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![CB: 12/18/04](.././../../i/a/188878350943cea808357ab.jpg) CB | Hi,
another question on The Specialists: gives it a Possibility, Winword a Profan-Program out with Übergabe one Parameters to start?
Folgender term: my Program collecting a crowd data a Patienten and places these in a INI-File ex, The with of/ one number (of Ordinationsprogramm pretended) benannt becomes. The File is means zB 1234.ini. the would too at the same time the only Parameter, whom I Word - and so one AutoNew-macro transfer would like. this reads then The INI from and setting automatically The ausgelesenen values into suitable boxes one. goes the at all in this shape or must I as a detour dial? Word can I through Switches moreover join, one new document on Base of/ one designed Presentation to open (/tVORLAGE.DOT) and a designed macro to execute (/mMAKRONAME), mere over additional Startparameter could I weder into diversen Word-Aids yet Internet what Brauchbares find.
Christian |
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![Jörg Sellmeyer: 12/18/04](.././../../i/a/8132362004294faafc5e8c.jpg) Jörg Sellmeyer | Hello Christian, whether the, what You with the macro achieve want goes, white I do not. Word with of/ one File as Startparameter aufzurufen is however integrally simply: Shell LW:\way\Winword.exe D:\my\File.ini and the wars already. Greeting örg |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... ![](https://www.wuestensand.info/images/CoverFataMorganaklein.jpg) | 12/18/04 ▲ |
![CB: 12/19/04](.././../../i/a/188878350943cea808357ab.jpg) CB | Hello Jörg,
have me The last 2 days The fingers wundgeschrieben, a Testumgebung, The for all useable is, prepares, circa my trouble anschaulicher present to. with Shell ... + File GEHTS namely unfortunately not, there becomes mere the document to edit loaded, i want but the in the INI-File encompassed Entries one AutoNew-macro inside the Presentation available to put. the macro would only The indicated the File genügen, in my example 1234. as attachment have I following Files mitgeschickt:
WW_starten.prf (end the File be I hither on The Problematik eingegangen) Patient.dot (Presentation on Base of Word 95) Patient97.dot (the same thing on Base of Word 97 up) 1234.txt (my Musterpatient) - simply to 1234.ini rename (in the Forum VERBOTENE EXTENSION!?, INI goes anyway not upzuloaden)
according to verwendeter Word-Version a the both Vorlagen in that user-Vorlagen-directory together with the 1234.ini hineinkopieren. WW_starten.prf eruiert from the Registry The korrekte Word-Version, proposes then the korrekte directory to and launch (by me anyway) Winword under Using the Presentation - To there works everything.... Sch...Mircoschrott ![](.././../../i/s/heul.gif)
Sincerely, Christian |
![](/intl/i/dw.gif) |
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![Frank Abbing: 12/19/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | Hello Christian,
I can To your trouble momentarily unfortunately nothing say.
but poste here Please not several benötigte Files among themselves, separate pack any in a zipper-File and poste these a File here. power The whole thing übersichtlicher and not so tricky for, the you help wants.
Nix for ungut ![](.././../../i/s/-smile.png) |
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![Jörg Sellmeyer: 12/19/04](.././../../i/a/8132362004294faafc5e8c.jpg) Jörg Sellmeyer | Hi, I have now your Files not yet angeschaut, but could You do not the Profanprogramm The data read let and as a String with unverwechselbaren Separator on the macro transfer? there could then everything drinstehen. 1234|Patient|Krankheit|u.s.w. your Wordmakro must then this String aufdröseln. otherwise could You too your data in a CSV-Save file and the in Word with suitable Feldfunktionen automatically read.
