Forum | | | | ![GDL: 02/24/05](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | Hi Profaner,
how can I it employ, the one MultiEdit or Richedit on one Dialog-Window so reacted How on the Mainwindow ?D.h. at pressing the Tab key should eingerückt and be not the MultiEdit whom Focus lose.
Vielen Thanks and verbleibe with friendly greet Georg |
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| | ![Michael Dell: 02/25/05](.././../../i/a/98824946545d9d0941f6e0.png) Michael Dell | Hello Georg,
interesting question, Have something rumgeschraubt: CompileMarkSeparationDeclare dlg1&,med1&
WindowStyle 26538
Window 0,0-640,480
dlg1& = Control("Static","Test- Fenster",$D0C001A6,20,20,400,260,%Hwnd,0,%HINSTANCE,$0108) Static - QuasiDialog
med1& = control( "Edit", "",$50B000C4,10,10,380,200,dlg1&,0,%HINSTANCE,$0200) Edit - Multiline
WhileNot Or(Equ(%Key,2),Equ(%MenuItem,-2))
Salu Michael...
Hab zwar krumme Fieß awer dofir e' ecklich Gsicht! | 02/25/05 ▲ | |
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| | ![GDL: 02/25/05](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | Hello Michael,
first thanks for goes already,but unfortunately have I forget To write,that on the Dialog-Window too Buttons are,The already react must.Please not angry his.
Try yet The $number with different numbers in your code from.
Hello Georg |
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| | ![Michael Dell: 02/25/05](.././../../i/a/98824946545d9d0941f6e0.png) Michael Dell | Sorry, the was no very good example. ![](.././../../i/s/icon_redface.gif)
here one better (Hoff!) : CompileMarkSeparationDeclare dlg1&,stc1&,med1&,bt1&,bt2&,bt3&
WindowStyle 26538
Window 0,0-640,480
dlg1& = Create("Dialog",%HWnd,"Test- Fenster",20,20,640,480) Quasi Dialog Fenster
Zuerst die Buttons und alle anderen Controls erstellen
bt1& = Create("Button",dlg1&,"Button 1",480, 60,120,22)
bt2& = Create("Button",dlg1&,"Button 2",480,100,120,22)
bt3& = Create("Button",dlg1&,"Button 3",480,140,120,22)
jetzt das Static- Control als Unterlage fürs MultiEdit (und nur für dieses)
es Trennt sozusagen das Edit vom Dialog und dessen Eigenschaften!
stc1& = Control("Static","",$D0000120,40,60,400,420,dlg1&,0,%HINSTANCE,$040008) Static - Edit Unterlage
med1& = control( "Edit","",$50B000C4,0,0,400,420,stc1&,0,%HINSTANCE,$0200) Edit - Multiline
WhileNot Or(Equ(%Key,2),Equ(%MenuItem,-2))
Michael |
| | | Salu Michael...
Hab zwar krumme Fieß awer dofir e' ecklich Gsicht! | 02/25/05 ▲ |
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| | ![GDL: 02/25/05](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | Hello Michael,
it works correct.thanks.
Can this generally so make,the one with a Static as record one new Objekt new Stile(independent of Window or dialog)allocate can ?
Hello Georg |
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| | ![Michael Dell: 02/25/05](.././../../i/a/98824946545d9d0941f6e0.png) Michael Dell | Hello Georg,
i think into most Make already. Statics are slight on Sonderfälle anzupassen. use tappt im dunkeln too gladly gladly as Base- record for Objects on tab-Controls means everywhere where many Controls manages go. The best Styles this can quick and simply with ControlFellow (in PrFellow) find out.
Michael |
| | | Salu Michael...
Hab zwar krumme Fieß awer dofir e' ecklich Gsicht! | 02/25/05 ▲ |
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| | ![GDL: 02/25/05](.././../../i/a/163757696547b07eee29838.gif) GDL | Hello Michael,
puh,got already a terror. built my ursprüngliches Program circa,only The Save and Run functions went not any more.
coming then behind it,the Windowseigene dialogs (Save,Messagebox etc.),as they in the area of Static lying,behind it hidden stay.
Habs then so resolved. CompileMarkSeparationtextfeld&=das Richedit
SelectAll textfeld&
speichern hier Speicherdialog
riche& = Control("Static","",$D0000120,0,60,800,600,subfenster&,0,%HINSTANCE,$040008) Static - Edit Unterlage
CreateRTFControl riche&,0,60,800,600
Let textfeld&=GetIntResult()
setfont textfeld&,rtf&
have again some dazugelernt.
