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Dietmar Horn | Hello together,
today contact I time with a SQL-trouble order selected Hilfestellung on The SQL-Experten under you.
I work z.Z. with XProfan 11 in a komplexeren proposition. its already right far gediehen. The yet einzigste, but crucial Problempunkt is for me The on- or. Integration the RDBS Firebird (Freeware or. Open-Source) or. Interbase (the kostenpflichtige Gegenstück of Borland To Firebird - like the Relationship between MS Office and Open-Office).
yet had to I yet never big with SQL keep busy, except that I me always times the XProfan-Help to that SQL-Topic reingezogen and the everything as right logical felt having. still How often, lying the dog certainly only in a tiny detail bury, I not know, or in a Error, whom I made or overlooking have.
Firebird and Interbase knew I To to 4 weeks not yet time of names since, because I something like yet never needed having - but now is it so far.
ODBC-driver and Firebird are installs.
first of all goes it therefore, a link produce. under windows 2000 (in unserem Vereins-cabinet) works The Initialisierung with SQLInit meanwhile.
The Initialisierung supply under W 2000 How desired the lever back:
under Windows XP yields the however yet always 0 (means failed), and in the Contrast To W 2000 appear there before not yet time the dialog to that prompt of Username, PWD, etc.
before this Completed: the produce the link not resolved is, need I none big go on.
Literatur over Firebird have I meanwhile tonnenweise, still before I not create, on all windows-Systemen ex 2000 up a reliable link produce, nützt me the everything unfortunately not too plenty.
can me Perhaps someone help, the itself already time something hither so engage has?
The next steps, So the Neuanlegen of/ one data base, or the Edit / Reading of/ one vorhandenen DB and the Weiterverarbeiten the data in the actual Program might then solely another pure Fleiß- and Logik-work his.
the sheer z.B. on dBase isn't possible, because dBase dbzgl. not over The for this proposition erforderlichen Feautures verfügt.
who can evtl. help on?
I suspect time, if the program sometime with Firebird runs, then should the program too with Interbase functions - or?
Greeting and thanks beforehand Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 01/11/09 ▲ |
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RGH | Uwe Pascal Niemeier
@ Roland: when becomes it a suitable Patch give? it has itself Yes still some angesammelt, what korrigiert go should...
SeeYou Pascal
Huch, whatever everything? me falls there yet the first to over one year discovered bow with REPEAT ... UNTIL one. but eswird sure circa Easter another Bugfix (11.1a) or Update (11.2) give. Perhaps have I Yes another idea to that BLOB-write ...
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 03/01/09 ▲ |
Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | Hi Roland!
Huch, whatever everything?
I thought there on The thing with StringW , The Unregelmäßigkeit with Pointern as Parameter or The Problems with Memory-DCs with Startpaint ...(means in the principle everything already Done) With the Repeat...Until is me really alike and the BLOBs go Yes by the 64KB-boundary the Treibers versaut
SeeYou Pascal (The for a geplantes proposition weder on XProfan 11 yet on ocx dispense wants) |
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| Uwe Pascal Niemeier
(The ... weder on XProfan 11 yet on ocx dispense wants)
< -- des auch gern hätt |
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Dietmar Horn |
and the BLOBs go Yes by the 64KB-boundary the Treibers versaut
the can so not voices, because others Konkurrenzprodukte To my or. unserem actually proposition works with real Blobs in Interbase and Firebird (however in C Delphi program). only with XProfan shining the yet unfortunately even not yet To klappen.
too the EMS-SQL-manager can real Blob-boxes lay out - means must the Yes somehow weg. with anybody 32- or 64-KB-boundary irgendeines ODBC-Treibers might the nothing concern, because theoretical can in such Blob-Feldern arbitrary binary-data if need be with hunderten GB Size stored go. naturally not directly in the Blob-area, because there becomes presumably only one Verweis hereon stand, where very in the DB The pertinent data abgespeichert or. to find are. still circa these Verwalterei kümmert the IB-/FB-DB intern Yes evident yourself.
If Roland the still sensible hinbekommt, then would the create of gigant Datenbankanwendungen To into GB- or. TB-area with XProfan probably utterly no border More staid - especially since Firebird as relationales SQL-Datenbanksystem too for gewerbliche Applications free available standing and straight in the commercial area meanwhile already very far common is.
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 03/01/09 ▲ |
RGH | Uwe Pascal Niemeier
I thought there on The thing with StringW , The Unregelmäßigkeit with Pointern as Parameter or The Problems with Memory-DCs with Startpaint ...(means in the principle everything already Done)
Oh, these Kleinigkeiten have I already Done and having tappt im dunkeln well gedanklich already abgehakt.
what ODBC and BLOB concerns, so experimentiere I yet something. The supra of me roughed lane would The 64k-boundary for SQL-Statements bypass. but moreover need I yet something Time.
