Hello, good day. gives it something new for a Server-Clientverbindung-Program with Profan for a gegenseitige Datenübermittlung for further Applications?
PS: now have I again Time to that proggen. having 8 weeks long learnt with 63 years for Amateurfunklizenz the KLasse A. have today The license receive. now goes it out to the Funkwellen with up to 750 Watt on all Amateurfunkbändern.
i want on one computer this with the Server and Client try and then evtl with a 2. computer.
background: I have whom Loksim3d , the over TCP The data rausschicken can (Bremsdruck, speed etc) to a Program which too TCP can and these trockenen data then with graphic darstellt. first must but these both programs mutual link take in (Loksim3d and Server) thereafter fetch the Server The data of Loksim and mail these then to Clienten the tappt im dunkeln with graphic darstellt.
I wanted to time with a einfachen Program under Profan this anlaufen let, but for find I nothing.