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GDL | Hi,
I stand with my Modellbahnprogramm yet to 2 Barriers The I do not hinbekomme.
If to the installation the Proggi by the Installprogramm called becomes, should The link of Startmenue.exe into Startordner. here's now the trouble dess create of/ one registered link and How heist the Startup Ordner under windows in all WinVersionen.
and a letztes me unüberwindbares Anwenderhinderniss is the story the Bildschirmauflösung, The really no Hardwaredefekte created.
its Real not To believe, to take off Problems one set becomes, if one Proggi from the wide volume useable his should.
Hello Georg |
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Frank Abbing | |
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GDL | Hello iF,
I wisely Yes not which Graphic-Cards, or. monitors on whom boxes hang.and the it ältere To Steinzeitkisten are ;davon can go out. one should somehow detect can what The box can.
Hello Georg |
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| The Proc Enumdisplay does very this. |
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GDL | somehow can But not weg, there my code Yes any Opportunities apparently abfrägt and nevertheless pfeifts with Streifenbild. place I but the Font of grosse Schriften on small Schriften and The Zeilenfrequenz manually circa GEHTS. somehow skin the whole not there.
Hello Georg |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | How wärs simply with of/ one Messagebox, The the User says, it would like Please its Grafikeinstellungen Change, before the program started can? |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 08/21/07 ▲ |
GDL | Hello Jörg,
so Have I it yet. only my User are children and MODELLEISENBAHNER . with us in the Club has not even The Half known How this goes. The would programs The automatically at Windowsstart loading and your Systemeinstellungen konfigurieren, How any commercial programs this too do.
Ausserdem Have I yet NEN fat Brocken to me, namely The Helpfile. any me known good programs having a active Help in shape of Kurzfilmen. differently has one Program no chance.
Hello Georg |
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| @Georg: the lying on it the The Grafikkarte defined Modi of course can - but the Monitor even not. which Modi one Monitor can is IMHO not abfragbar by the Grafikkarte. |
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GDL | have something like already befürchtet. means ne Abfragebox, whether The Grafikkarte and the screen The dissolution xyz can and the User can then decide whether The automatic story implemented go should or not.
Hello Georg |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | what kind of dissolution want Thou to achieve? and secondly: is it really necessary the program in the Vollbildmodus walk To let? alas Yes, to Erzeugung of left Gibts on the Page of Andreas Miethe what expressed Kompetentes. Frag me now not to the Link - I know it neither |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 08/21/07 ▲ |
GDL | Hello Jörg,
a dissolution greater 1024*768*256 colours is unproblematisch.only go with whom Steuerungsanlagen großteils ausrangierte PC-systems uses. it come here yet some 14 inch monitors to that employment (too by me),there after a Anlagenkonfigierung PC only yet in the background runs.any systems on them I mean Nullserie walk let were with 800*460 before tuned. after my Proggi in steuerungstechnischer Hinsicht correct runs and our Elektroniker in the Club too so without Probs cope, I will with the eachone comes so zurecht Umproggen time stop. If I with the whole Messages- and Windowsgedöns, what not so simply with the XProfanhilfe solve can, rather zurechtkomme, pack ichs again on. The next Problems stand namely with the Oberflächenverschönerung again on.
over again all many Thanks.
Hello Georg |
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Nico Madysa | @GDL: of my Wissens is the whistling with the bunten wander (hui, what kind of rhyme ) nothing too Böses. I Have something like already a good many times my Monitor angetan and the tuts still. |
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