
Start Winword with Parameter Passing - (How) does it ?

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another question on The Specialists:
gives it a Possibility, Winword a Profan-Program out with Übergabe one Parameters to start?

Folgender term: my Program collecting a crowd data a Patienten and places these in a INI-File ex, The with of/ one number (of Ordinationsprogramm pretended) benannt becomes. The File is means zB 1234.ini. the would too at the same time the only Parameter, whom I Word - and so one AutoNew-macro transfer would like.
this reads then The INI from and setting automatically The ausgelesenen values into suitable boxes one.
goes the at all in this shape or must I as a detour dial?
Word can I through Switches moreover join, one new document on Base of/ one designed Presentation to open (/tVORLAGE.DOT) and a
designed macro to execute (/mMAKRONAME), mere over additional Startparameter could I weder into diversen Word-Aids yet Internet what Brauchbares find.

XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

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Hi, Normann!
no trouble! with (WordBasic)Makros have I hold began to program. as the whole Program ready was, were the round 80 Makros with altogether concise 400 DinA4-pages code...

I have in this thread something moreover in front so one Mustergutachten to that Download provided. in this is no einziger character written been, everything automatically ausgefüllt or. through Anklicken registered (no 5 minutes work!)
now be I straight thereby, the To modernisieren. I wüßte only (yet) not, How I one so komplexes document differently as with Word style could, the itself automatically self ausfüllt mitsamt all Graphics into tables To there to automatischen Rechtschreibprüfung etc.
there have I anyhow one funktionierendes interface used.
i know, that the one quite kompliziertes Gebilde is, that I loving gladly differently release would - with OLE wärs sure cool, mere be I with my Programmiererei not yet so far, there really mitreden to. for me But the Possibility, any Patientendaten with a Profan-Program erfassen, in a in common with Word verwendbaren INI To Save and then Word join to, everything further automatically To make, one Riesenschritt.

have me but your File already Downloaded and will be me the naturally in silence standing. thanks anyway for your feedback!

i'm in the interim yet something To Word invaded: Since there it yet something very Praktisches: Dokumentvariable! You can in Word on one clear (!) leaf paper each crowd information invisible Save! mere with the Print out would have You a problem...

In my Program have I the then so resolved, without INI o.ä. eachone, the my Program uses has, could on all in the document gespeicherten data grab, means too home or on the Laptop so weiterarbeiten.

XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

Hello Normann!

fabulous, i'm sincere there- and hergerissen, would have I do not believed, How simply the weg can, if one white, How. from another thread (OLE-Strings) entnehme I, that You yourself already longer so auseinandersetzt.

circa these method in my proposition use to, wären another couple spots To clarify:
1. I must too Graphics into Word-document on a vordefinierte place settle can. These Graphics are not big, solely Cursor - see Mustergutachten (The Pfeile in the scheduler). These go a dll loaded and properly whom ausgelesenen Lungenfunktions-Parameters in my Profan-Program displayed.
(How) can I The then the Word-document transfer?

2. In of my Presentation are a crowd boxes definiert, under etliche Choiceboxen. The Grundgedanke thereby: the users ought to too at Durchlesen the finished Gutachtens (there's one not any more so in the Streß How during the Patientenbetriebs) yet The Possibility given go, without plenty Zeitaufwand yet evtl. corrections vornehemen to.
have You Perhaps so too any Erfahrungswerte? goes the at all (without that the ursprüngliche Content the Choicebox destroy becomes?) or: The übergebene Text weicht from the pretended ex, becomes this as additional selection eingebunden?

3. If I the whole correctly. understood have, becomes the document just as binary written as an commonly Textdatei. can I so too longer Texts transfer or there there a Größenbeschränkung? (theoretical could it Yes vorkommen, that on my own The Anamnese one Patienten several DinA4-pages comprising o.ä.) mandatory I then whom größtmöglich denkbaren Platzbedarf reservieren? then would so a Presentation Perhaps 27 pages having with of/ one crowd leerer pages...and if then The Anamnese time only 3 Lines needed...? ought to I the remainder first with space fill and subsequently in Word again Remove - or?

an question could I in the interim more or less self answer: (form-)boxes can on these point unfortunately not ausgefüllt go - or must to the take action differently set?

i know, the are a crowd ask, i'm but for each Help grateful!

XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

Uff, Yes äh...

can you unfortunately first hereafter in detail Answer must once more lane.

Entschuldige - Yes, I know...!!

but this is one for me really very wichtiges Topic....
I must the only in principle know, before I into presently vorhandenen 11.000 Lines everything umstelle or to some weeks the Experimentierens draufkomme, that it so Yes still not goes!
but red you with the response Time, 1. have I yet sufficient others Module To Change/develop and 2. we're here Yes only on the work and not the getaway...

As I said, i'm but for each Info grateful!

XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

so then want wirs time concern

Erstmal Perhaps what allgemeines about OLE:
-correct me Please if I groben nonsense write-

OLE (neudeutsch Object Linking and Embedding) means nothing
other as The Possibility data (z.B. too Word-Files) into other
document einbetten to. the Control with the the functions should must naturally OLE support How z.B one Richtextedit. thereby deals
it itself in the principle for a mehrzeiliges Bearbeitungsfeld with the Difference the different distribution -and Zeichenformate allows are and How said OLE Objects eingebettet go can. becomes on one eingefügtes Objekt - z.B. one Image gedoppelklickt opens itself the assoziierte Program. the was in general Schonmal right generally.

my small and primitives example has means really nothing with OLE To do - How was yet The question?

means with OLE engage I not yet such a long time (with the whom OLE-String was time ne others story), but the Topic is really
interestingly what about me hope self soon everything understood to have so I
time one Erfolgserlebnis have. :roll:
How Schonmal erwähnt has Uwe Pascal Niemeier itself already ausgiebiger with the Topic engage but I think he's To little Time something moreover To say. anyway have I his example weils so beautiful fit and it sure nothing against it has as attachment rangehängt.

means circa your 3 ask on a shock To answer:
NEEEEEINNN! change mere not your Program, The Solution The I for
my form found have is for me simply rather there in the principle always The Gleichen boxes ausgefüllt and be also a maximum length having. and How already correctly. from you notice must the Space before in Word already via space reserved been his, The File simply
enhance iss Nich.
I wanted to hold gladly a in Profan realized Print Preview with Druckfunktion Stability tsproblem without Word loading To must.
generally would your form too without Word get along (without Fremdprogramm is Yes always schöner especially since Word indeed what costs - JA ICH WEIß ES GIBT OO ) Have means a Page your Presentation time in the
RTF stature stored - Öffne So the example in the attachment and load The
File Presentation.rtf and you see roughly How the whole without Word looks could. The Druckfunktion and the what under Word your Makros Done having z.B. The Auswahlmöglichkeit of alternativen Text should then somehow To foot program go.

but this is everything neither ma even. If you means almost ready are then red it, or spar you the for a new version. I kenn the - there has one one Program almost ready and there falls one one How mans still much better can make and one catches again of in front on...

means if mmmphhh!.......
well I komm now to that SCHLUß!

hope I could you something help on, in this senses
good night!

20 kB

THANK YOU over again, Normann!
you have me terrific helped, even if Pascals example really genial is, I know now, I (vernünftigerweise) make will be - you have completely right. but You know Yes this effect: The really tollen ideas come always first, if one already (almost) is done...

XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

Hello people!

Sorry, Have not at all mitgekriegt, that here too of my Kram The speech was...
but with Word, Dokumenten and Macros I had yet little on the Hut; my Demos relating itself Yes only on RTF-Controls & -Files.
what I offer could would a Possibility, a Bitmap directly in one RTF-Control einzufügen. with others Objects should the too weg, have I but not yet probiert.
if you the help ought to, please again inquiries!

enclosed the complete View source the OLE-RTF-demonstration (Related to the Insert-dialog ought to Yes not secret sein; I wished with the whom Units bloss time try. and everything have I like this neither understood...)


kill Sweety!

