
Thoughts @Exterrnal() and security

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who in its application with sicherheitstechnisch sensiblen data hantiert, ought to very very over The Use the Profanfunktion @External cogitate.

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If I with DEF The externe function at the beginning of my Program deklariere, when becomes then The dagehörige Sprungadresse determined? at that next Call the function in the program or with the Deklaration?

becomes these Sprungadresse sometime determined, during my Process runs, can I in the loaded Program The Exporttables the DLL change and so The aufgerufenen functions abgreifen. becomes The address at loading the Program at the beginning of my Quelltextes determined, does it not so simply.

the goes in none point against Profan, are thoughts to that program schlechthin...


a Difference with DLL-Call there (though not one XProfan-Program):

DLLs can static and dynamic gelinkt go:

static: here go same startup The DLLs loaded and the Funktionsadressen red, so that with later Call, these already available stand. benefit: is something faster and whom most Programmiersprachen (z.B. Delphi) plainer to program. disadvantage: If the DLLs and/or functions No are, launch the program not and Windows reports, that a to that Perform the Program notwendige DLL missing.
there The OpenGL-DLLs on all of XProfan supported Systemen (ex windows 95/NT 3.51) present are, these in XProfan static gelinkt.

dynamic: here go The DLLs first loaded and the Funktionsadressen determined, as they in the program called go. benefit: If defined Funktionalitäten of users not needed go, need it neither The DLLs on seinem computer having. an Error Message comes first, if The suitable Funktionalität called becomes. disadvantage: its one integrally small little slower and z.B. in Delphi something aufwändiger To implementieren.
The ODBC-DLLs for SQL-interface have I in XProfan dynamic gelinkt. XProfan launch means on Systemen without installed ODBC-driver (z.B. Win95/98 without MS-Office) completely free from problems, created but a Error Message, if one on such Systemen one SQLInit attempts.

in the XProfan-Program go for all with DEF, EXTERNAL or CALL begot DLL-Call The notwendigen DLLs dynamic gelinkt. (the would at Interpreter too none differently possible, there this Yes not know can, take off Schweinereien the geschätzte Programmer everything with it program wants.)

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

[quote:b7f9a07702=Andreas Hötker]If I with DEF The externe function at the beginning of my Program deklariere, when becomes then The dagehörige Sprungadresse determined? at that next Call the function in the program or with the Deklaration?[/quote:b7f9a07702]
first when calling the function in the program. From therefore there none Difference between DEF and EXTERNAL.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

CALL: The appeal follows over The direct address., moreover must means in the XProfan-Program The DLL loaded and the FunktionsAdresse determined go. this lane is umständlich (= slow) and needed several Lines in the XProfan-Program. power really only sense, if one, about with COM-Interfaces, only The Adressen available has.[/quote:b7ae512a2a]
at that appeal with Funktionsnamen must intern too first The Funktionsadresse determined go, so the it with Call IMHO not longer last can, separate just as quick his ought to and ex the 2ten Funktionsaufruf a Geschwindigkeitszuwachs means.

there it in the doing umständlicher is, rewards The usage but mostly not

[quote:8841b3a260=TS-Soft]at that appeal with Funktionsnamen must intern too first The Funktionsadresse determined go, so the it with Call IMHO not longer last can, separate just as quick his ought to and ex the 2ten Funktionsaufruf a Geschwindigkeitszuwachs means.[/quote:8841b3a260]
there XProfan too compiliert unfortunately still not so quick How TurboDelphi is ;) , is it already one small benefit, if Delphi The DLL loading and the Funktionsadresse determined and not XProfan.
with mehrfachem appeal same function can the naturally kompensiert and be then a small tempo-benefit mean.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

Vorneweg: first time many Thanks.

I habs with TNT strain time self ausprobiert and the API MessageBeep from the User32 on The function MessageBoxA detoured. with DEF and External becomes then wirklick MessageBoxA instead of MessageBeep carryed out. The sicherere method would then really The over Call and GetProcAddress (where GetProcAddress with Program Start called go should).

what me gefreut has,: The Profanfunktion Beep begot moreover one Beep, instead of of/ one Messagebox - i think time, this is but not all functions so - or??

Juhu then mach ichs with XPSE Yes correctly. that I from Headerfiles genutzte Apis in Calls umwandle...

Yes, therefore my question here.

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And if ichs correctly. understood have then is the XPSE-Variante even yet safer as The External or Def-Variante since the Funktionsadresse Yes same startup - and not first with first usage related becomes.

Hello IF...

the see so did i so. External and DEF can indeed during the Laufens the Program detoured go =>
- no Change of DLLs on the Festplatte
- no MASM Kenntnisse
- no Kenntnisse of Disassembling

are for necessary. If the Sprungadresse already at Start the Program feststeht, reicht one Change the Exporttabellen the DLLs in memory not aus; I must directly The Sprünge in the View source the DLL redirecting - and this is not so simply. whether one then at all on The übergebenen Parameter comes, is too fraglich.

You can Yes self time with TNT testing, How simply its, with DEF or External aufgerufene functions umzuleiten. my small Test has 10 sec gedauert.



[quote:0917fcffa2=Andreas Hötker]what me gefreut has,: The Profanfunktion Beep begot moreover one Beep, instead of of/ one Messagebox - i think time, this is but not all functions so - or??[/quote:0917fcffa2]
No, not any Profan-functions produce a Beep! ;)

in the serious: its with all functions (except SQL) so: The entire windows-API is naturally static gelinkt. solely The ODBC-DLLs are from besagten Found dynamic gelinkt.

static left goes naturally only DLLs, The definitiv present are and not DLLs, The optionally to application come.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

[quote:627b335246=RGH][quote:627b335246=Andreas Hötker]what me gefreut has,: The Profanfunktion Beep begot moreover one Beep, instead of of/ one Messagebox - i think time, this is but not all functions so - or??[/quote:627b335246]
No, not any Profan-functions produce a Beep! ;)

[quote:627b335246=RGH]in the serious: its with all functions (except SQL) so: The entire windows-API is naturally static gelinkt. solely The ODBC-DLLs are from besagten Found dynamic gelinkt.
the hears itself very well on.


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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