
someone Fit in maths?


Perhaps there whom a or others the Fit in maths is.
I need time a Formelsammlung and of course circa XYZ-data in YBC (speak LRA) umzuwandeln. have of course for MatLab one PlugIn found, I will but unfortunately not schlau draus. want the gladly under XProfan to charge.

Greeting Marc-Gordon

%XYZ2YBC convert form XYZ coordinate to YBC format (LRA)
%   XYZ2YBC(X,Y,Z) convert the X,Y,Z values to Y,B,C values. assuming the bend
%   radius is zero. the size of X,Y and Z must be the same.
%   XYZ2YBC(X,Y,Z,R) where R is the bend radius. convert the X,Y,Z values to
%   Y,B,C values, taking in to account the bend radius R.
%   XYZ2YBC(X,Y,Z,R) where R is the bend radius matrix for each bend. convert
%   the X,Y,Z values to Y,B,C values, taking in to account the bend radius R
%   for each bend.  size of R must be less than the number of XYZ points by 2.
%   returns Y length between bends, B rotation between bends in radius,+ for
%   clockwise and - for anticlockwise, C angle of bend in radius.
% File: xyz2ybc
% Author: Ammar Mousali
% Date:   29/04/2004
% Griffith University
% V1.1
% changes from V1.0
%   changed the output from degrees to radius.
function [Y,B,C] = xyz2ybc(Xc,Yc,Zc,R)
if( (length(Xc) ~= length(Yc)) | (length(Xc) ~= length(Zc)) )
error('X,Y,Z are not the same size');
if(nargin == 3)
% set the bend radius to zero for all bends.
R = zeros(1,length(Xc)-2);
elseif(length(R) == 1)
% set the bend radius to R for all bends.
R = ones(1,length(Xc)-2).*R;
elseif(length(R) ~= length(Xc)-2)
error('R size doesnt match the number of bends');
% number of bends is less than the number of XYZ points by 2.
for i = 1:length(Xc)-2
% calculate the 2 vectors BA and BC, representing an angle ABC.
V1 = [Xc(i)-Xc(i+1) ; Yc(i)-Yc(i+1) ; Zc(i)-Zc(i+1)];
V2 = [Xc(i+2)-Xc(i+1) ; Yc(i+2)-Yc(i+1) ; Zc(i+2)-Zc(i+1)];
% calculate the length of vectors BA and BC.
V1l = Vlength(V1);
V2l = Vlength(V2);
% calculate the angle between the 2 vectors BA and BC.
C(i) = pi - acos(dot(V1,V2) / (V1l*V2l));
% calculate the vector perpendicular to the plan ABC.
planeV(i,:) = cross(V1,V2)';
% calculate the length of the straight by subtracting the tangent of
% the bend angle.
Y(i) = Y(i) - R(i)*tan(C(i)/2);
Y(i+1) = V2l - R(i)*tan(C(i)/2);
% calculate the length of vectors perpendicular to the plan ABC and
% the plan of the bend before it.
PV1l = Vlength(planeV(i-1,:));
PV2l = Vlength(planeV(i,:));
% calculate the rotation direction.  negative if counter clockwise.
s=sign(V1 .* cross(planeV(i-1,:),planeV(i,:))');
% calculate the rotation angle and multiply by the rotation direction.
B(i) = acos(dot(planeV(i-1,:),planeV(i,:))/(PV1l*PV2l))*s(1);


% calculate the length of the straight by subtracting the tangent of
% the bend angle.
Y(i) = V1l - R(i)*tan(C(i)/2);
Y(i+1) = V2l - R(i)*tan(C(i)/2);
% rotation of the first bend is always zero.
B(i) = 0;
% calculate the length of a 3D vector.
function l=Vlength(V)
l = sqrt(V(1)^2 + V(2)^2 + V(3on class=s2>)^2);

none the Perhaps Matlab has?

means me überforderts,

intelleleluell and timewise so I there even not fix mere and think can.

Perhaps. can You time write what You make want, then ists vlt. plainer.


OK! I have a technical drawing, the me any Biegekoordinaten in XYZ angibt. and of course whom Rohranfang (Meißt X=0,Y=0,Z=0) and then always exactly the Mittelpunkt the bend, as well as the Rohrende! (rotes + see Image)
the I white are hold The Coordinates, as well as the Biegeradius.
These should now umgerechnet go in length, turn, Biegewinkel.

have there an example found: (Biegeradius 30)

0 |0 |0 ' beginning cane
100 | 0 |0 ' first bow
150 | 40 |0 ' Zweiter bow
50 | 100 | 80 'Ende Rohn


L R A (length, turn, bend)
89,477 0° 38,66°
13,197 -36,20° 106,69°

Hm and if you simply one gerades cane buy?

Gerades cane have I Yes - wants it hold Krum make

Hm means normal is not.

I attempt me strain intelleuel into cane into To displace,
stone has faith already time worked.

If I the right understand then have You means 3 XYZ Coordinates and want
of XYZ[1..3] to XYZ[1..2] & LRA[1] calculate, where naturally only LRA auszurechnen
would because XYZ[1..2] as 3D-vector already famous is?

means first The turn calculate The necessary is circa of vector XYZ[1-2] on
The Koordinate XYZ[3] To come and the length should then Perhaps from the
bend take down or differently around or. goes one thereby a linearen
Biegeverbiegung from?

I faith the The Formel there supra yet some More power quasi as industry-
Formel and one tappt im dunkeln for exakte Results very translate should, I but
not can, I not white How I the Code interpret have.

very this is my trouble. I look with the the Matlab net...

see You it too so, that the L(ength) "nur" The distance zweier XYZ-Coordinates
is wonach L = sqrt((x2-x1)*(x2-x1) + (y2-y1)*(y2-y1) + (z2-z1)*(z2-z1)) would?

A(ngle) herausbekommen place I me yet so to, that one The 3D-Coordinates
in a 2D-Räpresentation umwandelt could and so simply the Winkel between
both Points errechnet go should z.B. with angleByLine ( [...]  ) .


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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