Greeting Jörg |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... ![](https://www.wuestensand.info/images/CoverFataMorganaklein.jpg) | 12/19/04 ▲ |
![CB: 12/20/04](.././../../i/a/188878350943cea808357ab.jpg) CB | Hello Jörg,
thanks for your suggestions, mere: with this proposition goes it therefore, one mehrseitiges Gutachten for a judicial beneideten Schwachverständigen to create. jest aside - is a integrally ernstes Topic. so one form exists from mindetens 5 To open end pages (20 To 100 are not unusual with komplizierteren Make) and has several hundred Entries, where too each crowd boxes empty stay. the would in shape of Strings To fehleranfällig and as csv - i don't know so right, ex the went. partly exists one Eitrag from etlichen hundred characters, The I because of the 255-characters-Begrenzung per Variable auseinanderteilen and later again correctly zusammensetzen must! Also had a INI for me yet a benefit: I get The Patientendaten (name, address, date of birth, etc) already in this shape and should The Ini mere circa further Entries complement. another idea: (unfortunately kenn I thereby not at all from) Can because not Data from of/ one application on another over DDE o.ä. Send?
love Regards Christian |
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![: 12/20/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Perhaps could You you the Clipboard zunutze make,- Perhaps bid WordMakro Yes soetwas How Clipboard-Insert.
salvo, iF - the immernoch everything twice sees because of so of/ one schhhh Viruserkrankung. |
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![CB: 12/20/04](.././../../i/a/188878350943cea808357ab.jpg) CB | Hello, iF
there will need you less salvo, as rather ointment - No, badly jest - Pfui! i know, something like is irrsinnig onerous and disagreeable. Opportunities you baldige recovery! Täusche I, or diving there at a single blow the David hinterm iF-Avatar on?
Perhaps is your idea with the Clipboard none so badly. I see but the following trouble: How I recent geschildert have, launch Word with Parameter-indicated not so, How I it need would. circa over the Clipboard a Datenübergabe To release, should I either
Word händisch started - File New - Presentation dial - Waiting, To the window of Autostart-macro ready is to input. only- then could I The couple numbers too same self eintippen, this is Yes not sense of my Überlegungen!
my Program Word started let, where but always The Original-Presentation (.DOT) opened becomes (d.h. SOFORT to Ziffernübergabe Word to a Save file under - *.DOC join, what with a Word-macro integrally simply To automatisieren would) is probably the sinnvollere lane! Bliebe only yet the following To solve: How screen I, that Word ready is to Übergabe the data? means that not only Word, separate too the Dialog-Window the Makros launched is? Insert goes in the macro, but How mail I The data over Clipboard - Sendkeys? goes the everything too, if Word minimizes launched becomes - if the from Profan out at all possible is? (and if so, How?)
i know, the are a bunch ask and you do you with the eyes anyhow heavy momentarily, but this is one Grundsatzproblem in my proposition! so You (and all the rest of them, this interested) you one Image of it make can, I there so on The legs place, mail I a couple Screenshots (gezippt - otherwise war I of Frank again one aufs eye) with. the Program isn't More and no less than a vollautomatische Creation one Gerichtsgutachtens (here for a Lungenfacharzt) from whom data, The of Ordinationsprogramm and the Lungenfunktionsprüfung come, ausgewertet and and be from it one Calculus suggested becomes. for the Screenshots have I none only letters written!
not integrally without proud: of my Wissens there world-wide no einziges ähnliches Program! for the Urversion (still in WordBasic!) have I altogether round 2000 hours investiert! the were concise 80 Makros with altogether ca 400 A4-pages... now bastle I again - to one year interval - on the Translation to Profan.
with this opportunity would like I too integrally particularly with Andreas Miethe, Sebastian king and etlichen others (inkl. them, The now straight your Time for me sacrifice) for your Help thank - BITTE ALLE VOR DEN VORHANG! ![](.././../../i/s/gut.gif)
If you you so far erholt have, that You your eyes not any more überbeanspruchst, would I you moreover very cordial requests, still too time my Completed: the Messagetable in appearances To take. the have I already to a couple Meet in that Forum set, but yet yet no Resonanz moreover receive. it having itself already etliche people whom Posting angeschaut, is probably still a problem for Hardcore-Profs (Prof standing sowohl for Profan as well as for Profi)...