10 kB

Supi! thanks.
[quote:98eea9c4c2]what I offer could would a Possibility, a Bitmap directly in one RTF-Control einzufügen.[/quote:98eea9c4c2] well this is still one tender!, if the without whom Insert-dialog goes would the genial.
[quote:98eea9c4c2]...everything have I like this neither understood...[/quote:98eea9c4c2]How beruhigend

Hello people!

here the example to that Insert of bmps in RTF-Controls. to virtually Use must But with the Callback-interface-demonstration combined go, because to the Image otherwise weder move yet Save can.
pointed with others Objects (particularly such, The no Files are) looks, knows I do not.
what want your because at all insert?

BTW: I have another demonstration dabeigepackt, with the itself one simuliertes copy & paste manage can.
Should itself on Objects utilize let.


9 kB

Hi, Pascal!
means what me angeht, müte I a crowd Texts in unterschiedlichster length (of 0 To more or less open end) and a couple small Graphics (really only Cursor) of To profane Word transferieren - see in this thread ca 1 Page back - I faith, that is Testgutachten.zipper. so vaguely should the Word-document then looks. The tables and boxes are already in the Presentation present mitsamt all Textmarken. I have a method found, with the one Word-macro To manage. functions tuts, is only relatively costly and umständlich!

Please look too time in a others thread: Program-competition
I hope but, you become me thereafter not steinigen: there have I u.a. suggested, that You as Hauptpreis a your genialen Torten fabrizieren could.... The schaut Yes really seehhr to Vernaschen from!

XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

Hello Christian!

As I said, with Word and which Macros know I not from. If the RTF-Kram you help can, say simply, what You need what about me will be bad, whether I something suitable find.
with the recent Demos would it In any drop already time possible, from different Schnipseln one RTF-document zusammenzusetzen.
I had too something over Scraps (Dokumentenauszüge), but I find not again

Please look too time in a others thread: Program-competition
I hope but, you become me thereafter not steinigen: there have I u.a. suggested, that You as Hauptpreis a your genialen Torten fabrizieren could....
would be not the first time... almost would Rolf then with from the Partie been, but he had whom train missed.
Apropos Rolf: if it it by then not rather goes, cheek I it ne Special Edition -
flavour Hustensaft/Menthol...


Hi, Pascal!

my Leitspruch who for everything open is, can't integrally solid his - I gebs To: I be for everything open - can means ... ~~ !
but: who always only The ausgetretenen Paths goes, becomes never new territory see!

I had with rtf no trouble! Word-Makros were and are for me only one middle to that object.
me GEHTS in first line around the Formatierung, The is in rtf given. Formularfelder go into rtf just as. If so a direct Übergabe of Texten and Graphics from To profane Word possible would, without Word first umständlich started, then a macro perform, the The data again hereinholt, the whole under one new names Save and Word again close To must, then throw I this Garbage immediate over board!
what I namely with of my method never integrally exclude can: what happens, if one in the background current Program bockt or itself in the decisive momentum important power what about me mail The SendMessage woandershin...
faith me, I would even heilfroh and irrsinnig grateful, if You me as a gangbaren lane show could - I go very gladly ways, where otherwise yet none was!

only to explanation - because of Makros:
The benefit is, that simple Makros self transcribed and b.B. uses go can, without itself around the code concern To must. I have there time one integrally simples example:

on the Textmarke date should the actually date eingefügt go:
Word 97 up (VisualBasic):
and to that comparison Word 95 (WordBasic):
WordBasic was in the german Version one babylonisches Languages-Mischmasch (time dt., time engl. command), otherwise quite pure Basic.
then have I me one book to macro-Programming bought, because I with the record quick on unüberwindbare border punched be. in the Grunde Gibts but a crowd Ähnlichkeiten to that Profan-code, in WordBasic heißts hold
MsgBox(...,...,16) and If...Then,
for need I not circa variables-Deklarationen concern (in VB already) VB likes I but simply not, is me To umständlich. look you time the example on: 2 Lines To .... for 2 simple command! and instead of clear auszudrücken, what one wants, must one communicating, what everything not wants. If I so a pizza order would or quite in a China-Lestaulant ....

Greeting, Christian
XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200


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