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 Rolf Koch | today Have so did i time a question  since lannnnnnger lannnnger Time Search I after a Possibility one by create....%DESKTOP .... in the Taskbar To hide. what I mean: If I one Objekt (Static, dialog u.s.w) on %Desktop create, then becomes unfortunately always the part in the Taskbar displayed. this would like I unterbinden. I can present, that someone time similar Problems having and these resolved has.
second thing is, that if I something on %Desktop create and would like, that this element really into background fly (means absolute background - latest Instance Desktop hold) this not whom usual Parameters by Setwindowpos or selbige by Api, correctly. ganzzzzz far in the background (really similar the lever internet Explorer_Server - this funtioniert - but birgt many Abstürze at Neuzeichen) alights.
Nochwas to INFO (not as question) - for advanced  I had a integrally strong Solution found (I had virtual): I setting my application the lever internet Explorer_Server and the part was always as Desktopicons in the background (one Static on this lever). running really perfect, but: now observed I, that with - Sytemhintergrundwahl, Bildschirmschonerwahl u.s.w the lever the IE_Server simply destroy becomes. means überwachte I the internet Explorer_Server lever on If Desktop&=Desktop_alt& and erstellte with Änderung my Static new. however caution: if of/ one itself so already engage has: If one How described a systemweite electoral (update the Desktops, Theme dial u.s.w ) changes and one his Objekt on this internet Explorer_Server prepares has, so must one tierisch pay attention, because the lever this IE_Server becomes within ungewissen sec number of times renewed. what has there Microsoft really smoked? but not only this, separate becomes somehow with many different activities this Microsofthandle simply destroy and again new prepares, so that one too with of/ one permanenten Überwachung The menace runs, his lever on 0 To settle - and accordingly gesalzene Abstürtze get  end the INFO :biggrin:
means I will now again my loved Standart (there runs my application fine (means on %DESKTOP instead of on strangers Handles)) - except for The Problems The I at the beginning geschildert having (Taskleist and background).
Rolf P.s.: Mircosoft and the stupid (nevertheless good) Systemwiederherstellung: having today one extremes trouble and had 3 days back. unfortunately I had me nice Dll with 31 Icons prepares. Jo - The is naturally lane and The 31 by hand gezeichnete Icons - has Bill simply deleted. Well could Yes again the Fehlerhafte system zurückspielen and the Icons and the Dll rename - power too your the in future After create of/ one DLL or ICONS rename. Z.B.: ICON.DLL > ICON.DL_ or ICON1.ICO > ICON1.IC_ and Bill has these at least not deleted  find I Mist, that the simply everything then delete, what executable is and to the Wiederherstellungsdatum prepares watts  |
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 Rolf Koch | Related to the background is resolved. it wurd in reality only one copy of my application on the apertured Windows drawn. with CompileMarkSeparation draw one any Window new and accordingly is the first trouble disappeared 
trouble 1. remaining yet consist: How bring I of my application with none Taskleisteneintrag with %DESKTOP to create or this at least To hide.
Rolf |
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 | Hello Rolf...
Please lach you now not dead, ...but so vaguely??? CompileMarkSeparationWINDOWSTYLE 16+32+64
Windowtitle "Programmfenster"
Window 0,0-0,0
Declare Programmfenster&
Windowstyle 31
LET Programmfenster&=@createWindow(%HWND,"Programmfenster",0,0,640,440)
SETWINDOWPOS Programmfenster&=0,0-640,440;0
While 0=0
| 08/27/04 ▲ | |
 Andreas Miethe
 | Hello Rolf,
look you the at times ! so can You your Window from the Taskbar from- and overlay.
[...]  |
| Gruss Andreas ________ ________ ________ ________ _ Profan 3.3 - XProfanX2 Win 95,98,ME,2000,XP,Vista - Win 7 32 / 64 Bit ASUS X93S - Intel Core I7-NVIDIA GForce 540M 8GB Arbeitsspeicher Homepage : [...]  | 08/27/04 ▲ |
 Rolf Koch | first once cordial Thanks you both.
@AH: Yes your example functions. however replaced time %Hwnd through %Desktop. and this is my trouble, I nutzte one Static which I on %Desktop ablege. functions correct, but it can not hide.
