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CB | Hi,
another question on The Specialists: gives it a Possibility, Winword a Profan-Program out with Übergabe one Parameters to start?
Folgender term: my Program collecting a crowd data a Patienten and places these in a INI-File ex, The with of/ one number (of Ordinationsprogramm pretended) benannt becomes. The File is means zB 1234.ini. the would too at the same time the only Parameter, whom I Word - and so one AutoNew-macro transfer would like. this reads then The INI from and setting automatically The ausgelesenen values into suitable boxes one. goes the at all in this shape or must I as a detour dial? Word can I through Switches moreover join, one new document on Base of/ one designed Presentation to open (/tVORLAGE.DOT) and a designed macro to execute (/mMAKRONAME), mere over additional Startparameter could I weder into diversen Word-Aids yet Internet what Brauchbares find.
Christian |
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CB | @iF
have now inadvertently with whom Codeschnipseln on your BinPrint answered - standing under [...]
Christian |
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| Hello Christian...
i was in the last Time something with others Things engage and wants time hoping, that I now not To late come or utterly on the Topic vorbeischieße... unfortunately have I in moment no Time, the very To testing - but have you got already time probiert, The Parameter in quotation marks To settle? CompileMarkSeparation many APIs (Perhaps any) having extreme Problems, if in the way-/Filenames or the Commandozeile space vorkommen. setting one The Problemstellen in quotation marks functions it in the rule.
If I it correctly. understood have, have you got there a very useful thing to... |
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CB | Hello AH,
nobody, the To help attempts, schießt on the target past! often enough gives a idea, even if tappt im dunkeln Perhaps not the actually Problematik weiterhilft, a useful Why stay elsewhere - or helps another... The Idea with the Leerstellen is well, mere shining it itself with my trouble sooner for a prinzipielles Word-trouble To deal. the same thing Phänomen exit on, if I Word with exakt the same Parameters from the Befehlszeile starte. evident supported Word (alike, which Version) with Startparameter only Open File and not File New. but even if this trouble not would: I should Word Yes yet a further Parameter - namely my INI-File - transfer. in the drop interprets Word these Dateiangabe as To öffnende File and shows only whom Content the INI on.
Word can I, if neither integrally so, as ideal would, started To to Eingabemaske of my Makros. The only step, the me yet missing, would The Übergabe the Patienten-ID (mostly a 4-5-stellige number). mere theoretical must the still somehow possible his!?
what the proposition angeht - the was (and is it still) really a extreme ambitious thing. The Pulmologe wished really only one form, into automatically any from the Lungenfunktion supplied values registered and be a couple boxes for Anamnese (=Patientenangaben To nude. complaints etc.), its findings, Diagnosen and abschließendes Calculus (what the Pat. yet or not More do must). I have it then suggested, if I already any values available have, tappt im dunkeln still too same auszuwerten (wozu has one finally a PC?). as it me explained, that it the for unmöglich holds....need I yet More tell? To this Time I had into the bargain of Pulmologie so well How no idea, but for Gibts books and Kollegen! apiece More I with the Pulmologie befasst have, have I understood, wieso it the for unmöglich held has! in the meantime have I a Treffergenauigkeit the diagnosis of round 95% access! my größtes trouble was The Generierung a single Satzes! The background: The data for this set were on 4 variables aufgebaut, of them each 7 different values suppose can - something over 16.000 mutants! - and the set ought to on point and Beistrich grammatical correctly. his. I have several weeks alone for used - the final code moreover having only round 200 Lines! concise 1 1/2 years later was the Pulmologen the program still 100.000 öS (round 7200€) worth! (would have been I the to Arbeitsstunden verrechnet, would I in its consulting hours sit and it at employment office from- and come in...) now be I thereby, the whole To profanisieren. WORD-Basic is hold not any more integrally currently and VisualBasic taugt me nunmal not at all! It can of course More, is irrsinnig umständlich, and the automatic converting the Makros is kläglich failed. I habs once geschafft, be but lasting weeks on the Fehlerbereinigung sat and then was The Presentation 3x so big How before and elends slow. then Have I hold on The Search to one Basic-orientierten Programmierwerkzeug made and be with you debarked. Profan is about width strain very similar To WordBasic. much could I without large Changes take, be but far flexibler. The only Key, the me yet missing, is o.a. trouble.
well then enough geschwafelt - any again on The work! - and let you never entmutigen, if you your proposition at times whom edge the despair bring!
Sincerely, Christian |
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| [quote:e3d4c6c712=Christian Bernfeld]@iF
have now inadvertently with whom Codeschnipseln on your BinPrint answered - standing under [...]
