
Richedit file delete


Hello Profaner,

have the following trouble.

I load a Richeditdatei with Loadrtf into Richedit,save these then as Textdatei ex and wants to ursprüngliche File then with erase delete.
apparently close the Speicherbefehl The ursprüngliche RTF File not, there always the grabbed verweigert becomes.

have then additional yet to the Löschbefehl as RTF File stored, too then GEHTS not.first if The Profananwendung terminates,can over the Explorer The RTF File deleted go.

How can now in the Profananwendung The ursprüngliche File close, so one with erase these delete can.
thanks for Mithilfe.

Windows7 Xprofan 8,9,10 [...]  [...] 

Hello Georg,

a morsel of what on code (to that Understand Your Problemes) would here probably helpful.

I work private z.B. on several actually Projekten ditto with similar Vorgehensweise and having dbzgl. (with RTFs) yet in the past tense never Problems so had.

Sofern one The profane Vorgehensweise with assign / reset / rewrite / append / close etc. to some extent mind, there to of my experience no Problems with Profan (and not the actually 9.0-Beta). though (X)Profan yet always some Macken has, unfortunately ...

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Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

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Hello Dietmar,

have whom part, the whom Error causes, herausgenommen.then GEHTS correct.Error exit then on, if I from Prfellow The wfrtf.inc use.

need but the inc there otherwise some Richeditfunktionen not weg.with one Grossteil having me Andreas Miethe already helped,must I hold over again inquire.

Windows7 Xprofan 8,9,10 [...]  [...] 

Error found,

having the following Unterprogramm
proc xyz
code for Font and Farbwechsel


After Remove from the both SET(FastMode,n) can I of course again on The Files grab, for schwanzt me again The 20 Lines Messageabfrage and it go simply some Farb or. Fontwechsel not carryed out.

Windows7 Xprofan 8,9,10 [...]  [...] 

Hello GDL...

Verpasse the Program a DulcoIF or 20LaxoAndis...

Hello AH,

thanks for hint,verpasse a DulcoiF the Proc.

Nachtrag To vorherigem:

The Error with Fastmode arise then, if one with 2 Richedit operates and the, the as second prepares watts zugreift.
without Fastmode GEHTS correct.Why ??????

To wfrtf.inc:

(ME own both Richedit dll versions The 1. and the 2.)

The wfrtf.inc from prfellow power a Versionsabfrage and gives apparently The Ver.1 back, if it these finds.therefore went some command from the rtf Template in Prfellow not and Rolands create rtf reacted neither on everything.

my Solution :

@Create(RichEdit,n,s,X1,X2,Y1,Y2) supplant through

and the functions everybody can need from the wfrtf.inc rauskopieren and adjust and already goes everything.
And if one creep without Waitinput need, must one hold in designed routines one DulcoiF of AH insert.

somehow must I CB there rechtgeben, with his Flickschusterei.I can too Beginner well present, The a little bit More make want How in the Profanhilfe standing,then but the towel throwing.i'm too Programmieranfänger and write wisely god for simple Progamme, thrust but now already on etliche Barriers.
my program exists to Time only from stundenlangem herumprobieren To It's all right,without understand to Why.

my opinion :
If Profan whom claim as Einsteigerprogramm own, then heard too The initially good Profanhilfe so well weitergeführt.
to that example with creatertf heard absolutely moreover:
- Farbwechsel
- Fontwechsel
- News word under Cursor
- actually row
- actually slot

have whom local, that The Profanhilfe only always copies and is quick yet NEN couple New Features added.
whom remainder should then the community make.
here must I CB again rechtgeben :
XProfan is no Freeware and accordingly is it thing the Autors itself too around the Drumherum To concern.eachone own no DSL Flatrate circa itself for hours over ands over again others DulcoiFs from the Community to search.
As I said these The opinion one Anfängers, the not the towel throwing and in the mistake lying can.

Windows7 Xprofan 8,9,10 [...]  [...] 


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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GDL (4x)
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Dietmar Horn (1x)

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