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Hello all !

me would interested whether someone of you from the VB-Page comes and as it at Entry in XProfan ergangen is.
I Have there, gelinde said, ziemliche difficulty The Logik in my head To get.

I come even from the VB-Page - or accurate said:
GWBasic, Quickbasic, VB, VB .Net
Between and on the side: PL1, Clipper, BAL and ABal (under Prologue-Betriebssystem)

If I now behaupte, that The Syntax and Logik sooner Delphi or. Turbo Pascal lastig is, lie I there correctly. ?
Can the so from the Page viewing ?

would be me very forward of your experience whom Anfängen of XProfan to experienced.

Vielen Thanks
Windows XP Pro, SP3
Jetzt: XProfan 11
Was ich liebe sind 3 "F": meine Familie, meine Firma, meine Freizeit.

Gwbasic and Quickbasic kannste forget the are Zutände and no Languages.
with GFA16 and GFA32 for Pc caught the life first on.
hurrah one observes the the computer living....To 2002 , then was GFA lane The German Basicschmiede. now is it complete Freeware in german To Vista.

with VB To You near to profane.
important The Profanhilfe reading....reading......reading.....
then comes one behind it Why really Profan simply and short and concisely is in the result.

If I now behaupte, that The Syntax and Logik sooner Delphi or. Turbo Pascal lastig is, lie I there correctly. ?

No, if it so would, then would it one imitation of it what about me had not bought


Since I before none program having (except Batch files write and a couple Wordmakros), had to I naturally not umlernen. I found though whom Entry relatively simply. particularly there Profan one The whole management the Windowsoberfläche abnimmt, is it very entspanntes, the integral centered program. What exactly is because for you the trouble. Logik is really Logik. or is it ehr The Syntax, The not mere wants? I know The others Languages not, therefore can I not to judge. I yourself have anyway by Profane too learnt, z.B. C-code at least so half-way understand to.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

Hello Gerhard

interestingly to know would The Gegenfrage, Why stay not VB whom You apparently rule?

Sato Pinto

thanks for Rückmeldungen !

@Peter: now, my Entry into EDV was 1984. there have I yet the Betriebssystem CP/M learnt - one Vorläufer of MS-Dos.
then coming even MS-Dos. The first Version with the I it To had to do was 2.11.
Tja, and there there were hold hardly what other as GWBasic and then Quckbasic - sofern one from the Microsoft-splint ausgeht.
I knows already, it given then soon too C, Pascal, Cobol and a couple others.
has itself but professional so yield, I even on the Microsoft-splint was and stayed be - and even with Basic.
with GFA have I a zeitlang engage. Why I do not thereby stayed be is, I do not really the feeling having
that here crucial Weiterentwicklungen possible are, there it the Source the Compilers not any more gives. means go
things thatswhy around made. i'm but still in the Mailing List of GFA.

@Jörg: Yes you're right. really had I it sooner with Syntax bezeichnen should. Why I not done have has a reason.
i'm a couple items simply dwelt and institute of technology me hold heavy umzugewöhnen. the are particularly The ereignisorientierte Programming
and the point-Notation. (example for Punktnotation is a Steuerelement with quality: objListBox.Width = 1234)
and C was never mine, the Have I somehow abgelehnt.

@Sato: Why I do not with VB stayed be or stay ?
now, with some of my projects stay I thereby because it bestehende are, with them of Time To Time what To do is.
for new projects is weder VB nocht VB .Net suitable. there's some Reasons for.
of/ one of it is, that one of Input To Input only with the tab-Button jumping can and not the Enter-Button.
so to the access there 2 Opportunities: either one catches The Enter-Button in each Steuerelement ex or one
Sub-Classed each Steuerelement. Both is quite costly and - I say time so - the ought to automatically supported his.
some ask Perhaps Why to the with the Enter-Button need.
The response is, I it with Applications have to do as Kassensysteme. there's one from the input since on the Zahlenblock
orientiert. in the others hand has one mostly The merchandise or a Strichcodeleser. there would The Focusverschiebung with the
tab-Button a more than circumstantial thing.
One Another point are The cost. Visual studio cost each Update a Lawine to others Systemen How XProfan.
but there's yet some others Reasons, The I now not any enumerate wants.

Abschliessend would like I add, that me XProfan Yes very well gefällt what about me too whom sake have it me reinzuziehen and so
my projects to develop. I institute of technology me hold one bissl heavy at Umstieg of Gewohntem. and very the wished I to that expression bring.
be indeed not any more the jüngste.

love Regards
Windows XP Pro, SP3
Jetzt: XProfan 11
Was ich liebe sind 3 "F": meine Familie, meine Firma, meine Freizeit.

be indeed not any more the jüngste.

To You in pension(superannuation) so How I, or can You you yet of them there outdoors insane make?


To to superannuation Have I Yes another couple Jährchen.
i'm selbstständig and I a EDV-firm.
there's it even often difficult The Time to that learn to find.
Windows XP Pro, SP3
Jetzt: XProfan 11
Was ich liebe sind 3 "F": meine Familie, meine Firma, meine Freizeit.


i'm selbstständig and I a EDV-firm.
there's it even often difficult The Time to that learn to find.

Hehe, the sees one Yes on iF...

i'm selbstständig and I a EDV-firm.

well, then would like I with you not swap.


Hi Hi Hi - Frank and Peter,

your can one but already correctly. courage make.
Windows XP Pro, SP3
Jetzt: XProfan 11
Was ich liebe sind 3 "F": meine Familie, meine Firma, meine Freizeit.

Gerhard Praher
If I now behaupte, that The Syntax and Logik sooner Delphi or. Turbo Pascal lastig is, lie I there correctly. ?

XProfan Although in the integral one Basic-dialect, contains but in the doing too one good measure on Delphi/Turbo-Pascal-Elementen. with the Objektorientierung was Delphis ObjectPascal paragon with of/ one good Prise Java. and the Parameters for Parameter Passing lean itself on The dBase/Clipper-Syntax on.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Peter Max Müller11/13/17


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