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 ByteAttack | i'd gladly behind one TabControl one "Tab-add-Button" create. (see Image)
gives it a Possibility The position of/ one Schaltfläche To detect?
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 RGH | there You at produce the Tabs Yes your wide angibst, ought to The Errechnung the position for the + Yes no wirkliches trouble his. Any Tabs same wide, must You only The Number of Tabs vorhalten.
Greeting Roland |
| XProfan X2Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4 | 09/27/15 ▲ |
 ByteAttack | at create the TabControl give I Yes The wide the whole Tabs on... furthermore is the Tabüberschrift not always same, and the white I before neither... (becomes a DB loaded) Well - not so bad  |
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 Klaus Müller | Why the plus not as tab?
$H commctrl.ph'<-- important for SetActiveTab https://XProfan.net/intl/de/header/commctrl-ph/
Declare tabctrl&, number%
Window Title "Beenden to drittem new Tab"
tabctrl& = Create("TabCtrl",%HWnd,"A",0,0,500,300)
anzahl% = 1
InsertTab(tabctrl&, number%, "B")
anzahl% = 2
InsertTab(tabctrl&, number%, "C")
anzahl% = 3
InsertTab(tabctrl&, number%, "+")
anzahl% = 4
While number% < 8
If TabChanged(tabctrl&)
If GetActiveTab(tabctrl&) = number%-1
InsertTab(tabctrl&, number%-1, Str $(number%))
number% = number% + 1
Proc SetActiveTab
Parameters hTab&, TabIndex&
@SendMessage(hTab&, ~TCM_SETCURFOCUS, TabIndex&, 0)
Greeting Thomas |
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 Michael W. | Genial  Chrome machts Yes similar - one Mini-tab becomes appended and then with Click simply one normal between shoved. |
| XProfan X3System: Windows 8/10, XProfan X4 Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 09/29/15 ▲ |
 | In of/ one of my more commercial Softwareprojekte do I integrally similar:

I show this 3Stricher and clicking one on it then Gibts the Sterntab.
JS/ CSS. |
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