Christian[/quote:e3d4c6c712]no trouble so ists still even virtual - therefore having here Yes Snippets Own Threads and therefore have I naturally too there answered.
salvo, iF |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | Hi, how'bout because, if you with Profan whom whole Text erstellst. that is any Speicherungen from the Ini read u.s.w. and the then as Text save. too a Eingabemaske for the form ließe itself with Profan slight create and the Inputs in the Ini or as Text Save. B.t.w. - I faith Inis can ne not defined Size not beyond (64k?). The Textdatei then as Parameter on Word transfer and one macro as Doc with same names save? Greeting Jörg |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 12/21/04 ▲ |
CB | Hello Jörg, sound bestechend, i think probably yet always To very WORD-Basic...
as attachment mail I 2 Files - this time gezippt, otherwise becomes the Admin ernstlich angry his on me - (one Mustergutachten, still in Word prepares, and a typische INI already from the new Version - is of a others Patienten).
to that try Please the following absolutely mind: 1. to filled Funktionalität are missing all relevanten Registry-Entries (a couple hundred) 2. the document basiert on 2 Vorlagen, of them only 1 in the document as Makros include is. (The 2. becomes as ADD-IN uses and has round 800 kB) D.h., it go many functions not weg and Fehlermeldungen hailing, but the Formularfelder can You any try - More as that Word bleats, happens not. 3. the Gutachten is in Word 95 prepares, with all neueren versions results a automatic converting - The ought to with this Makros relatively free from problems functions. 4. around the Schreibschutz To (de-)aktiveren, Please always The Icons in the Symbolleiste (with the the Key) use. Word power namely a Error enable the form-Schreibschutzes: ALLE boxes go geleert.... If you the still time occur ought to - close without Save and new loading helps not, because too a Autospeicherung at Closing installed is - VORHER copy create or hereafter again download....
The Ini has presently 4k, plenty More Better get going not, moreover: if I it create, with Profan-Bordmitteln so one form to create, need I The Ini only More to Datensicherung, any Entries are to Laufzeit as Variable anytime available. the would means too no trouble. only - how can I one so komplexes Gebilde with Profan basteln? where The Formularfelder then not any more coercive necessary wären, because the whole Yes online ausgefüllt would
Sincerely, Christian |
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CB | Hello, love Profaner! I trau me time, auszuprobieren, wieweit Forum living is: I hope, your any have peaceful christmas spent and are not directly or indirect from the schlimmen catastrophe in the Indischen ocean concerned! :| in the interim i was neither dormant and I in beinahe geistiger Umnachtung because of worse headaches The Solution of my Winword-Problems geschafft - the status was Perhaps helpful!? The Solution is so simply, that I almost geniere, not already former daraufgekommen To his! three Lines Programmcode - More was is not - what about me having the MISSING LINK To Winword:
WWStart$ = WW$ + /t + ShortName$(UserDOT$) + \ + Pdot$ + /mANLEGEN with this variables go The Startparameter for Winword tuned: The Leerstellen to and to /t as well as only to /m are WICHTIG, otherwise funktionierts not correctly! Shortname$(), around the Word-Problem with the long Filenames with the Parameter Passing To bypass ********* TESTPARAMETER ********** PatID$ = 1234 The To übergebende Variable ********************************** PatINI%=@WINEXEC(WWStart$,3) with Winexec I get the lever the active Fensters (=mein macro-Dialog-Window in the Word-Dokumentvorlage), now need I only yet with SendString(PatINI%,PatID$) the lever whom desired Parameter transfer - Bingo!
The corrected version of my .prf finds your - if it already goes - in the Attachment, anderenfalls hold later. Vielen cordial Thanks all, which Thoughts my trouble made and have me attempts having To help. Perhaps can my idea too time who another well use - if thereby Problems come along: go ahead - my Mail-address standing you available: in this senses, on one successful and blessed NEW JAHR Christian |
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| the Attachment isn't available because the Extension PRF here blocked is. the has whom background the PRFs of my Server anderweitig interprets and be so the chaos perfect would.
I recommend fundamentally as zipper To attachen.
salvo, iF |
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CB | Hi, Habs already Pinned, (.bas is too blocked - wished Normann straight what send, habs hold as txt getarnt) I have straight Pinned, that in the .prf anyhow one small Error drin is, mail then The korrigierte zipper!
Perhaps could itself zwischenzeitlich someone thoughts make, How Winword first closed becomes, if the Druckauftrag entire gesendet been is - I have in the VisualBasic-Help nothing really Sinnvolles found. :roll: (if need be täts one kurzer Warteauftrag.)
Sincerely, Christian |
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| I can only say - winWord do not have eachone - kost indeed money - openoffice is free too in eachone firm einsetzbar - and the Topic Print is eaten.
salvo, iF |
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CB | Geb you completely right! mere - how can I in Openoffice whom Word-Makros Analog functions perform? there be I unfortunately utterly not sattelfest. In Word-Makros kenn I against it right well from. be straight integrally keen on the Basteln for Normann and - hopefully - soon ready. the only, what me yet missing, is, Word To persuade, to send the Druckauftrags same in that nirvana to go and no stupid Error Message loszulassen, everything else goes already!
if You with you with OO well auskennst - Perhaps could You then the Community anhand the Beispiels show, How the same thing with OO realized go could - the would for us any very helpful (I have sowohl my prf as well as the Word-macro in the meantime so documents, that itself eachone one Image can make, what where Why and How happens...)
Sincerely, Christian |
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Rolf Koch | a File as zipper? goes still certainly too rename? *.frp Rolf |
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