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Thomas Freier | found I had of Andreas: CompileMarkSeparation $I Profalt.inc
'Drucken mit dem Richedit-Control
DEF StartDoc(2) ! "gdi32","StartDocA"
DEF StartPage(1) ! "gdi32","StartPage"
DEF EndPage(1) ! "gdi32","EndPage"
DEF EndDoc(1) ! "gdi32","EndDoc"
DEF CreateDC(4) ! "gdi32","CreateDCA"
DEF DeleteDC(1) ! "gdi32","DeleteDC"
DEF GetDeviceCaps(2) ! "gdi32","GetDeviceCaps"
DEF PrintDlg(1) ! "comdlg32","PrintDlgA"
Declare Richedit&,RichDLL&,Ende&,Print&,Exit&,FileName$,Driver$,Printer$
Declare Horzres&,Vertres&,PixelsX&,PixelsY&,iWidthTwips&,iHeightTwips&
Declare iTextOut&,iTextLength&,DocName$
Declare PrinterDC&
Declare FormatRange#,PrintDLG#,cRect#
Declare DocInfo#
Dim FormatRange#,48
Dim DocInfo#,12
Clear DocInfo#
Dim PrintDLG#,66
Clear PrintDLG#
Dim cRect#,16
SetTrueColor 1
Window 0,0-640,480
CLS RGB(196,196,196)
Print& = CreateButton(%hwnd,"Drucken",500,40,80,24)
Exit& = CreateButton(%hwnd,"Ende",500,70,80,24)
RichEdit& = Create("RichEdit",%hwnd,"",0,2,460,430)
FileName$ = LoadFile$("Als RTF öffnen","*.RTF")
If FileName$ <> ""
DocName$ = "Profan-RTFPrinter"
Whilenot Ende&
If GetFocus(Exit&)
Ende& = 1
ElseIf GetFocus(Print&)
Long PrintDLG#,0 = 66
Long PrintDLG#,4 = %hwnd
PrinterDC& = Long(PrintDLG#,16)
If PrinterDC&
HorzRes& = GetDeviceCaps(PrinterDC&,8)
VertRes& = GetDeviceCaps(PrinterDC&,10)
PixelsX& = GetDeviceCaps(PrinterDC&,88)
PixelsY& = GetDeviceCaps(PrinterDC&,90)
iWidthTwips& = Int((HorzRes&/PixelsX&))*1440
iHeightTwips& = Int((VertRes&/PixelsY&))*1440
Long cRect#,0 = 0
Long cRect#,4 = 0
Long cRect#,8 = iWidthTwips&
Long cRect#,12 = iHeightTwips&
Long DocInfo#,0 = 12
Long DocInfo#,4 = ADDR(Docname$)
Long FormatRange#,0 = PrinterDC&'HDC
Long FormatRange#,4 = PrinterDC&'TargetHDC
Long FormatRange#,8 = 0'linker Rand in Twips
Long FormatRange#,12 = 0'oberer Rand in Twips
Long FormatRange#,16 = iWidthTwips&'rechter Rand in Twips
Long FormatRange#,20 = iHeightTwips&'unterer Rand in Twips
Long FormatRange#,24 = 0'linker Rand in Twips
Long FormatRange#,28 = 0'oberer Rand in Twips
Long FormatRange#,32 = iWidthTwips&'rechter Rand in Twips
Long FormatRange#,36 = iHeightTwips&'unterer Rand in Twips
Long FormatRange#,40 = 0'CharRange-MIN
Long FormatRange#,44 = -1'CharRange MAX ( -1 = alles )
iTextOut& = 0
iTextLength& = SendMessage(RichEdit&, 14, 0, 0)- SendMessage(RichEdit&,186,0,0)
Whilenot OR(iTextOut& >= iTextLength&,itextOut& = -1)
Long FormatRange#,44 = -1
iTextOut& = SendMessage(RichEdit&, 1081, 1, FormatRange#)
Long FormatRange#,40 = iTextOut&
SendMessage(RichEdit&, 1081, 1, 0)
Dispose FormatRange#
Dispose DocInfo#
Dispose PrintDLG#
unfortunately end the pressure to 3 pages. WordPad druckt everything. How geht's with XProfan? |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 10/06/10 ▲ |
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« this Posting watts as Solution marked. » |
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Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | Hi Thomas!
apparently becomes from the FORMATRANGE-structure not only the To bedruckende area read, separate to the Print too the objectively genutzte area hinterlegt (or something like in the manner). therefore must the betroffene cut offed the structure each Schleifendurchlauf new equips go.
SeeYou Pascal |
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Thomas Freier | lovely, now runs it too by me. only durchsteigen, Why the so is, can I not. too can I a attitude for oberen Randabstand not turn off or exists these Possibility not? |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 10/08/10 ▲ |
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Thomas Freier | The Ansatz is already OK. thanks iF, goes so very well. I set whom Randabstand left and supra How follows: CompileMarkSeparation whom bedruckbaren area To fetch rewards today hardly, since the most printer randlos print can. means I will only a oberen- and book-edge pretending, or. take on let. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 10/09/10 ▲ |
| Ah, ok & gladly happen. ^^ |
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| simply only 1 RTF complete print out functions by me so now integrally super:
(Have dispose fr# in the function forget) |
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Thomas Freier | by me "hängt" always a File. first supposition, since the File first before the pressure created becomes, that the printer already on The erzeugende File zugreift, before the Speichervorgang exits is, shining not To zutreffen. might of/ one once on seinem system The enclosed File with the TEXT130.exe testing. with another software is tappt im dunkeln free from problems to open and To print. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 10/14/10 ▲ |
| is correct, "hängt" shows by me the it from the Loop not herauskommt and hundreds Pages in order gives. ^^
tommorrow time look what there "abgeht" or. Why the Break-argument apparently never zutrifft. |
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Thomas Freier | Yes, is insane, whom others RTFs with more or less Images get planmäßig printed. too this leaf becomes tidy printed, if to the last Image yet Text or a Leerzeile eingefügt becomes. it arise then a new Page. The problem is presumably: the latest, on this leaf possible Image (Objekt), resolve weder a Seitenwechsel yet Druckende from. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 10/14/10 ▲ |
| SendMessage em_formatRange gives The latest position back, this worth might z.B. of Page To Page not "gleich" his - vlt. fit something not The Page and so one since the position vlt. "manuell" go on ought to. I check in the example The position too differently as mere of msdn Translated damits with StartPrint/ nextPage works without StartDoc-Api - vlt. Have I here what overlooking. |
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Thomas Freier |
.... vlt. Have I here what overlooking.
and something overlooking? |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 10/20/10 ▲ |
| Ah, not at all geschaut - Uwe and Dieter are there explicit kompetentere contact persons and so I of ausging already helped is. |
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Thomas Freier | i'd it rather find, if your Scrips, The Yes very well are, too famous gewordene Error not any more hätten. is still too possible, that Uwes example under designed Umständen in a Endlosschleife end. to safety has it now The max. To druckenden pages pretended. there's at employment naturally the trouble, that the Seitenanzahl the Dokumentes seldom detect can. |
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 10/21/10 ▲ |