8bed6a9e96]Ähm and the say You now, after I The List view.dll in Roc implementiere ? [/quote:8bed6a9e96]
Mach you no thoughts, Rolfi. the lying still in moreover future
any functions, The You einbaust, go too furthermore Bestand having. As I said, i'll The Dll and the guide now only revise, circa etwaigen Schutzmarkenverletzungen against To wirken. otherwise nothing. no reason to alarmism.
Andreas, from even this reason überarbeite so did i whom XPIA, therefore are both left momentarily blocked. The pages can but still called go:


The ProSpeed remaining Freeware and everybody available. XPIA naturally too.
and the List view.dll remaining shareware, undergo only another make-up.

Sorry, if I here some verunsichert or verärgert have. the wasn't my solid. in the general must one naturally always so calculate, the itself programs and other items Change, there power Yes self MS not hold to, or?

and what have you got so al nächstes to, if I time integrally impudent ask must? I fänd Yes time ne DLL or what in the manner well, with which one animated GIFs or AVIs/MPEGs Play can. For this Gibts of course already some code-Snippets, but the functions by me never


PS: I Have incidentally a lane found, around the registration in the Prospeed 2.7 To bypass...
Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE)
Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP

[quote:f226195b58=Jacob Liebeck]and what have you got so al nächstes to, if I time integrally impudent ask must? I fänd Yes time ne DLL or what in the manner well, with which one animated GIFs or AVIs/MPEGs Play can. For this Gibts of course already some code-Snippets, but the functions by me never


PS: I Have incidentally a lane found, around the registration in the Prospeed 2.7 To bypass... [/quote:f226195b58]
I would find a Dll calm, with which the Use with OpenGl relieved would...

...but you are Yes well no Hacker. I know too at least a lane, circa diverse Exe-and Dll-Regcodes To bypass, or out to find. but I machs not. aboveboard work should ultimately belohnt go, or?


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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