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GDL | Hi,
I stand with my Modellbahnprogramm yet to 2 Barriers The I do not hinbekomme.
If to the installation the Proggi by the Installprogramm called becomes, should The link of Startmenue.exe into Startordner. here's now the trouble dess create of/ one registered link and How heist the Startup Ordner under windows in all WinVersionen.
and a letztes me unüberwindbares Anwenderhinderniss is the story the Bildschirmauflösung, The really no Hardwaredefekte created.
its Real not To believe, to take off Problems one set becomes, if one Proggi from the wide volume useable his should.
Hello Georg |
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| To 1. which Installprogramm uses Thou? there simply in the Doku flaking. To 2. Hardwaredefekte? [...] |
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| Nachtrag: The utterly simplest Variante to that lay out one left is a .url File - in the stature of/ one INI. naturally only if you not same a Shortcut (.lnk) lay out want.
write in a File namens meinProgramm.url following Lines:
[InternetShortcut] URL=c:meinprogrammprogramm.exe
and already is it one brauchbarer Link (if too with falschem Icon) |
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GDL | @iF
thanks for Notes. will be whom Code your Link testing.
After long Search, found I the under Snippet gesaugten code again, the me to langer Time with another Prog difficulty made. CompileMarkSeparation $H Windows.ph
$H Structs.ph
$H Messages.ph
$H Commctrl.ph
$H Shellapi.ph
Declare Bbpsettings$,Hsettings$,Wsettings$,X&
Declare Dev#,Static&,Cb&,Dummy$,Ok&,Change&,Ende&,Gc&,F$
Proc Getcurrentsettings
Georg Declare Retstring$,C$,Whx$,Why$,Co$
C$ = Str$(~Getdevicecaps(~Getdc(0),~Bitspixel))
Whx$ = Str$(~Getdevicecaps(~Getdc(0),~Horzres))
Why$ = Str$(~Getdevicecaps(~Getdc(0),~Vertres))
If C$ = 4
Co$ = 16 Farben
Elseif C$ = 8
Co$ = 256 Farben
Elseif C$ = 16
Co$ = HightColor
Elseif C$ = 32
Co$ = TrueColor
Retstring$ = Whx$ + * + Why$ + - + Co$
Return Retstring$
Proc Enumdisplay
Declare F$,Dd$
While ~Enumdisplaysettings(0,X&,Dev#)
If Long(Dev#,104) = 4
F$ = 16 Farben
Elseif Long(Dev#,104) = 8
F$ = 256 Farben
Elseif Long(Dev#,104) = 16
F$ = HightColor
Elseif Long(Dev#,104) = 32
F$ = TrueColor
Bbpsettings$ = Bbpsettings$ + Str$(Long(Dev#,104))+|
Hsettings$ = Hsettings$ + Str$(Long(Dev#,108))+|
Wsettings$ = Wsettings$ + Str$(Long(Dev#,112))+|
Dd$ = Str$(Long(Dev#,108)) + * + Str$(Long(Dev#,112)) + - + F$
Inc X&
Windowstyle 20
Windowtitle Display-Changer
Window 10,10-250,150
Cls ~Getsyscolor(~Color_btnface)
Setdialogfont ~Getstockobject(~Default_gui_font)
Dummy$ = Getcurrentsettings()
Static& = Create(TEXT,%Hwnd,Current Settings : +Dummy$,10,10,300,24)
Cb& = ~Createwindowex($200,COMBOBOX,,~Ws_child | ~Ws_visible | ~Cbs_dropdown | ~Ws_vscroll ,10,40,220,300,%Hwnd,100,%Hinstance,0)
Ok& = Create(BUTTON,%Hwnd,Ende,10,70,80,24)
Change& = Create(BUTTON,%Hwnd,Change,150,70,80,24)
Dim Dev#,156
Whilenot Ende&
If Getfocus(Change&)
Gc& = Sendmessage(Cb&,~Cb_getcursel,0,0)
Long Dev#,40 = ~Dm_pelsheight | ~Dm_pelswidth | ~Dm_bitsperpel
Long Dev#,104 = Val(Substr$(Bbpsettings$,Gc&+1,|))
Long Dev#,108 = Val(Substr$(Hsettings$,Gc&+1,|))
Long Dev#,112 = Val(Substr$(Wsettings$,Gc&+1,|))
If Gettext$(Cb&) <> Mid$(Gettext$(Static&),20,100)
If ~Changedisplaysettings(Dev#,~Cds_updateregistry) = ~Disp_change_restart
If Long(Dev#,104) = 4
F$ = 16 Farben
Elseif Long(Dev#,104) = 8
F$ = 256 Farben
Elseif Long(Dev#,104) = 16
F$ = HightColor
Elseif Long(Dev#,104) = 32
F$ = TrueColor
Settext Static&,Current Settings : + Str$(Long(Dev#,108)) + * + Str$(Long(Dev#,112)) + - + F$
Settext Static&,Current Settings : +Getcurrentsettings()
Messagebox(Auflösung muss nicht geändert werden,Meldung,0)
Elseif Getfocus(Ok&)
Dispose Dev#
Ende& = 1
ass=s4 href='./../../function-references/XProfan/endwhile/'>Endwhile
of these code went it with 3 of my computer well, at 4ten the scandalous bunte wander on the Monitor and a helles whistling.so quick have I still never whom Resetknopf pressed.
to the Shortcut: this heist, if my Proggi NEN Schortcut at first appeal anlegt, becomes my Proggi then joining each Windowsstart automatically launched?
Hello Georg |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | Hello Georg, so functions it at least of W95 To XP: CompileMarkSeparation Vista could Yes time simply someone confirm or verneinen, then know we again More. Greeting Jörg |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 08/20/07 ▲ |
Rolf Koch | under Vista I get correctly whom entry zurückgeliefert. |
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| @Georg: become hold ne dissolution tuned having The the Monitor not brought - same broken ought to but too one Monitor of it not weg - be because its ne Uraltkiste The but just as well on Altersschwäche dahinvegetieren could. a middle-aged Monitor would I eh not To very with Auflösungsänderungen bait. |
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Frank Abbing | |
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GDL | Hello iF,
I wisely Yes not which Graphic-Cards, or. monitors on whom boxes hang.and the it ältere To Steinzeitkisten are ;davon can go out. one should somehow detect can what The box can.
Hello Georg |
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| The Proc Enumdisplay does very this. |
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GDL | somehow can But not weg, there my code Yes any Opportunities apparently abfrägt and nevertheless pfeifts with Streifenbild. place I but the Font of grosse Schriften on small Schriften and The Zeilenfrequenz manually circa GEHTS. somehow skin the whole not there.
Hello Georg |
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