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Penguin Tux | Hi,
there irgendeine Possibility, one Tool Windows XP/2000 To write, which the Tastaturlayout of german on russian and of russian in german switchen can? moreover need I a simple GUI, since the User not really plenty Idea having go. the important is, that no Registryeinträge changed go, because it otherwise conflicts with the Rechtevergabe the network give could.
thanks Schonmal for eure Help Tony CompileMarkSeparationdeclare btndlg&,dlgende%,dlg&
Startpaint dlg&
UseFont "CANDARA",25,20,1,0,0
TextColor RGB(0,0,0),RGB(255,255,255)
btnDlg& = CreateButton(dlg&,"Deutsch -> Russisch",30,10,120,30)
btnDlg& = CreateButton(dlg&,"Russisch -> Deutsch",30,45,120,30)
WhileNot dlgende%
If GetFocus(btnDlg&)
dlgende% = 1
The GUI is, if too only of optischen since, ready. the code is with safety reinster Garbage and one could it certainly too yet improve. now goes it therefore, The right functions to that right Button To write. |
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Penguin Tux | thanks for Tipp. |
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Frank Abbing |
I have now watch, that in both Feldern to each Tastendruck the Eingabegebietsschema changed becomes.
Probier time this code, there ought to not More occur: CompileMarkSeparationDef ActivateKeyboardLayout(2)!"USER32","ActivateKeyboardLayout"
Def IsFocus(0)!"USER32","GetFocus"
Def &VK_FLAGSR 1 Tastenlayout Russisch
Def &VK_FLAGSD 0 Tastenlayout Deutsch
Declare edit1&,edit2&,text$,x&,y&
Window 0,0-0,1024
Windowtitle "Deutsch - Russisch"
Window 0,0-%maxx,%maxy
UseIcon "Gesicht"
Usefont "Arial",20,0,0,0,0
SetDialogFont 1
edit1& = @Create("MultiEdit",%hWnd,"Russisch",10,10,1000,320)
edit2&=Create("MultiEdit", %hWnd, "Deutsch", 10, 370, 1000, 320)
While 1
Case %key=2:Break
Inc y&
If x&<>IsFocus()
If ((%GetFocus=edit1&) and (y&=0))
ActivateKeyboardLayout(0, &VK_FLAGSR)
ElseIf ((%GetFocus=edit2&) and (y&=0))
ActivateKeyboardLayout(0, &VK_FLAGSD)
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Dieter Zornow | the functions but only, if one only 2 Languages tuned has, there it itself Yes circa a Rotation deals. If one How I 3 Languages installs has goes it schief, because then with 3 Layouts rotate becomes |
| Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2 | 09/26/08 ▲ |
Frank Abbing | but ActivateKeyboardLayout() expects still whom Parameter the keyboard layout, there rotate really nothing... an better idea Have I presently neither and can it neither really testing. |
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Dieter Zornow | @Frank
HKL_NEXT Selects the next locale identifier in the circular list of loaded locale identifiers maintained by the system. HKL_PREV Selects the previous locale identifier in the circular list of loaded locale identifiers maintained by the system.
The function expects 0 or 1 and goes then to then to next Layout. If I your code teste comes german, english and Thai but no russian. therefore works it Yes only with 2 Languages |
| Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2 | 09/26/08 ▲ |
Frank Abbing | correctly.. in the drop must You too yet with LoadKeyboardLayout() or GetKeyboardLayoutList() works. Since I not testing can, create I none code, but the both API shine me very simply anzuwenden To his. |
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Stephan Sonneborn | I häng me here time dran:
Can with ActivateKeyboardLayout(hKeyboardlayout&, Flag&) too one integrally bestimmtes Layout enable (ggf. too yet before loading, if it not loaded watts)?
somehow could the well with KLF_SETFORPROCESS weg as Flag for ActivateKeyboardLayout() weg.
with 1 or 0 as Flag position one evident only in the list all installierten Layouts the next or. previous Layout circa. |
| Schöne Grüße aus Wittgenstein von Stephan
Programmierumgebung:| XProfan X4 | WIN10 | AMD FX6100 3,3 GHz | 07/18/12 ▲ |
| Hello Stephan!
loading goes well by LoadKeyboardLayout but what very have because to or.
I faith i see The question not so correctly.. ^^ |
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Stephan Sonneborn | Hello iF,
It's all right in the principle still around the russian Texts or. its statement. I have a middle-aged Freeware Schriftsatz found, the kyrillische characters into first 255 characters (means not advanced Zeichensatz) abbildet. moreover must but with the input the english Tastaturlayout activate go.
If to the installs has, can with ActivateKeyboardLayout(0,1) or. ActivateKeyboardLayout(0,0) zirkular to or back a to the others Zeichensatz enable. the goes to that a alphabetical (if one before sortiert has) or in the Order the Anlegens.
I must means aimed the english Tastaturlayout on and before Verify, whether it installs is. |
| Schöne Grüße aus Wittgenstein von Stephan
Programmierumgebung:| XProfan X4 | WIN10 | AMD FX6100 3,3 GHz | 07/18/12 ▲ |
| Ah!
look time this here funktionierte by me on attempt:
I had äöü eingetippt and typical for a us-keyboard watts this in ';[ umgesetzt. |
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Stephan Sonneborn | iF (18.07.12)
look time this here funktionierte by me on attempt:https://XProfan.com/files/ueeoi.png
I had äöü eingetippt and typical for a us-keyboard watts this in ';< umgesetzt.
super! the shining then The Solution To his.
How place I the originale Layout again? Can there before a handle read and hereon again zurücksetzen?
though bleats Profan on, The function be not in the dll present. is The not in the USER32.dll declared? CompileMarkSeparation |
| Schöne Grüße aus Wittgenstein von Stephan
Programmierumgebung:| XProfan X4 | WIN10 | AMD FX6100 3,3 GHz | 07/19/12 ▲ |
Dieter Zornow | there's LoadKeyboardLayoutA or LoadKeyboardLayoutW |
| XProfan X2Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2 | 07/19/12 ▲ |