love Regards, Christian |
![](/intl/i/dw.gif) |
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![: 12/20/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Stop Stop Stop I habs what You need. now white I finally what You want - I make something ähnliches constantly - there know I a super-ploy!
for Formulare - alike which - use I OpenOffice and save these in *.SDC. this is well StarCalc or so. the stature is super for Programmer - The Texts are Reintext - You can there Placeholder settle and these replace.
the Runs so:
vorlage.sdc into Memory Load. Speicherbereiche with translate replace. session.id dateiname Generate (mostly date+time+netID+tickcount(alias rnd)) memory as session.id.sdc Save and openoffice indicate The File To print or only to that Show to open. (shellexec)
The principle is from of my experience bewehrt - I use it steady. The benefit is - one can complex Formulare develop and these automatisiert fill out let. with XProfan can accordingly too yummy Print.
Habs strain time here posted.
I can you really only ans marrow lay with this large proposition the Print above To release - You ersparst The 99% work and have wonderful anpassbare Formulare with everything thatswhy and Dran. and openOffice eignet itself super as Druckprozessor.
salvo, iF |
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![CB: 12/20/04](.././../../i/a/188878350943cea808357ab.jpg) CB | Hi, means on the first look hears itself the time fully genial on! OpenOffice had I, only with the Automatisierungsfunktionen of OO be I utterly not intimate (in the Contrast To Word-Makros...) I had no trouble so, me hither with OO auseinanderzusetzen, into the bargain, where M$ Office-Files too hereon walk.
though should I then on all PCs the Pulmologen OpenOffice install what about me white not, whether the so so a joy has! you mußt you the following present: in the consulting hours werkelt one Server on NT and a couple already something into years gekommene PCs. moreover come a couple Notebooks for it and a colleague, circa home weiterarbeiten to. the Rohgutachten becomes to place prepares, the Feintuning (evtl. corrections and Ergänzungen) To dwell. on the PCs runs one Ordinationsprogramm (Patientendatenerfassung etc.), the program for Lungenfunktion (one DOS-Program!), my Gutachten-Program (dzt. yet The Word-Version) and another couple smaller ones items parallel on win 98, and with the 192 MB RAM!! the Ordinationsprogramm watts to 2 1/2 years ausgetauscht. The EDV-firm has vollmundig promised, that a Datenübernahme from the middle-aged data base no trouble would. as it then so far was, are The people kopfschüttelnd to one Datenbestand of round 30.000 Patienten sat. it has 1 1/2 JAHRE gedauert, To The Softwre half-way störungsfrei run is! You understand my deliberating?! he'll sure sometime times the PC-slippy replace, but this is in a well ongoing consulting hours one Irrsinnsaufwand - not only finanzieller nature - and as long as The pair walk... but i am pleased, that it a possible Lösungsansatz gives, even if I, How said, with OO except the Import of Word-Dokumenten no experience have. my Makros to put namely too yet integrally others things on, the could I but too Profan manage let... Sag time, if I The data in that OO wars and the document to the Import as Word-DOC save...? then would it genügen, on 1 PC OO To install and the both could the Gutachten, How dwelt, on each beliebigem Word close. I werd time see, whether I from Your code schlau will be and the To dwell weiterbehirnen, for first anyway my verbindlichsten Thanks!
Sincerely, Christian |
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![CB: 12/20/04](.././../../i/a/188878350943cea808357ab.jpg) CB | another short appendix: real OO-Docs having XML-stature - correctly?
Christian |
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![: 12/20/04](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Dou you mean sxws?
not that I know - in any case sindse too yet geHuffmant.
I recommend ´ja neither The nutzung of real oO-Docs, separate of SDCs through oO. because these having Klartext.
salvo, iF |
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