
SQL for einsteiger??


Hello miteinader,

into last Meet have I something with SQL in XProfan 11 engage.

sees really plenty plainer from as one(I) it itself vorstellt.

before I now deeper into whole reinbohre and Perhaps in a deadend land have I a couple ask on The Gurus

1) I Try now in XProfan SQL over ODBC with dbase, there müßten still The command The equal stay if I The data in ne others SQL-data base pack. - or? I could So the Program without more Changes on Ner others SQL-data base with the same Inhalten connecten??

2) i will the SQL too over Web try. can someone ne recommendation give, where I me integrally simply and possible free, so ne data base install can ?- and I make must, so I from Profan out too link get?

3) If my try successful or promising are, I will probably too so one SQL-system by me home on the Server and on the way on the Notebook arrange.

what can I me there recommend? ( prerequisite by me: sooner inexperienced and no idea)
whom job on the Server (LINUX) becomes well my brother-in-law make must.

on the Notebook(firm) müßt it ne Applikation under windows his, The weder plenty memory (RAM+HD) yet performance frißt and whom Normalbetrieb too deaktivierbar his must. (No - I werd no two Notebooks with me rumschleppen and the work has precedence)
WIN XP home/Pro / XPROFAN 11 / P2CPP

whom course [...]  have through?


1: unfortunately sooner not
2: sooner neither there hardly someone its DB-Server not absichert to Zugriffen of outside

If you a zentralen Datenspeicher benötigst, then is mostly Absicherung important. If Absicherung important is, then can You do not simply whom SQL-Server enable separate must you a own Kommunikations/Wrapperkanal (with Firmendaten would I z.B. on abhörsichereres https zurückgreifen) to data base create.

so functions in the principle too the community. The Beitragseingabefelder are the Wrapper to data base on/in/with the letztendlich stored becomes. The Wrapper position hierbei The Zugriffssicherung dar.

On each drop have You you no leichtes Topic exquisite.


To 1): the should (not more than with minor adjustments) weg. The Syntax at lay out of Datenbankstrukturen is often something different, there different Databases different Feldtypen support. The Access to The finished Databases (SELECT, INSERT, etc.) might but weitestgehend identical his. in the Hauptberuf have I z.B. a application with dBase-tables develops, circa tappt im dunkeln then to ausführlichen Tests on our MySQL-data base the network loszulassen.

To 2): here becomes it tougher. How David already feststellte: most Provider permit not whom direct grabbed from the outside. my Forumsdatenbank (MySQL on of my Domain with 1&1) can I only directly over The Datenbanktools on the Server Edit or, with Programs (z.B. PHP) The there walk.
If it a mere private story is, would it imaginable home a computer as Server in that internet To bring, on the The data base is. then could You you naturally whom grabbed over your Notebook gestatten.


Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

The thing To 2.  Have by me without computer resolved:
on my Router stick one dicker USB-Stick, on whom I of on the way grab can, without the my computer runs (Zauberwort DynDNS). must hold always only The data on it his, which I straight need (working too with Ner USB-disk).
is of course no particularly intelligente and supersichere Solution, I spar me but, NEN kompletten computer on the network to have. I must me hold only, before I go make, consider, which data I because custom.
and to hardship can I too time To dwell phone, the someone what rüber schaufelt...
Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...

Hello miteinader,

thanks already times for The Answer yet.

The data base on the Web need I only testing and try. Private data should there not on it and of what the firm? nööö - on quite none drop. this is one absolutes nogo!

has someone too yet Answer To 3) and 4)
WIN XP home/Pro / XPROFAN 11 / P2CPP

Hello Karl-Heinz,

i'm just thereby, me with Firebird as SQL-Datenbanksystem hither To keep busy, because I the for a größeres proposition absolutely need. The Opportunities of Firebird shine vast To his, and particularly is it as ausgereiftes Open-Source-proposition (as Parallelentwicklung To Interbase of Borland) too for commercial users free.

Firebird yourself occupied on my PC ca. 17 MB Festplattenspeicher, still of it are however one great part eh only Demos and Dokus.


on my Router stick one dicker USB-Stick, on whom I of on the way grab can, without the my computer runs

would be it there not less umständlich, if you you your fat USB-Stick into Hosentasche stick or around the neck hang and mitnimmst, or the on the way benötigte stuff To dwell already on The HD the Laptops copy?