@Andreas: would be Yes genial, but How cache I the so one Child-Window, means my on %Desktop erstelltes STATIC?
over again thanks Rolf |
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 Rolf Koch | Juchuuuu - @Andreas M. your Ole_HideShow functions still :biggrin: I had only a additional Parameter transfer and of course whom the To versteckenden deal. means instead of %HWND simply my Static&. Real class THANK YOU!
only komischerweise must I continuing HideMyWindow 0,static&
Call, there if one irgendeinen Button in the Taskbar clicking and the application/Ornder u.s.w displayed becomes or minimizes becomes, that Window aufeinmal again there's. this sees naturally not so cool from, if with activities under dauernd short my Program eingeblendet and again ausgeblendet becomes. I thought, that this for entire duration of my Programmlaufs counts. ?????
Rolf |
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 Andreas Miethe
 | Hello Rolf,
have so did i virtual the it fuer always counts. goes but apparently only with the Hautpfenster. but there's a yet plenty einfachere method ! If your Static whom advanced Fensterstil WS_WX_TOOLWINDOW has then appear it first none in the Taskbar. CompileMarkSeparation $H windows.ph
Declare static&
Static& = ~CreateWindowEx(~WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW,"Static","Test",~WS_Visible | ~WS_Child,0,0,120,24,%Desktop,0,%hInstance,0)
en |
| Gruss Andreas ________ ________ ________ ________ _ Profan 3.3 - XProfanX2 Win 95,98,ME,2000,XP,Vista - Win 7 32 / 64 Bit ASUS X93S - Intel Core I7-NVIDIA GForce 540M 8GB Arbeitsspeicher Homepage : [...]  | 08/27/04 ▲ |
 Rolf Koch | JAAA!  thanks Andreas. I had only yet $0E hinzuaddieren, there it itself for a Bitmapstatic deals and it diving not any more on!!! PERFEKT. now can I go on.
direct question moreover yet: I use on this Static SKCONTROLHOVERBUTTONS. These can to one Waitinput not by Getfocus(SK...) address. lying on the fact, the the parts itself on the Static lying. means must I instead of WAITINPUT one Getmessage benefit circa it by %MWND = SK.... abzufragen - the works, bring but my Trayfunktion something to that limp. Langer Text , short question: whom Style would You the Static yet add, so The Hoverbuttons on Getfocus(SK.....) react? means the Static vorgaukeln, it would one dialog or Window.
Rolf |
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 Andreas Miethe
 | Hello Rolf,
I fürchte there there none suitable Style ! Verpass the Static one CALLBACK. in the Callback becomes then WM_COMMAND angefragt and a User Message ans Hautprogramm skillful.
example : CompileMarkSeparation $H windows.ph
$H messages.ph
Declare static&,Button&,Ende&,OldStaticProc&
Declare Image&
Proc DummyCallback
Parameters wnd&,msg&,wparam&,lparam&
If msg& = ~WM_COMMAND
Usermessage an %hwnd schicken
Return ~CallWindowProc(OldStaticProc&,wnd&,msg&,wparam&,lparam&)
UserMessages $4000
Window 40,40-640,480
Static& = ~CreateWindowEx(~WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW,"Static","Test",~WS_Visible | ~WS_Child | $E,0,0,120,24,%Desktop,0,%hInstance,0)
Image& = ~LoadImage(0,"c:\windows\setup.bmp",0,200,100,~LR_LOADFROMFILE)Pfad anpassen
Button& = Create("Button",Static&,"klick",0,0,120,24)
Callback setzen
OldStaticProc& = ~SetWindowLong(Static&,~GWL_WNDPROC,ProcAddr(DummyCallback,4))
WhileNot Ende&
If %Umessage = $4000
If &ULParam = Button&
Print "Gotcha",&ULParam
| Gruss Andreas ________ ________ ________ ________ _ Profan 3.3 - XProfanX2 Win 95,98,ME,2000,XP,Vista - Win 7 32 / 64 Bit ASUS X93S - Intel Core I7-NVIDIA GForce 540M 8GB Arbeitsspeicher Homepage : [...]  | 08/27/04 ▲ |
 Rolf Koch | JA, now have You me again any ask To of my content answers. functions now fine!!! thanks Andreas
Rolf |
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