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GDL | Hi,
To under Win95 could one through the ramdrivesys commands in the Config.sys integrally simply one virtuelles drive at PC Start arrange. unfortunately does it since WinME not any more so slight.Googeln brought only take off whom abgesicherten mode. having someone of you Schonmal one virtuelles drive (to Win95Version) at PC start arranged?
Hello Georg |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | mandatory it absolutely one virtuelles in the Ram his and reicht you Perhaps even one with Subst?
Greeting Jörg |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 10/13/06 ▲ |
GDL | i'm there not so fit on the area.know only Ramdrivesys. me goes it therefore, that I my Datenordner into virtuelles drive copy can, that The access time faster goes and that the physikalische drive with whom many Zugriffen verschont becomes.
Hello Georg |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | according to Nature and crowd the data can You you indeed everything in a area loading and then directly from memory reading. means instead of z.B. ReadIni$() for the reading bestimmter values to a designed Time, using You Structures or reaches, into The data at Programnmstart be read and end again stored go. look you time whom code of XPrfEd on. Roland power the just as. If you naturally Gigabytes on Images u.s.w. have, becomes the difficult...
otherwise have I here a Link found: [...] goes but only To maximum 32MB.
If what cost must: [...] having I yourself already as Trial installs (under Win98). Runs super and cost ca. 50$
Greeting Jörg |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 10/13/06 ▲ |
GDL | thanks Jörg,
Search now times under RAM Disk. i see the never, Why must everything always unbenannt go RAM Drive to RAM DISK etc.? so one curd.
Hello Georg |
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GDL | will be here test times. [...]
Hello Georg |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | and keep The option in the eye, everything yourself into Memory loading. so are You u.u. yet faster as with of/ one Ramdisk. WriteIni and Readini$() on of/ one Ramdisk are certainly slower, as Strukturvariablen. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 10/13/06 ▲ |
GDL | well, I here nachgefragt have, otherwise had I this Prog not found. [...]
simply exe Call, its data prompt, neustarten ready. is too a Deinstallroutine thereby.simply super.
@Jörg work with lauter dbase Files. In my Prog go all Komponenten (The to a link belong) quizzed.thereby go any states ( 0 or 1) as String together gefügt.from this String then one binary String made and through val in a Dezimalzahl gewandelt. The is then The Satznummer for dazugehörige Dannverknüpfungsdatei.there is then what made becomes.therefore have I soviele Opportunities How my Festplatte or. RAM disk Space has. faster and plainer GEHTS never.(5 years DOS Experimente with Powerbasic)
Hello Georg |
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