Forum | | | | ![Heinz Bernhard: 08/28/13](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Heinz Bernhard | One freundliches Hello into round!
I had in the Rubrik "Aktuelle Themen" to Posts over the seriellen Port sought. unfortunately coming I only To go to page 10. any thereafter aufgerufenen pages showed only over ands over again Page 10 on - strange, or? well, Perhaps has my IE spun. therefore is my question evtl. already overtake!?
i want data of Notebook into digitale Außenwelt send. there the unit none seriellen Anschluss has, must of/ one over Adapter created go. "Conrad" bid a seriellen 8it-Relaisbaustein on, which over internen Converter on USB infected go can. One Relaisloser Baustein only with digitalen One-/Ausgängen would me of course rather, but whom status can I Yes to whom Relais take off.
These Baugruppe contain for your function but a Controller-Schaltkreis. The entire Programming results over one Mini-Basic.
there XProfan whom seriellen Port address can, would the a swell thing for me. now white I but not, whether XProfan with its command The Programming the Controllers and the erforderlichen Datentransport take can. Basic is me strange what about me had naturally rather with XProfan my data program.
Perhaps can someone from the round help, or a Info give?
i'm for everything grateful. friendly Regards Heinz B. |
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| | ![Peter Max Müller: 08/29/13](.././../../i/a/1936742274bc352d878992.jpg) Peter Max Müller | Moin. i don't know whether you the now weiterhilft. but look can you Yes time: [...] ![](.././../../i/lnk.gif) |
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| | ![H.Brill: 08/29/13](.././../../i/a/86.gif) H.Brill | I have already since years so a Relay Card of CONRAD, but yet with richtiger serieller interface. one it can too with a USB-Seriell Adapter operate.
here over again the code : CompileMarkSeparationDeclare hD%, hB%, schalt%, statusbar%, OK%, hcombo%
Declare comport%, f%, adresse%, kommando%, Pruefsumme%
Declare chk1%, chk2%, chk3%, chk4%, chk5%, chk6%, chk7%, chk8%
Declare daten%, com$, send$
daten% = 1
adresse% = 1
Proc GetCheckboxStates
If @GetCheck(chk1%)
daten% = SetBit(daten%, 0, 1)
daten% = SetBit(daten%, 0, 0)
If @GetCheck(chk2%)
daten% = SetBit(daten%, 1, 1)
daten% = SetBit(daten%, 1, 0)
If @GetCheck(chk3%)
daten% = SetBit(daten%, 2, 1)
daten% = SetBit(daten%, 2, 0)
If @GetCheck(chk4%)
daten% = SetBit(daten%, 3, 1)
daten% = SetBit(daten%, 3, 0)
If @GetCheck(chk5%)
daten% = SetBit(daten%, 4, 1)
daten% = SetBit(daten%, 4, 0)
If @GetCheck(chk6%)
daten% = SetBit(daten%, 5, 1)
daten% = SetBit(daten%, 5, 0)
If @GetCheck(chk7%)
daten% = SetBit(daten%, 6, 1)
daten% = SetBit(daten%, 6, 0)
If @GetCheck(chk8%)
daten% = SetBit(daten%, 7, 1)
daten% = SetBit(daten%, 7, 0)
Proc GetComInput
Parameters id%
Declare in$
in$ = @ReadCom$(f%,8)' 8 Zeichen einlesen
Case @Len(in$):SetText statusbar%, "Antwort : " + Str$(ord(in$))
Proc Senden
' 4 Byte - Rahmen zum Senden erstellen
Pruefsumme% = XOR(XOR(kommando%, adresse%), daten%)
send$ = Chr$(kommando%) + Chr$(adresse%) + Chr$(daten%) + Chr$(Pruefsumme%)
WriteCom(f%, send$)
Sleep 1000
Proc Dialog
'Dialogfenster erzeugen
hD% = @Create("Dialog",%DeskTop,"Relaisplatine 8fach seriell",100,100,600,400)
'Einen Button mit 'ENDE' erzeugen
hB% = @Create("Button",hD%,"&ENDE",10,10,60,25)
schalt% = @Create("Button", hD%, "&Schalten", 100, 10, 80, 25)
chk1% = @Create("CheckBox", hD%, "Relais 1", 350, 10, 100, 25)
chk2% = @Create("CheckBox", hD%, "Relais 2", 350, 40, 100, 25)
chk3% = @Create("CheckBox", hD%, "Relais 3", 350, 70, 100, 25)
chk4% = @Create("CheckBox", hD%, "Relais 4", 350,100, 100, 25)
chk5% = @Create("CheckBox", hD%, "Relais 5", 350,130, 100, 25)
chk6% = @Create("CheckBox", hD%, "Relais 6", 350,160, 100, 25)
chk7% = @Create("CheckBox", hD%, "Relais 7", 350,190, 100, 25)
chk8% = @Create("CheckBox", hD%, "Relais 8", 350,220, 100, 25)
' erste Checkbox setzen
SetCheck chk1%, 1
statusbar% = @Create("StatusWindow", hD%, "Ready !")
