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![Penguin Tux: 09/23/08](.././../../i/a/205747871648834ba463a03.jpg) Penguin Tux | Hi,
there irgendeine Possibility, one Tool Windows XP/2000 To write, which the Tastaturlayout of german on russian and of russian in german switchen can? moreover need I a simple GUI, since the User not really plenty Idea having go. the important is, that no Registryeinträge changed go, because it otherwise conflicts with the Rechtevergabe the network give could.
thanks Schonmal for eure Help Tony CompileMarkSeparationdeclare btndlg&,dlgende%,dlg&
Startpaint dlg&
UseFont "CANDARA",25,20,1,0,0
TextColor RGB(0,0,0),RGB(255,255,255)
btnDlg& = CreateButton(dlg&,"Deutsch -> Russisch",30,10,120,30)
btnDlg& = CreateButton(dlg&,"Russisch -> Deutsch",30,45,120,30)
WhileNot dlgende%
If GetFocus(btnDlg&)
dlgende% = 1
The GUI is, if too only of optischen since, ready. the code is with safety reinster Garbage and one could it certainly too yet improve. now goes it therefore, The right functions to that right Button To write. |
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![Frank Abbing: 09/23/08](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | If me not everything täuscht, ought to with the the API ActivateKeyboardLayout() weg. here an example in VB, ditto a german/russian-story: [...] ![](.././../../i/lnk.gif) |
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![Penguin Tux: 09/23/08](.././../../i/a/205747871648834ba463a03.jpg) Penguin Tux | thanks for response, but the code self is, for me, still very opaque. a small explanation were nice.
one möge me hit standing Yes everything there, only not integrally so How I it need. but with bisschen logischem think becomes the what. |
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![: 09/23/08](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | in the equipment is a keyboard-driver for russian - german. must naturally installs go:
the zipper-Pack "tastatur_russ_dt.zip" entpacken. On Russ-dt.msi doppelklicken. The driver go installs. After the installation must tappt im dunkeln select go:
Start/Settings/Systemsteuerung/Regions- and Sprachoptionen-> Languages -> details
hope, I could help ;) |
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![Penguin Tux: 09/23/08](.././../../i/a/205747871648834ba463a03.jpg) Penguin Tux | it's located Yes not on whom treibern, separate on the change between both Languages.
to the I me whom code angeguckt have, have I Pinned, I quite nothing so begin can :--/ CompileMarkSeparation |
![Frank Abbing: 09/23/08](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | Probier the time, gives Text one into Editfeld: CompileMarkSeparationDef ActivateKeyboardLayout(2)!"USER32","ActivateKeyboardLayout"
Def &VK_FLAGSR 1 Tastenlayout Russisch
Def &VK_FLAGSD 0 Tastenlayout Deutsch
Declare edit&,text$
edit&=Create("MultiEdit", %hWnd, "", 10, 10, 200, 200)
ActivateKeyboardLayout(0, &VK_FLAGSR)
While 1
Case %key=2:Break
ActivateKeyboardLayout(0, &VK_FLAGSD)
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![Penguin Tux: 09/24/08](.././../../i/a/205747871648834ba463a03.jpg) Penguin Tux | soeben womb me The morgendliche idea, simply Program for russischunterricht for it used go should To write. one area for German write, one for russian. it would evtl. not integrally badly if to the whole still format and print could, but so far custom I first yet nciht think.
for this think about would itself namely too the first code suit, there one Yes then russian writes, if area x whom fokus has. this afternoon werd I time ransetzen. |
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![Frank Abbing: 09/24/08](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | i'm now not clear become, whether The Solution through ActivateKeyboardLayout() functions or not. Since I yourself only german installs have, can I it Yes not really testing. would be means only equatable to future Mitlesern that here time mitzuteilen.
P.s.: Please not your whole Text here kleinschreiben. what in a Chat aale goes, power a Forumseintrag but badly readable. |
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![Penguin Tux: 09/24/08](.././../../i/a/205747871648834ba463a03.jpg) Penguin Tux | yet white I do not whether the code functions has, because I not yet started. I must on the side yet school make and a Linuxkiste to that walk bring, means exercise you in patience ![](.././../../i/s/-grin.png)
so. Fakt is, that it at write into Text box on russian umschaltet. only there there the trouble, that one only black Schtriche and no kyrillischen letters sees.
with CompileMarkSeparation can I the window already maximiert open let. only, where comes the commands there and How must it deklarieren? CompileMarkSeparationWINDOWSTYLE 31
Window 0,0-0,1024
Windowtitle "Russisch"
Def ActivateKeyboardLayout(2)!"USER32","ActivateKeyboardLayout"
Def &VK_FLAGSR 1 Tastenlayout Russisch
Def &VK_FLAGSD 0 Tastenlayout Deutsch
Declare edit&,text$
edit&=Create("MultiEdit", %hWnd, "", 10, 10, 1000, 700)
ActivateKeyboardLayout(0, &VK_FLAGSR)
While 1
Case %key=2:Break
ActivateKeyboardLayout(0, &VK_FLAGSD)
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![Frank Abbing: 09/24/08](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | Lass you not drive. i was only not right schlau from your last Posting become.
gives it a commands, the one with the Febster already maximiert open can?
the Mainwindow? Probier time: Window 0,0-%maxx,%maxy in lieu of of Cls. |
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![Penguin Tux: 09/24/08](.././../../i/a/205747871648834ba463a03.jpg) Penguin Tux | thanks you. is of course not integrally maximiert, appear but in the of me tuned Size the Fensters. |
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![Frank Abbing: 09/24/08](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | You must probably a Font use, the too russian Sonderzeichen contains? |
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