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![funkheld: 02/28/13](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) funkheld | Hello, good day. I need please times a graphic-Help for a Armatur with Zeiger. i want following data as Zeigergrafik Show : number1! CompileMarkSeparation {$cleq}
Declare Ende&, SizeOfMem&, hmap&, hMapView&, win&
declare zahl1!,zahl2!,text1&,text2&
'1024 Bytes Speicher
SizeOfMem& = 1024
'Speicherbereich anlegen
hmap& = CreateFileMapping(-1,0,PAGE_READWRITE,0,SizeOfMem&,"MeinSpeicher")
'Zeiger auf Speicherbereich ermitteln
hMapView& = MapViewOfFile(hMap&,$000F001F, 0, 0, 0)
win& = @Create("Window", 0, "Parent", 20, 20, 500,400)
While Ende&
sleep 5
if isKey(81)
settext text1&,str$(@int(zahl1!+0.5))
settext text2&,str$(@int(zahl2!+0.5))
How can the manage with the the Zeiger and the rounds background, which too with XPSE compiliert go can ?
Thank you.
greeting peter |
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![iF: 02/28/13](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | only so I it correctly. understand...
mean You something like as Exe from this pkg ( [...] ) indicating?
Since there it many ways -
vlt. can You time "malen" as very looks should - thereafter yields itself then mostly a possible simple Solution. |
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![funkheld: 02/28/13](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) funkheld | Jup thanks, so similar. If you Please into both Graphics bewegliche Zeiger reinbringen can. or time a simple method for schilderst. The with the Knobcontrol is of me since not so Begreifbar.
Thank you.
greeting peter
![](https://xprofan.com/files/iouma.jpg) |
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![iF: 03/01/13](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | want You, the on the %displayed hWnd becomes (is simply) or on Dialogen? |
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![funkheld: 03/01/13](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) funkheld | Jup, thanks. first time Please the simple Show. i want time learn How the functions.
Thank you.
greeting peter |
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![iF: 03/02/13](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | want You, the the then turned Zeiger a graphic is or just a line? so one schöner Zeiger would beautiful but you have none uploaded. The should either horizontal or Mouse and Sprite his and would then turned. |
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![funkheld: 03/02/13](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) funkheld | Hello, thanks. simply one line as graphic. Later supplant I the by a graphic.
greeting peter |
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![iF: 03/02/13](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | Have you here ( [...] ) something zurechtgefertigt,
look time whether You something like mean.
![](https://xprofan.com/files/oknca.png) |
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![funkheld: 03/02/13](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) funkheld | au..., to the sees Yes cool from and operates Präzise. this is a marvellous basis to that weiterarbeiten.
Vielen Thanks.
greeting peter |
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![iF: 03/02/13](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | |
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![iF: 03/02/13](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | with manchen Gradzahlen is the spending the turned Zeigers not so qualitative - so The spending always qualitative is müsstest just whom Zeiger as quadratisches Image take off z.B. with 512x512 Pixeln.
![](https://xprofan.com/files/uanca.png) |
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![funkheld: 03/05/13](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) funkheld | Hello, iF, get You the whole too with OGL there ? there can indeed beautiful Rotaten with the Zeiger. only should it in 2D his.
Thank you.
greeting peter |
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