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![Roberto Neu: 07/04/09](.././../../i/a/3897879744a756d3a37b85.gif) Roberto Neu | i want over one Trackmenu The function "EINFÜGEN" make the Trackmenu have I already prepares but I find whom commands for EINFÜGEN not |
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![Nico Madysa: 07/04/09](.././../../i/a/13527651904b3fcf583c5c0.png) Nico Madysa | Hello Roberto!
I fürchte, that You you something accurate squeeze out must. What exactly want thou insert?
Nico |
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![Roberto Neu: 07/04/09](.././../../i/a/3897879744a756d3a37b85.gif) Roberto Neu | One Image to one Screenshot there's the Yes in a Clipboard and then by rechtsklick hold insert ^^ |
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![Frank Abbing: 07/04/09](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | look still simply often time into XProfan-Help: ClipLoadBmp |
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![Roberto Neu: 07/04/09](.././../../i/a/3897879744a756d3a37b85.gif) Roberto Neu | Can the too with Sized loading ??? |
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![Roberto Neu: 07/04/09](.././../../i/a/3897879744a756d3a37b85.gif) Roberto Neu | OK I habs almost rausgefunden. but I get with the whom Coordinates net there who can me help CompileMarkSeparationdeclare Name$, text$, titeltext$, text2$, titeltext2$, ende%
WindowTitle "BMPviewer 2 Chrome"
Window 50,20 - 800,600
CreateMenu 100,20
UsePen 0,2,RGB(192,192,192)
RecTangle 200,91 - 600,500
AppendMenu 100,"&Bild Laden"
AppendMenu 101,"&by Roberto Neu"
AppendMenu 102,"&Screenshot"
AppendMenu 103,"&Speichern unter"
AppendMenu 104,"&Beenden"
TrackMenu 672,92
if %MouseKey = 2
AppendMenu 1,"Einfügen"
TrackMenu %MouseX,%MouseY
Case MenuItem(1) : ClipLoadBMP 201,92-0,0;1
Case @MenuItem(100): Name$ = @LoadFile$("Bilddateien","*.BMP")
While Name$ <> ""
LoadSizedBMP Name$,201,92-397,400;0
WindowTitle "BMPviewer 2 Chrome - [" + Name$ + "]"
Name$ = @LoadFile$("Bilddateien","*.BMP")
Case @MenuItem(101) :
Text$ = "BMPviewer 1.0 by Roberto Neu"
Titeltext$ = "Roberto Neu"
Case @Menuitem(102) :
Text2$ = "Wenn sie einen Screenshot machen möchten.
Klicken sie auf die Taste PrtSc/Druck.
Gehen sie dan wieder in dieses Programm
Machen sie einen rechtsklick/Einfügen"
Titeltext2$ = "Screenshot"
Case @MenuItem(103) : SaveBmp "Bild1.BMP",10,10 - 200,140
| |
![Nico Madysa: 07/04/09](.././../../i/a/13527651904b3fcf583c5c0.png) Nico Madysa | With the whom Coordinates is still integrally simply. with all BMP-command give You The Coordinates on, The You having want. LoadSizedBMP "Test.bmp", X,Y - DX,DY ; 0
X and Y give The Coordinates the oberen left corner the Bildes on. 0,0 would The upper left corner your Fensters. DX and DY stand for wide the Bildes. should the image So the entire Window receive, then is this here your friend: LoadSizedBMP "Test.bmp", 0,0 - width(%hWnd),height(%hWnd) ; 0 |
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![Roberto Neu: 07/05/09](.././../../i/a/3897879744a756d3a37b85.gif) Roberto Neu | copy time Please my code and make a Screenshot. then go in my Program make a Rechtsklick on The Bildfläche and then on insert clicking. the fügt whom Screen always comic one |
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![Nico Madysa: 07/05/09](.././../../i/a/13527651904b3fcf583c5c0.png) Nico Madysa | Argh! forgive me, still now having both of us the predicate "Flitzbiepe" earn. The commands is ClipLoadBMP -- notClipLoadSizedBMP, this there namely not. therefore is it neither verwunderlich, that it the image in Originalgröße outputs. ClipLoadBMP has only 3 Parameter, during You 5 indicated have. want You the image from the Clipboard verzerren, then must You a detour take.
