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![Sven Bader: 02/09/23](.././../../i/a/71.gif) Sven Bader | Hello together,
the following Topic schiebe I already a while to me here, because it of course in none Profan Version of 10 To X4 functions but very well in Profan2CPP.
target is it, Ressourcen from the ongoing Program or of/ one DLL To loading, which but gepackt are and through RtlDecompressBuffer entpackt go must. this ought to everything should occur, without a File zwischenzuspeichern.
The problem is, that FindResource/LoadResource a Speicheradresse zurückgibt, which I in a Logint save and lest weiterarbeiten can.
the simpelste example, where it in XProfan already knallt is: umcompressedSize& = Long(res2&,0)
In RtlDecompressBuffer then 2x for res1& and res2&, XProfan had here well gladly self dimensionierte reaches in shape of res1# and res2#.
Nochmal: in Profan2Cpp runs the code, The values (not The address!) the Integers go here correctly as Speicheradresse recognized.
helps me here a further Zuweisung, one copymemory, a Typenkonvertierung?
here the code and enclosed the View source + The Resources-DLL to that testing.
$H opengl.ph
declare texture&,dll&
Def RtlCompressBuffer(8) !"ntdll.dll", "RtlCompressBuffer"
Def RtlDecompressBuffer(6) !"ntdll.dll", "RtlDecompressBuffer"
Def RtlGetCompressionWorkSpaceSize(3) !"ntdll.dll", "RtlGetCompressionWorkSpaceSize"
Def RtlMoveMemory(3) !"kernel32.dll", "RtlMoveMemory"
Def LoadResource(2) !"KERNEL32","LoadResource"
Def FindResource(3) !"KERNEL32","FindResourceA"
Def LockResource(1) !"KERNEL32","LockResource"
Def FreeResource(1) !"KERNEL32","FreeResource"
Def SizeofResource(2) !"KERNEL32","SizeofResource"
dll& = UseDLL("rgba.dll")
Proc OpenResource
parameters type$,name$
Proc LoadPackedBGRA
Parameters name$,iWidth&,iHeight&
Declare umcompressedSize&,umcompressed#,type$,res1&,res2&,bworkspaacesize&
type$ ="PACKED"
OpenResource("PACKED", name$)
res1& = FindResource(dll&, addr(name$), addr(type$))
res2& = LoadResource(dll&, res1&)
umcompressedSize& = Long(res2&,0)'<- here knallt it to that 1. time, one Lonint with Speicheradresse becomes not correctly processing
'whom could one too yet to charge
'umcompressedSize& = (iWidth& * iHeight& * 4)
dim umcompressed#, umcompressedSize&
'Gescheiteter attempt, it To saving
'declare res2#,res1#
'res2# = res2&
'res1# = res1&
'dim res1#, 100'???
'dim res2#, umcompressedSize&
'RtlDecompressBuffer(2,umcompressed#,umcompressedSize&,res2#+4,SizeofResource(%hInstance, res1#)-4,Addr(bworkspacesize&))
'here knallt it presumably twice with res1& and res&, there here again Speicheradressen in a Longint stand
RtlDecompressBuffer(2,umcompressed#,umcompressedSize&,res2&+4,SizeofResource(dll&, res1&)-4,Addr(bworkspacesize&))
'in USHORT CompressionFormat
'out PUCHAR UncompressedBuffer
'in ULONG UncompressedBufferSize
'in PUCHAR CompressedBuffer <- a loning Variable
'in ULONG CompressedBufferSize
'out PULONG FinalUncompressedSize
declare txID&
txID& = 1
ogl("glGenTextures",1, addr(txID&))
ogl("glBindTexture",~GL_TEXTURE_2D, txID&)
ogl("glTexImage2D",~GL_TEXTURE_2D,0,~GL_RGBA,iWidth&, iHeight&,0,~GL_BGRA,~GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,umcompressed#)
ogl("glBindTexture",~GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0)
dispose umcompressed#
Return txID&
oGL("glEnable", ~GL_BLEND)
oGL("blendmode", 2)
oGL("posmode", 1)
texture&= LoadPackedBGRA("LOGO",128,128)
whilenot iskey(27)
sleep 16
FreeDLL dll&
![](/intl/i/dw.gif) |
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![H.Brill: 02/10/23](.././../../i/a/86.gif) H.Brill | by me runs it under X4. Perhaps is correct the way the DLL not. Überprüfe time, whether dll& one gültiges lever has, means <> 0. |
| Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 02/10/23 ▲ |
![Sven Bader: 02/10/23](.././../../i/a/71.gif) Sven Bader | Oh man, you're right. the only, I only for Forenbeitrag made have is, a DLL instead of of/ one Ressource from the EXE To take, there shining The Ressource somehow defekt To his.
with following row goes it now too in the EXE, at least ex X3 $RES LOGO.res
The File create I beforehand with the Ressource Hacker. |
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