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| Hello Frank
Yes,I again.... the following I read of a LV into other Files one everything ok The Files should only copies go as they not second LV already present are,therefore use I The function searchtext()
only if now in the first LV following Files(only z.B.) 1HALLO.txt Hello 2.txt Hello.txt stand what about me the whole without Berücksichtigung the big/Kleinschreibung in that others LV copy wants (should so his,because I copy from different Dirs) then bekomm I only any 3 Files if I whom Suchstring in quotation marks set. If this so correctly. is,could You, the Perhaps for so people How me Please into Help with take in.
yet what...it go any Strings in Großbuchstaben transformed except it standing a number before it or the String standing in quotation marks
1Test.txt remaining so Test.txt becomes transformed
and here statement from the View source:
GetItemText(listview&,itemtexts#,0,Zähler&) Text$=String$(itemtexts#,1) z&=Byte(itemtexts#,0) if z&= 160 GetFullPathName(addr(Text$),512,itemtexts#,nurso#) t1$=String$(itemtexts#,0) let filename$=GetFileName(t1) let Pathfilename$=GetFilePath(t1$) so GEHTS not let such$=filename$ so goes it let such$=@chr$(34)+filename$+@chr$(34) y&=SearchText(listview2&,0,GetLines(listview2&),0,addr(such$),0,addr(x&))
let such$=@chr$(34)+ Pathfilename$ +@chr$(34) y2&=SearchText(listview2&,0,GetLines(listview2&),0,addr(such$),0,addr(x&))
if @or(@equ(y&,-1),@equ(y2&,-1)) only unless present mere so SetItem listview2&,filename$,Pathfilename$ endif endif
Greeting Klaus |
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| Hiiilfeee !!! is time again balderdash I written have... logical..if I whom String quotation marks set can The function whom Yes not find there it not same is. so would of course the Prob resolved with the Namensgleichheiten in the Suchstring... ...but now bekomm I naturally The Strings over ands over again in that LV mere because tappt im dunkeln Yes not same are
Thank you for Help one in the meantime verzweifelter Klaus |
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| ok,I habs understands
so functions it
let such$=filename$ y&=SearchText(listview2&,0,GetLines(listview2&),0,addr(such$),6,addr(x&))
if @equ(y&,-1) only unless present mere so SetItem listview2&,filename$,Pathfilename$ endif
once one fallacy at search..because it will do The first slot secondly one Error meinersteits with whom Parameters
but it'll trozdem still everything in Großbuchstaben transformed except the first String ?? Although not important...want I only time say
Greeting...now again something glücklicher Klaus |
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| Hi,
everything in Großbuchstaben ? means not at me... Have though latest days yet a Bug in SearchText() found and eliminating, now finds it too really ALLE Vorkommen the Suchstrings. because of the Großschreibung: Please always one abgespecktes funktionierendes Testprogramm send, in the the Error vorkommt. only so can I it too understand, testing and if need be whom Error to fix. Fühl you spare !
Greeting, Frank |
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| Hello Klaus,
another thing: I can you momentarily not by EMail achieve. my Mails come with a Error back...
Greeting, Frank |
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