1. lane: About The Memory bitmap CompileMarkSeparationDu erzeugst die Speicherbitmap in der Größe des Bildschirmfotos
MCls %MaxX,%MaxY,RGB(255,255,255)
Du wechselst in die Speicherbitmap
StartPaint -1
Und zeichnest in diese das Bild aus der Zwischenablage
ClipLoadBMP 0,0 ; 0
Dann wechselst du wieder auf dein Hauptfenster
Dann holst du das Bild aus der Zwischenablage
%BMPX und %BMPY sind Breite und Höhe des letzten gezeichneten Bildes
Nach dem Pfeil kommen die Koordinaten, an die du das Bild setzen willst
MCopySizedBMP 0,0 - %BMPX,%BMPY > 201,92-160,120 ; span>
2. lane: About the lever one Bildes CompileMarkSeparationan Variable deklarieren
declare hPic&
then points You this variables the lever To, the on one Image verweist
this Image is from the Clipboard and here 320x240 Pixel big
hPic& = Create("hSizedPic",0,"&CLPBMP",320,240,0)
then becomes the Image there drawn, where You it having want
DrawPic hPic&,201,92 ; 0
need You the lever one Bildes not More, so vergiss not
whom memory with DeleteObject again freizugeben
DeleteObject hPic&
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![Roberto Neu: 07/05/09](.././../../i/a/3897879744a756d3a37b85.gif) Roberto Neu | and How should I the now into code get?? With me is always commands Startpaint uncharted |
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![Nico Madysa: 07/05/09](.././../../i/a/13527651904b3fcf583c5c0.png) Nico Madysa | Jaa, I Have me verschrieben. ![](.././../../i/s/_n_red_smile.gif) The commands is StartPaint, not StarPaint. I have whom View source korrigiert, if You it on ClipLoadBMPs place setting, ought to it functions.
but Please not only copy, separate too understand. ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498539.gif) |
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![Roberto Neu: 07/05/09](.././../../i/a/3897879744a756d3a37b85.gif) Roberto Neu | Guck you the at times there comes what integrally komisches out CompileMarkSeparationdeclare Name$, text$, titeltext$, text2$, titeltext2$, ende%
WindowTitle "BMPviewer 2 Chrome"
Window 50,20 - 800,600
CreateMenu 100,20
UsePen 0,2,RGB(192,192,192)
RecTangle 200,91 - 600,500
AppendMenu 100,"&Bild Laden"
AppendMenu 101,"&by Roberto Neu"
AppendMenu 102,"&Screenshot"
AppendMenu 103,"&Speichern unter"
AppendMenu 104,"&Beenden"
TrackMenu 672,92
if %MouseKey = 2
AppendMenu 1,"Einfügen"
TrackMenu %MouseX,%MouseY
Case MenuItem(1) : ClipLoadBMP 201,92-397,400;1
Du erzeugst die Speicherbitmap in der Größe des Bildschirmfotos
MCls %MaxX,%MaxY,RGB(255,255,255)
Du wechselst in die Speicherbitmap
StartPaint -1
Und zeichnest in diese das Bild aus der Zwischenablage
ClipLoadBMP 0,0 ; 0
Dann wechselst du wieder auf dein Hauptfenster
Dann holst du das Bild aus der Zwischenablage
%BMPX und %BMPY sind Breite und Höhe des letzten gezeichneten Bildes
Nach dem Pfeil kommen die Koordinaten, an die du das Bild setzen willst
MCopySizedBMP 0,0 - %BMPX,%BMPY > 201,92-160,120 ; 0
Case @MenuItem(100): Name$ = @LoadFile$("Bilddateien","*.BMP")
While Name$ <> ""
LoadSizedBMP Name$,201,92-397,400;0
WindowTitle "BMPviewer 2 Chrome - [" + Name$ + "]"
Name$ = @LoadFile$("Bilddateien","*.BMP")
Case @MenuItem(101) :
Text$ = "BMPviewer 1.0 by Roberto Neu"
Titeltext$ = "Roberto Neu"
Case @Menuitem(102) :
Text2$ = "Wenn sie einen Screenshot machen möchten.
Klicken sie auf die Taste PrtSc/Druck.
Gehen sie dan wieder in dieses Programm
Machen sie einen rechtsklick/Einfügen"
Titeltext2$ = "Screenshot"
Case @MenuItem(103) : SaveBmp "Bild1.BMP",10,10 - 200,140
| |