
SACL - who alludes my Button?

Hello Profaner...

I have through chance straight seen, How one The by the SACL transcribed Zugriffe List could. would be the of allgemeinem interest?

would be still what Feines.

I lagere grade Bestandteile of Templates in Javascript-Outputs circa - circa the Community biserl speed To make.

If the what with the Subject to do? No!

though... Ne still not.


Moin IF...

If I you there correctly. understood have, verringerst You The Size the downzulodenden pages, because You some Bestandteile over Java erstellst? nice idea...

i'll time my Posting yet something moreover explain:
it's about Systemüberwachung - accurate said, around the Überwachung the Zugriffe on Registryschlüssel, Files, directories .... etc. under WindowsNT/2000/XP.
means above in the Nachhinein auszulesen, who when whom Registryschlüssel opened has (or attempts has, tappt im dunkeln to open), who when what with of/ one File made has...
If the already time someone made?
has someone interest on the Topic?

the would one tolles product!

and of course would it well interestingly - if something like geloggt would. I have something like ähnliches here on my Suseserver einprogrammiert - if Zugriffe failure(!) then ex so in that log. One grabbed fails z.B. too then - if The GID or UID not the File übereinstimmt etc.

i think too for Normalo would this interestingly, but too particularly for so Manch Admin.


Hello IF...

the can itself under windows integrally similar regulate. in that log send do I with the settle one Registryeintrags and the settle of SACL Einträgen.
The SACL Entries go really almost just as staid as DACL Entries, only that here a couple ? Happen? differently are and before one privilege staid go must. => this is means already so well How ready.

On The APIs, The these codierten Logs read, be I now the durchstöbern the WIN32.HLP too punched.

i'll, once I again something Time have, time to check on, whether The thing so functions, How I me the in the moment vorstelle.



Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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