Hello Georg |
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| | ![Michael Dell: 02/26/05](.././../../i/a/98824946545d9d0941f6e0.png) Michael Dell | Hi,
The problem at Platzieren the Controls ensteht by the Staticstil it deals itself not for a Child separate for a Pop. the means: (x,y = 0,0) is linker upper Bildschirmrand, not left upper corner the übergeordneten Fensters.
Have the whole revised, so the it with a only commands goes.
with Entry / becomes (x,y) correctly staid (Thanks iF): CompileMarkSeparation**** Hiermit können bis zu 40 (0-39) MultiEdits auf Statics erzeugt und zerstört werden ****
DEF ASetParent(2) ! "USER32","SetParent"
Declare MED1&[40,2] MED1&[CtrlNr&,0] = StaticHandle / MED1&[CtrlNr&,1] = MultiEditHandle
Clear MED1&[]
Proc cMEDwStc erstsellt ein Multiline- Edit auf einem Popup- Static (Unabhängig gegenüber übergeordneten Fenster!)
Parameters CtrlNr&,dHndl&,x&,y&,cx&,cy&,zStil&
Declare erg$
MED1&[CtrlNr&,0] = Control("Static","",Or($D0000120,zStil&),x&,y&,cx&,cy&,dHndl&,Add($a8000,CtrlNr&),0,$040008) StaticUnterlage
IfNot (zStil& = 6)
MED1&[CtrlNr&,1] = Control("Edit","",$50B000C4,0,0,cx&,cy&,MED1&[CtrlNr&,0],Add($a8000,CtrlNr&),0,$000200) EditMultiline
Case Gt(MED1&[CtrlNr&,0],0) Or Gt(MED1&[CtrlNr&,1],0): Return -1
Return 0
Proc KillMEDwStc Killt alle mit cMEDwStc erstellten Controls
Parameters CtrlMaxNr&
WhileLoop 0,CtrlMaxNr&,1
**** Programm Start ****
Declare dlg1&,bt1&,bt2&,bt3&
WindowStyle 26538
Window 0,0-640,480
dlg1& = Create("Dialog",%HWnd,"Test- Fenster",20,20,640,480) Quasi Dialog Fenster
Zuerst die Buttons und alle anderen Controls erstellen
bt1& = Create("Button",dlg1&,"Button 1",480, 60,120,22)
bt2& = Create("Button",dlg1&,"Button 2",480,100,120,22)
bt3& = Create("Button",dlg1&,"Button 3",480,140,120,22)
jetzt das Static- Control als Unterlage fürs MultiEdit (und nur für dieses)
es Trennt sozusagen das Edit vom Dialog und dessen Eigenschaften!
cMEDwStc(0,dlg1&, 20, 20,400,420,0)
cMEDwStc(1,dlg1&,460,180,162,160,$06) letzter Parameter auf $06 zum ausrichten des Controls
WhileNot Or(Equ(%Key,2),Equ(%MenuItem,-2))
Michael... |
| | | Salu Michael...
Hab zwar krumme Fieß awer dofir e' ecklich Gsicht! | 02/26/05 ▲ |
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| | ![iF: 02/26/05](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | | | | | |
| | ![Michael Dell: 02/26/05](.././../../i/a/98824946545d9d0941f6e0.png) Michael Dell | Hello iF, whom knew I not yet ![](.././../../i/s/icon_redface.gif)
thanks ![](.././../../i/s/03.gif)
Michael... |
| | | Salu Michael...
Hab zwar krumme Fieß awer dofir e' ecklich Gsicht! | 02/26/05 ▲ |
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| | ![iF: 02/26/05](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | Achso lol - I Have gegrübelt whether the Nich detriments mitsich bring - aba so ists Yes jut.
salvo, iF ![](.././../../i/s/icon_redface.gif) |
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| | ![CB: 02/26/05](.././../../i/a/188878350943cea808357ab.jpg) CB | [quote:a59489485d=Georg Dankesreiter]coming then behind it,the Windowseigene dialogs (Save,Messagebox etc.),as they in the area of Static lying,behind it hidden stay. [/quote:a59489485d] Hello Georg, Perhaps helps you too one erweiterter Style for Messageboxen: (statement from the Profan-Help)
values for FENSTERART: 0 - normales Window (~MB_APPLMODAL) 4096 - large, not verschiebbares Error-Window (~MB_SYSTEMMODAL) 8192- How 0, however for unsichtbare Window (~MB_TASKMODAL) 16384- fügt a Help-Button hinzu (~MB_HELP) 65536- The MessageBox becomes into Vordergrund staid (~MB_SETFOREGROUND) 262144- The MessageBox becomes into Vordergrund staid and remaining there (~MB_TOPMOST) 524288- Text rechtsbündig report (~MB_RIGHT)
Greeting, Christian |
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