
text split

Hello Frank

at that whom List view because I momentarily use, dank
Gerhard P. Presentation, read I a dbf file one
and can it select wieviele decompose displayed
go, dar I do not any boxes from the dbf file into listview present would like and can each slot The displayed becomes a Titeltext allocate, means
not as header from the dbf file?

have I these flexibility at listviewdll overlooking?

thanks for each hint


Hello Fernando,

No, have you got not overlooking, because it yet not yet possible is.
The List view.dll is Yes first at the beginning (Version 1.0!), there must You me already opportunity give, by degrees New Features add
I map for later one copy of a List view into other, decompose- and line by line, sodaß You Listviews from several Files to your Wish join can.
I need only yet Time...


Übrigens be I of thursday To sunday Not Available, because I do not home be.
Emails and other ask I will means vorraussichtlich first again ex monday answer can...

Greeting, Frank


the spaltenweise copy is almost ready and becomes in Version 1.1 available his.

Greeting, Frank

Hello Frank

when becomes The V.1.1 ready his?

becomes it already possible his at DBFtoCSV manually
The Split and Spaltentexte To define?



Hello Fernando,

V1.1 is quasi ready.
I were yet on different Source code for others Programmiersprachen, The with two User provide would...



Wandelt a dBaseIII (.dbf) File circa in a CSV-File (in memory).

B : Long - Zeiger on a area, into with ReadFileQuick() a DBF-File loaded watts.
A : Long - amount Bytes in B.
s : Zeiger on a area, the The amount Split in the Dbf-File in B receiving (Long-Int) or 0.
Z : Zeiger on a area, the The Number of lines in the Dbf-File in B receiving (Long-Int) or 0.
F : Long - Flag.

Return-Ergebniss: Long - amount generierter Bytes in the new Csv-File (in B).

because many User gladly with dBase-Files works, watts these function implementiert.
A is the Size the File in B.
s must a variable his or one four byte great memory, into hereafter The amount Split registered is. standing here zero, then becomes the Parameter s ignoring.
Z is ditto a variable or one four byte great memory, only standing here hereafter The Number of lines.
F is a Flag. standing here 0, then becomes The Dbf-File without Headerinformationen read. is F = 1, then go The Headerinformationen ditto with read.
Headerinformationen are vergleichbar with the Texten the Spaltenbuttons.

The new erstellte Csv-File standing hereafter in B, teh folks data in B go überschrieben. because a Dbf-File quasi always larger is, as a Csv-File, must with the
Speicherbereichs-Size usually nothing mind go.

Greeting, Frank

Hello Frank

now be I confusion, in your beispielcode
bytes&=DbfToCsv(area#,bytes&,0,0,0) if I whom
last 0 in a 1 change then go The Header
from the dbf file not any more displayed and the
first datensatz appear on the Buttons

loudly the guide should with Flag=0 The headertexte
not attend, or I see it wrong

F is a Flag. standing here 0, then becomes The Dbf-File without Headerinformationen read. is F = 1, then go The Headerinformationen ditto with read. Headerinformationen are vergleichbar with the Texten the Spaltenbuttons.



Hello Fernando,

uiii, then Have I in the guide vertan.
will be the review and improve.

lovely Thanks !

Greeting, Frank

Hello again

comes it with you too to the if no header from the
dbf file displayed go should, the first Datensatz
over The Spaltenbuttons written go?




Yes naturally, this is so desired (and plenty sweat program).
the Flag certainly, whether The Spaltenbuttons with filled go should or not...

Greeting, Frank

good tommorrow Frank

my view to ought to not so his, whom if I
no Header from the dbf file having would like, should ON
The SpaltenButtons NOT the first Datensatz attend
whom on the SpaltenButtons would like I Own Texts allocate
means short declared:

I have a scheduler with 12 Feldern, of it would like I say
we 7 Feldern in the list view present Split, the header from the scheduler should not red go because I for Split others Texts allocate would like, therefore is not appropriate the on the SpaltenButtons whom first Datensatz appear

hope that I it so correctly. declared have



Hello Fernando,

the must indeed not so his, for there even whom Flag-Parameter. is the not staid, then go The Column Button-Texts neither automatically from the File staid.
circa only some Split or Lines a File To entnehmen, becomes it so his, that you The File in one unsichtbares List view complete einlädts, and the Split or Lines, The You benötigst, in your sichtbares List view copy.
accordingly can you one List view create, the The Entries vieler verschiedener Files contains, and nevertheless quick aufgebaut is.
is the ok for you ?

Greeting, Frank

Hello Frank

Yes, so is it ok





Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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