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 03/01/09 ▲ |
| Ähm.. falls with the the nest of GOSUB´s too under Kleinigkeiten? the would me namely The Umschreiberei of ca. 17 older Profanprogrammen save. Please not forget! Greeting |
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RGH | Peter woodpecker
Ähm.. falls with the the nest of GOSUB´s too under Kleinigkeiten? the would me namely The Umschreiberei of ca. 17 older Profanprogrammen save. Please not forget! Greeting
Yes, this is already Done (by me at least). (and the, obohl it GOSUB Yes official already long not any more gives and only another undokumentierte story is, from Kompatibilitätsgründen moreover existing.)
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 03/01/09 ▲ |
| Superst! Basic-Ähnlichkeit rescued. Vielen Thanks beforehand! Greeting |
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RGH | Dietmar horn
Dietmar hornand the BLOBs go Yes by the 64KB-boundary the Treibers versaut the can so not voices, because others Konkurrenzprodukte To my or. unserem actually proposition works with real Blobs in Interbase and Firebird (however in C Delphi program). only with XProfan shining the yet unfortunately even not yet To klappen.
These others programs communicate under Umständen (with ziemlicher safety) not by ODBC with Firebird/Interbase, separate directly. there are naturally integrally others things possible. XProfan kommuniziert only over ODBC with all Databases, a such interface afford. and here bid XProfan (at least not without API) not any Opportunities, separate only The communication over SQL by SQLEXEC (the The ODBC-API SQLExelDirect corresponds to). and for SQL-Statementsgibt it with Firebird/Interbase even The Begrenzung on 64 kB. Pascal has already viewed, How one The ODBC-API benefit can what about me having moreover supra Yes aich already The APIs erwähnt, with them it presumably possible is, BLOBs under evasion the 64k-boundary To befüllen. If I Time find, I will me the time look at.
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 03/01/09 ▲ |
RGH | Uwe Pascal Niemeier
Hi people! Mutmaßung: either is the db-Unterstützungvon Delphi completely differently knitted as The of Profan
Korekt! Delphi can over defined Komponenten directly with Interbase communicate and goes thereby not over ODBC.
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 03/01/09 ▲ |
Uwe ''Pascal'' Niemeier | Hi Dietmar!
the can so not voices, because others Konkurrenzprodukte To my or. unserem actually proposition works with real Blobs in Interbase and Firebird (however in C Delphi program). only with XProfan shining the yet unfortunately even not yet To klappen.
i remember again on whom suggested Workaround, with the The data in several bites in the same thing Datenfeld written go. the Result is definitiv one truer BLOB!
with anybody 32- or 64-KB-boundary irgendeines ODBC-Treibers might the nothing concern,...
Roland mentioned Yes, that this even in anybody Doku erwähnt becomes. the The people of FireBird your driver as Stiefkinder standing isn't Profans guilt
too the EMS-SQL-manager can real Blob-boxes lay out
there could one Yes time look, How it the power... but there Roland Yes anyhow already so zugange is, rewards it itself well not, because the Result already with the next Profan-Version obsolete would.
SeeYou Pascal |
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RGH | and It's all right still: real Binäre BLOBs with XProfan
before I my obiges Beispielprogramm on real BLOBs umschreibe, hierzunächst The Solution by ODBC-API: CompileMarkSeparationwindow 50,50-500,500
def SQLAllocHandle(3) !odbc32,SQLAllocHandle
def SQLFreeHandle(2) !odbc32,SQLFreeHandle
def SQLPrepare(3) !odbc32,SQLPrepare
def SQLBindParameter(10) !odbc32,SQLBindParameter
def SQLExecute(1) !odbc32,SQLExecute
proc SQLPutBlob
parameters Exec$, DATA#
declare stmt&, size&, ret%, error$
SQLAllocHandle(&SQL_HANDLE_STMT, &SQLDBC, addr(stmt&))
size& = SizeOf(Data#)
SizeOf(Data#), 0, Data#, 0, Addr(size&))
If LoWord(Ret%) = &SQL_SUCCESS
Ret% = SQLPrepare(stmt&,addr(Exec$),len(Exec$))
If LoWord(Ret%) = &SQL_SUCCESS
Ret% = SQLExecute(stmt&)
Case LoWord(Ret%) <> &SQL_SUCCESS : Error$ = SQLExecute
error$ = SQLPrepare
error$ = SQLBindParameter
Case Len(error$) : MessageBox(error$ + fehlgeschlagen!, ODBC-Fehler, 16)
SQLFreeHandle(&SQL_HANDLE_STMT, stmt&)
Declare Bild#
Var datei$ = HELLOWEEN.JPG
Dim Bild#, FileSize(datei$)
BlockRead(datei$, Bild#, 0, FileSize(datei$))
var db& = sqlinit(DSN=KursDB;UID=SYSDBA;PWD=masterkey;DBNAME=D:\Dokumente\FireBird\KURSDB.GDB)
SQLPutBlob(INSERT INTO TCS (Feld1) VALUES (?), Bild#)
Print Blob geschrieben!
waitin >
the Result can with the SQL-manager begutachten and z.B. whom written BLOB as Save file and these then with a Bildbearbeitungsprogramm viewing. BTW: Helloween.jpg is ca. 1,5 MB big.
Greeting Roland |
| Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 03/02/09 ▲ |