Clear OK%' OK% auf 0 setzen
WhileNot Ok%' solange OK% gleich 0 ist
' Hier in der Schleife warten wir mit WaitInput auf Benutzer - Eingaben
' Wir verwenden die in XProfan 10 neue Funktion @Clicked() statt @GetFocus()
If @Clicked(hB%)
'ENDE wurde angeklickt, OK% wird auf 1 gesetzt und somit
' die Schleife verlassen, das Fenster gelöscht und das Programm beendet.
Ok% = 1
ElseIf %Key = 2
' Hier wird das 'X' (rechts oben Schließen) ausgewertet
OK% = 1
ElseIf @Clicked(schalt%)
' Relais schalten.
kommando% = 3
adresse% = 1
daten% = 0
GetCheckboxStates' Checkboxen auswerten u. Bits setzen
'@MessageBox("Ich bin der Autor : " + Name$, "Info", 0)
'Dialogfenster (incl. Button, usw.) entfernen
' Relaiskarte initialisieren
kommando% = 1
adresse% = 1
daten% = 0
f% = @OpenCom("COM5", 1024, 1024)
SetCom("COM5: 19200, N, 8, 1")
' Hier wird die Dialogbox (Procedur) aufgerufen
' Programm Ende
Perhaps has Yes with the Baustein the Platine nothing changed, only hold, that now one USB-Connection there's. then could you whom code original use. must hold only The COMx: properly settle.
PS: for any, also another ser. ticket own : It can his, that these only with a Nullmodemkabel goes, so How by me. either has Conrad the with its Doku forget To allude, or there are Tx and Rx with the production vertauscht been. i think, there went then thousands of Piece out and there the Yes certainly assembly line (Lötautomaten) production is, go well yet some this copies existieren. |
| | | Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 08/29/13 ▲ |
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| | ![Heinz Bernhard: 08/29/13](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Heinz Bernhard | Hallöchen ! too you my cordial Thanks for your umfangreiche trouble.
I have me on reason your and the others beteiligten Profaner moreover decided soon my pocket money To "Conrad" To bring and the Relay Card To buy.
cordial Thanks all The helped having. Regards of Heinz B. |
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| | ![H.Brill: 08/30/13](.././../../i/a/86.gif) H.Brill | can also time here inquiries : [...] ![](.././../../i/lnk.gif) Evtl. has the yet so a Relay Card. with BT can just as over seriell steer. Have too so a and accordingly none Kabelsalat More. |
| | | Benutze XPROFAN X3 + FREEPROFAN Wir sind die XProfaner. Sie werden von uns assimiliert. Widerstand ist zwecklos! Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.
Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange. | 08/30/13 ▲ |
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| | ![Heinz Bernhard: 08/30/13](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Heinz Bernhard | Hallöchen, integrally cordial Thanks for your nochmalige trouble. Schade, I on BT none virtual have. but now is it unfortunately To late, evtl.. can I Yes time others so help.
since few hours be I now "stolzer Besitzer" the "Seriellen-Conrad-Relay Card with USB". now can I "loslegen" and any Notes testing and process.
thanks and Greeting Heinz B. |
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