
the Shutdown intercepting...

Hello Profaner...

I have the following trouble:
on the attempt windows herunterzufahren must one Program of me properly react.

i know, the windows at Shutdown The Message WM_QUERYENDSESSION on each Program sends and on a positive feedback wait. How can I these Message with Profan intercepting and properly treat? has someone a idea???

Profan 7.5 => windows2000/XP

Hello Andeas,

with XProfan could you the sure over one Subclassing release
but too with niedrigeren Profanversion ought to the possible his. On of my Webpage find You The small Freeware Message.dll. so can you each Message receive. In each Window and ex Profan 5.

say we time so - it would too meaningfully if Roland these ok-killme not generally sends - separate Perhaps The treatise which of/ one XProfan-Proc überlässt.

salvo, iF

Hello IF...

the see I just as, unfortunately help me the now not further. gives it no API The Messages abfängt and a arbitrary feedback on windows sends?...

I have here time a Source in Delphi - have unfortunately To little Idea around the complete To understand and umzusetzen.
can someone [...]  what begin?

@Frank: I have unfortunately no idea, How me your DLL there help on can. what can The everything?


OK, I faith whom View source have I now understood:
on Offset GWL_WNDPROC the Fensters is The address of/ one procedure. These procedure is for zuständig Messages, The on the window gesendet go, To process.
circa Messages, The on the window gendet go, not first of this procedure treat To let, setting one simply with SetWindowlong the value with GWL_WNDPROC on The address of/ one others procedure and observes the address the middle-aged procedure. in my case should these procedure with the arriving Message WM_QUERYENDSESSION really only the value 0 give back - or 1 if the system heruntergefahren go should. All other Messages müßten then with CallWindowProc within this procedure on The gemerkte, old address detoured go.

with Profan, anyway with Version 7.5, come I - as far as i know - not on a address of/ one in my Program stehenden procedure.
If I but one DLL had, could I The address of/ one there stehenden procedure with GetProcAddress find out and these for the SubClassing use.

have I now utterly Mist verzapft or is correct the vaguely so???


ziemlicher Mist, Yes.
think on it, Profan is and remains a Interpretersprache.
you have my Dll, The listet you each Message on. whether You so the Shutdown intercepting can, knows I do not. the must You yourself harausfinden, I Have momentarily simply plenty zuwenig Time...

never mind, Frank - gives indeed yet others.
it works - so How I the would like - with your DLL unfortunately not.

on any others: can me as unwissendem sonsteiner time explain, what Subclassing exactly? What exactly is ziemlicher Mist with empty Überlegungen???

target the thing is vaguely one behaviour as Notepad shows:
If windows heruntergefahren and is a File straight machine, but not yet abgespeichert watts, gives Notepad a Messagebox from. If here Cancel pressed becomes, becomes the system not heruntergefahren.

Hi, Andreas!

directly help on can I you unfortunately not, but look you the time hither on:
is one quite geniales Program with a couple dlls, The though with ResourceHacker not to open are (ASM-Dlls?). Perhaps have You there ne Possibility moreover - or Frank, if it time less Überfluß on work has?

Greeting, Christian
XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

Hello Christian...

the Program I will me In any drop standing - unfortunately becomes it me with my trouble not help.
windows sends at Shutdown The Message WM_QUERYENDSESION on each Toplevelfenster. each Window gives, conditioned through its class (if I the right understand), a worth (either 1 or 0) on windows back. 1=Windows must heruntergefahren go 0=Windows must not heruntergefahren go. first if any Window a 1 zurückliefern, becomes Windows finishes and the Message WM_ENDSESSION on each Toplevelfenster gesendet => see Notepad.

The Message WM_QUERYENDSESION can I under designed terms too with Profan receive => presupposed I work with windows98, there there the Shutdown something differently expires as under WindowsNT.
there my Program - well conditioned by the, I as Fensterklasse understand - but immediate to the receptions the Message gekillt becomes, bring me the nothing.

I must means somehow on The class of my Mainwindow ran, circa there something To change.
with Profan on my own does it well not - anyway not 7.5, because moreover need I The address a kind Ersatzprozedur.

my question: can I with XProfan Subclassing release? gives it a Possibility Subclassing over externe DLLs To regulate? have I the concept Subclassing at all correctly. understood???


Subclassing is the Insert one own Codes into windows-Message procedure. becomes a Message triggered, then becomes these Own routine angesprungen, before in the windows-Message procedure The arriving Message moreover machine becomes. this Own code can now Messages change, Remove or yourself which produce. You could here means your desired Message simply delete or properly hereon react. about so:
Proc NewWindowCallBack

    Parameters wnd&,msg&,wparam&,lparam&


        Return 0


    RETURN ~CallWindowProc(OldWindowCallBack&,wnd&,msg&,wparam&,lparam&)


[quote:7658e6b148=Frank Abbing]@Christian: Perhaps are The Dlls gepackt?[/quote:7658e6b148]
ResourceHacker shows only one leeres area, no Entries.
I have then time with a special editor (really one Plugin of utterly Commander) hineingeschaut:

File is executable (i.e. no unresolved external references)
COFF line numbers have been removed
COFF symbol table entries for local symbols have been removed
Machine based on 32-bit-word architecture
File is a DLL

alas what - the Prog. is Freeware. I schick you times the dlls simply with. Perhaps can your Yes what so begin.

Greeting, Christian

370 kB
XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

straight found: [...] 
Andreas has something like already written


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Stefan M. Caillet07/28/11


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