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GDL | Hello
again I.i'm it Yes self already embarrassing, but I come simply with the msdn of Microsoft not clear and white now again not what kind of Message gesendet go must.
i want gladly having, that the Spinedit on the Dialog-Window too the Waitinput durchbricht. One settimer 1 waitinput killtimer goes because of Fehlverhalten another Controls in the Hauptprogramm then not. CompileMarkSeparationdeclare ende%,box&,xstart&,dlg&,box2&,ystart&
Def InitCommCntrl(0) !ComCtl32.Dll,InitCommonControls
Def CreateSpinED(12) !ComCtl32.Dll,CreateUpDownControl
window 0,0 - %maxx,%maxy
Proc CrSpinEdit
Parameters wHndl&,x&,y&,dx&,dy&,sed_max&,sed_min&,sed_start&,align&,art&
Declare sed&,alignCT&
If (align&>3)
alignCT& = 8
align& = (align&-4)
CaseNot (art&=0): art& = 6000 keinen Punkt setzen
sed& = CreateSpinED($54800226+alignCT&+art&,0,0,0,0,wHndl&,$0FFFF,%hinstance,
Return sed&
xstart&=CrSpinEdit(box&,100,40,65,22,3000,0,160,2,1) Rechts + UpDown Rechts - Punkt
ystart&=CrSpinEdit(box2&,100,40,65,22,3000,0,160,2,1) Rechts + UpDown Rechts - Punkt
whilenot ende%
servus one gestresster and nervender Georg |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | Why setting You, the Spinedit because on The Groupbox? Setz it on dlg& and then functions it. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 08/21/07 ▲ |
GDL | because of the Oberflächengestaltung.sees in the Hauptprogramm then schöner from.Zusammengehörige Controls are one Gruppenrahmen.
but nevertheless kapiere I not Why the Spinedit on one Gruppenrahmen reacted, if jener on %hwnd lying and if the Gruppenrahmen on nem dialog lying not.
Hello Georg |
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Rolf Koch | Hi GDL, You can Yes a Groupbox drumherum make, but set The Controls simply on the HWND as Groupbox, because the parts shine by the Box through and so works it then too. |
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Frank Abbing |
but nevertheless kapiere I not Why the Spinedit on one Gruppenrahmen reacted, if jener on %hwnd lying and if the Gruppenrahmen on nem dialog lying not.
because Rolands WndProc even The Messages of %hwnd abgreift, not of Dialogwindow. |
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GDL | @Rolf having I already probiert, only The up/down Pfeile go not visible made. too one showwindow..... (on/from) helps nothing. then take I NEN Scroll bar with nem Edit drüber.there working everything, if it too net so well looks.
Hello Georg |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | If you The Groupbox to the Control erstellst, functions it. is anyhow The windowskonforme Herangehensweise, there then too z.B. Radiobuttons therefore group go. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 08/23/07 ▲ |
GDL | Hello Jörg,
my Proggi with einfachster and spartanischer surface work with 1nem Main window and 3 Dialogfenstern, with ca. 600 Bildschirmobjekten, which constantly change and quizzed go must, the thread.pcu ,4 opened dbase Files and intensivster COM2 and Portabfrage.so was Module pursued.exe in competition.
into whole try I now ne better Oberflächengestaltung To bring.therefore question I here now öfters to, I with the normalen XProfanhilfe not any more weiterkomme. On any Cases be I now again NEN bit moreover. I must hold The Controls now divide,some to create the Gruppenrahmen, some hereafter, there otherwise some Controls again of Gruppenrahmen covers go. On any Cases works it now, over again all thanks.
my last attempt in this Module is the jetzige 50ms com2 request on 30 ms To pressing and the last Dulcoifs auszumerzen.
Hello Georg |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | hears itself very tensive on. red still time a Screenshot see. I habs in the Wettbewerd none respected, b.z.w. was is mean I anyhow on defined Hardwarevoraussetzungen tied, if I me correctly. remember...
therefore question I here now öfters to, I with the normalen XProfanhilfe not any more weiterkomme.
go ahead, therefore (under Anderem) Gibts Forum Yes. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 08/23/07 ▲ |
GDL | Klaro,
means the Proggi watts since the competition now next to my GDL stature complete DCC/NMRA compatible made. Ausserdem are too The active Adressrückmeldeplatinen in a Nullserie in use.
so sees the Content the Installverzeichnisses from. Hauptmodul is pursued.exe.The others Proggis dienem to that Zuarbeiten for pursued.exe and to Platinenprogrammierung.(zinstall.......jpg)
In Sigis ,alias SKE, america equipment go zurzeit ca. 3000 Files ausgewertet.of it are always 4 at the same time in application.(zsigisamerika.jpg)
The Startschirm for all compel Proggis.(zstartmaske.jpg)
The pursued.exe mode. in this mode can then by Bildschirmeingabe or with a Stellpult to old Väter custom drove go.I ziehe latter to. The farbigen Controls go of Stellwerker and the Loks angefordert,or. quizzed then ausgewertet and to Eisenbahnregeln geschalten(crt display and Gleiskomponenten over chiding and Signaldecoder).(zbetrieb_gleism.......jpg)
here's the Trafomodul which as 2.Window in pursued.exe runs.this Module is for manuellen Geschwindigkeitseingriffe and the fortlaufende communication the seriellen interface zuständig.means the marrow to Dekoder Aussenwelt. (zbetrieb_trafo...jpg)
and this Module runs yet on the Trafomodul.(zbetrieb_bilder...jpg)
my first versions have I yet through Powerbasic DOS develops. after my association too interest on it showed have I to nem Windowsprogramierproggi sought. God Thanks be I then on Profan bumped.Profan and our Nitty are namely so fine well, that I my proposition too without Windowskenntnisse so hinbekam.in this thing over again one grosses Thank you all.
Hello Georg |
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Frank Abbing | cool!!! |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | Wow! sees gigantic from! are aim Image zbetrieb_gleismodus.jpg any bunten button bedienbar? is The equipment public and To besichtigen?
Achja, one small Rechtschreibtip: they say Login and not Loggin... |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 08/24/07 ▲ |