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Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

has someone too yet Answer To 3) and 4)

3: is quite no question! clear, Server To dwell, or into Rechenzentrum wander, or there hire. with Variante Rechenzentrum can But his, the one virtueller Server not ausreicht (because of Portfreigabe SQL) and You a dedicated Root-Server need.

4: Nimm on the best the Betriebssystem, the You letztendlich pleasure have - The Linuxe cost ~20 Euro less in the month.

One Home-Server is seldom ökologisch in the Dauerbetrieb and always with long Ping-times and less Uploadrate gepeinigt...

would be it there not less umständlich, if you you your fat USB-Stick into Hosentasche stick or around the neck hang and mitnimmst, or the on the way benötigte stuff To dwell already on The HD the Laptops copy?

Yes already, only Have I
a) the Notebook not always with
b) my Stick for on the way mostly already fully
c) can I so of each Browser from grab, if I no FTP have
d) be Betriebssystem-independent, You points Yes self, what with one 8GB-Stick under WIN
small XP so everything happens (or even neither)
e) I can me of home (almost) anytime data recharge let
f) my Router langweilt not and the Stick has too its Daseins-Legitimacy


integrally To silence, the my son the too uses, there it in the teach none USB-Stick infect can (must) and so its data nevertheless into school and inverse get...
Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...

Hello together


thanks already times for The Answer. only circa it deutlicher To make. The Server home in the own networking is and should not from the outside zugänglich his. i will hereon only my try with SQL the network make. for so what shining me MySQL in the momentum on the sinnvollsten?????


whom SQL course of RGH Have I already since 2 Meet through, rumgespielt Have so did i already well then goes it with the ask first correctly. go:

5) I work presently over ODBC with dbase. somewhere Have I red, that the NDX-Files earlier not very tenable foreseen get and it over ands over again Problems with one fehlerhaften index given. therefore should these with of/ one Reorganisation over ands over again new prepares go.

How is the now with the Use over SQL? mandatory I the self into hand take? power the ODBC? mandatory I me over The quality and Stabilätät of INdex-Files care make?

6) what happens, if I withal ODBC on The DBF directly access and what change. (No I mean not later for a finished Applikation - I mean now in the Lern- and Testphase) mandatory I then too around the aktualiierung the NDXe concern or Done the ODBC with the next Start of SQL

7 ) can I by SQLEXEC inquire, whether a scheduler or one INdex existing or should I simply new lay out and Error intercepting?

8 ) tactic-question: If I in a dbase-File with several 10.000 Sätzen flaking wants, spring I of set To set and show whom on. Sql is yes a other principle and it would very umständlich always only a set along or backward reading. remaining means The alternative a) entire scheduler wander and ne Save file and then flaking or b) a part z.B. 100 Sätze To into Memory fetch and then with want recharge. What is there sinvoll. Gibts it a others Vorgehensweise?

hopefully I'm going you with my ask not The nerves - i think, there go yet some come

WIN XP home/Pro / XPROFAN 11 / P2CPP


I stand to whom equal trouble. have some my programs with dbase Files and greife by sql command
circa into tables what to search or To write. wished not longer dbase Files make circa it safer
To make and the network To benefit, but somehow have I yet no light Solution found, everything what
I to date above red have is To komplex.

Sato Pinto

XAMPP (see first hits with Date)

X (W / L) windows / Linux
A pache (Server)
M ySQL (data base)
P erl (Script Language)
P HP (Script Language)

is even little more drin in this pkg. there it for Linux and Windows available is,
can too well offline with the data works. a Dump (Backup) can with the
encompassed phpMyAdmin very slight create and on the each others system einpflegen.
thereby can the Backup too The entire data base-structure mitspeichern/lay out.

XAMPP self is a Developersystem (sperr-angel-far-open) but To Apache-MySQL-PHP
there pages in the network, a very detailed guide give How to the abstellt.

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.


for so what shining me MySQL in the momentum on the sinnvollsten?????

To 5.)
The Reorganisations-orgy is well the reason Why so many of dBase on others (right) Databases change.

circa itself these care To save should You MySQL or PostGres benefit. me personally gefällt MySQL rather. there position one once one which boxes Indexfelder are and then ists well.

To 8.)
SQL can with the amendment NEXT x integrally simply with bites bypass.

look you too time SelfSQL on (is a PDF).

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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